Betrayal - February 10th

365 Days of EXO Drabbles



Kyungsoo smiled as he used his free hand to open the door, the heavy grocery bags he was carrying making his body lean over a bit. But he didn’t care, he was happy. All that weight was wonderful food that he was going to turn into a very romantic dinner for his boyfriend, Jongin.

He was going to surprise him, since it was their anniversary, so he secretly took the day off from work to prepare.

As he placed his bags in the kitchen, a strange noise coming from their bedroom called his attention. Jongin had told him he’d be out all day, so Kyungsoo got concerned, wondering if it was a thief. Out of instinct, he grabbed a frying pan, and held it high as he made his way to the room.

But as he stepped through the hallway and got closer, the noise became clearer, and then easily recognizable, as he had heard it before. It was his boyfriend, .

He lowered the frying pan, walking carefully so he wouldn’t be heard. I couldn’t be… Jongin would never do something like thing to him, he couldn’t. With his heart filled with doubt and fear, Kyungsoo peaked through the room’s open door, seeing exactly what he didn’t wish to see.

His boyfriend was being ed by someone else. Kyungsoo wanted to turn away, but his eyes were glued to the scene, he was frozen. He couldn’t believe what was happening.

Jongin was cheating on him. In their home, on their bed, he was having with another man. And not just any other man, as after a quick second, Kyungsoo recognized that the person in there with his boyfriend was no other than his best friend, Park Chanyeol.

His world was shattered, he felt disgusted, betrayed. He wanted to burst in and yell at the two, make them stop, hit them, hurt them. But with tears already in his eyes, and rolling down his face, he turned away, running out of that place he once called home, that now just felt like a dirty piece of hell.


The End. 348 Words.

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Chapter 16: Lol, Sehun the little butthead teasing girl Luhan.
Chapter 15: Yin and yang, chan soo <3
Chapter 14: Precious baby aww. I loved it when ppl came to my bday parties too <3
Chapter 13: Reminds me of the Lucky One MV for some reason.
Chapter 12: Awww he’s a mommas boy. That’s why he cooks so well lol
Chapter 11: Tao being soft for Kris is always <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: Lmao. All I can say, lmao. Zitao loves himself so much...and Xiumin ;)
Chapter 9: Baby Luhan, such a softie.
Chapter 8: Sometimes I feel like kris in these situations, and sometimes I’m like kyungsoo. But damn I wish I had someone to make me free food
Chapter 8: Sometimes I feel like kris in these situations, and sometimes I’m like kyungsoo. But damn I wish I had someone to make me free food