Latest Polls (81,946 polls)

I wanna update but I'm not sure which one I should upload first, so I'm leaving it to you ❤️

By Kazuhasunknownwife posted

What do you think of (Whispers of the Unveiling) should I stop writting it or should I continue ?

By smaaali posted

Vampires or Werewolves?

By Sun-Gee posted

My favourite ship is chanbaek . What is your fav ship ?

By Justbecool posted

Choose your fighter⬇️⬇️⬇️

By jmjslrn posted

Who should Wheein/Gabby end up with?

By iammyth posted

FINAL! Poll for the three stories you wanna read after I finish 2LS~

By Yooorra posted

What's next?

By saintkarina posted


By chen3pi posted

Story I should Update Next

By Luv3rb0y posted

Will post another winrina/jmj fic~!

By Yooorra posted

What would you like me to update the most often?

By MAT-thesilentpoet posted

The percentage derived from the poll will be the amount of adventuring and written in the next chapter👇👇👇

By jmjslrn posted

第八章高虐预警 快点更还是慢点更

By Iridescent_candy posted

What should I write next?

By iammyth posted

Should I continue my story "Months"? Will you read it if I do?

By August189 posted

Would you be interested in reading an alternate ending to "Amour Interdit"?

By MelanieMarsh posted


By kalifrappie posted

Do I continue this before my new series?

By Dieeeeerri posted

What ship for July

By cicmel13 posted

How do you feel about getting married and having kids?

By jennieshark posted

What story line should I go with for Marvel Boy's character arc

By Luv3rb0y posted

What next mga bading?

By jmjslrn posted

What do you want next?

By jmjslrn posted

What to update?!!?

By jmjslrn posted