Dance Addict - March 5th

365 Days of EXO Drabbles


The loud music rang through the practice room, and Jongin rolled his body to it, feeling the music, not even aware of who was or wasn’t around him.

C – R – A – Z – Y

4minute’s voices were heard through the stereo, but Jongin’s body was the one moving along with it, managing what he could remember from the choreography, and improvising the rest of the time.

He was already pretty sweaty from EXO’s practice, but while s got tired and started leaving or lying on the floor, he just couldn’t stop. ‘Crazy’ seemed like a nice change of song, and the beat was addictive. Just what he needed to simplify how he felt: Addicted to dancing.

Nothing could make him stop now, he was on a trance that would only cease when the music stopped. But then he’d just put it on one more time, and start it all over again.


The End. 151 Words.

AN: I've been a bit addicted to 4minute's 'Crazy' recently, and with the boys comeback on the way, I started thinking that they must be spending a lot of time on their practice room ^^ So I decided to mix those up, sorry if it's a shorter one!

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Chapter 16: Lol, Sehun the little butthead teasing girl Luhan.
Chapter 15: Yin and yang, chan soo <3
Chapter 14: Precious baby aww. I loved it when ppl came to my bday parties too <3
Chapter 13: Reminds me of the Lucky One MV for some reason.
Chapter 12: Awww he’s a mommas boy. That’s why he cooks so well lol
Chapter 11: Tao being soft for Kris is always <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: Lmao. All I can say, lmao. Zitao loves himself so much...and Xiumin ;)
Chapter 9: Baby Luhan, such a softie.
Chapter 8: Sometimes I feel like kris in these situations, and sometimes I’m like kyungsoo. But damn I wish I had someone to make me free food
Chapter 8: Sometimes I feel like kris in these situations, and sometimes I’m like kyungsoo. But damn I wish I had someone to make me free food