>Beautiful Creatures

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Review for miche_stephyIzq // Reviewed by: michiusa


Title and Story link:  

BEAUTIFUL CREATURES (Complete, reviewed with one shot)



Title: (12/20)

The title is pretty interesting and a little misleading. When I first saw the creature part, I thought this would be more of a sci-fi fiction with the boys being wolves or vampires. And the definition of a creature is any type of an animal so I think the word is slightly used incorrectly, it's also hard to incorporate how the title fits into the story. I would also recommend not capitalizing all of the letters, it makes it look less attractive and unprofessional.


Overall Appearance: (4/5)

The fact that the title contains the word creatures had me thinking the poster and background should have a more of a dark, ominous feel to it. But the poster and background you currently have works for the plot you have. 


Description and Foreword: (14/20)

Your description and and foreword was pretty good and interesting. I would be careful of the generalization of all three characters catching the beautiful creatures attention in the description. It feels like all three plots are going to be the same. 

The description is also grammatically incorrect, when you write one of these beautiful characters it indicates that only one of the beautiful creatures has their eyes set on all three unsuspected characters. To make it correct it should be: Kyungsoo, Sohee, and Miss Shin couldn't help but smile when one lucky day three of the most beautiful beings set their upon them. 


Plot: (10/30)

The idea of nerds being approached by beautiful people is interesting however not unique at all

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Chapter 179: Saw it now, I am so sorry for all the misspelling and all... That specific story was written before I had any experience here.... LOL

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hermeh #2
read my fic? :)