Happy Birthday - April 12th

365 Days of EXO Drabbles


Sehun was lying awake in bed, watching the clock, waiting.


It was going to be his birthday soon, in 2 minutes to be exact, and he had a busy day ahead of him. Visiting his family, going out with his friend, the surprise party he was sure had been arranged. It would be a rushed day.


Yet he felt very calm, watching the minutes go by. He wasn’t awake because he felt too excited to sleep or anything like that. He never really had trouble sleeping the night before his birthday. He didn’t sleep because he was waiting for something.


As soon as the clock changed, he reached over for his cellphone. It was officially his birthday, and he was expecting something.

A message, from a very important person to him. Every year, since they met, Sehun received a text message at exactly midnight, and he had grown accustomed to wait for it.

Because without a doubt, a few seconds after the clock hit the 00:00 mark, his phone screen would brighten up.

‘You have 1 message’

And it was always the same words, but Sehun felt so happy to read them.

“Happy birthday! I love you!”


The End. 200 Words.

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Chapter 16: Lol, Sehun the little butthead teasing girl Luhan.
Chapter 15: Yin and yang, chan soo <3
Chapter 14: Precious baby aww. I loved it when ppl came to my bday parties too <3
Chapter 13: Reminds me of the Lucky One MV for some reason.
Chapter 12: Awww he’s a mommas boy. That’s why he cooks so well lol
Chapter 11: Tao being soft for Kris is always <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: Lmao. All I can say, lmao. Zitao loves himself so much...and Xiumin ;)
Chapter 9: Baby Luhan, such a softie.
Chapter 8: Sometimes I feel like kris in these situations, and sometimes I’m like kyungsoo. But damn I wish I had someone to make me free food
Chapter 8: Sometimes I feel like kris in these situations, and sometimes I’m like kyungsoo. But damn I wish I had someone to make me free food