Bubble Tea Boy - January 20th

365 Days of EXO Drabbles



To his friends, Luhan was addicted to bubble tea. They said he could live out of bubble tea and nothing else for days, without complaining.

But truthfully, Luhan didn’t care much for the drink. He didn’t like it as much as he made everyone think, and sometimes, he even got sick of it. But he’d go and buy some anyway.

His interest wasn’t in the varied forms of the beverage, but on the boy who was behind the counter, serving them.

“Hey Luhan! What can I get you today?”

Sehun brightly asked, getting a nice and controlled smile from the other.

“The same as yesterday.”

Luhan just liked looking at him. He would never make a move, or try to ask him out. He was perfectly pleased with just seeing the boy’s face every day.

“Here you go.”

Sehun smiled as he handed him the cup, and Luhan thanked, starting to move away, butstopping once he say Sehun handing him something else.

“Here, on the house.”

It was a very simple pastry, placed on a few napkins. Luhan thanked again, and made his way out, observing the free food as he walked. It took him a while to notice, and he was completely done eating by then, but there was something written on one of the napkins. He was about to throw it all out, so he quickly retreated his hand from over the trash can, to read what it said.

There was a phone number, along with ‘call me’ and signed by Sehun, with a heart next to his name.

Luhan was completely fine with just seeing the boy’s face every day, but if he had a chance like that, he’d obviously take.


The End. 286 Words.

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Chapter 16: Lol, Sehun the little butthead teasing girl Luhan.
Chapter 15: Yin and yang, chan soo <3
Chapter 14: Precious baby aww. I loved it when ppl came to my bday parties too <3
Chapter 13: Reminds me of the Lucky One MV for some reason.
Chapter 12: Awww he’s a mommas boy. That’s why he cooks so well lol
Chapter 11: Tao being soft for Kris is always <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: Lmao. All I can say, lmao. Zitao loves himself so much...and Xiumin ;)
Chapter 9: Baby Luhan, such a softie.
Chapter 8: Sometimes I feel like kris in these situations, and sometimes I’m like kyungsoo. But damn I wish I had someone to make me free food
Chapter 8: Sometimes I feel like kris in these situations, and sometimes I’m like kyungsoo. But damn I wish I had someone to make me free food