>Photographic Memory

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Review for infinite_k_pop // Reviewed by: pilsuk123


Title and Story link: 

Photographic Memory (Completed, one-shot)



Well, at first glance at the story's title, I thought the main plot of the story is going about photography and the memory of photography. Instead, it's leaning more towards Sehun being a photography but the memory part is pretty misleading and pointless. I think a better title would be more ideal, a title leaning more towards a secrecy love towards Jongin and a little clue about the old grandmother who seems to take a huge part in the story. That's about connection and how relatable the title with the plot but judging the title itself, it gives off a feeling of longingness somehow. It's almost extremely memorable and easy to remember, I can immediately recite/say the title immediately after reading the story! All in all, I feel that it's a acceptable and pleasantly memorable title but it's definitely not the best title or best title for the story. The story got so much more to give and the title make it sound so overused and predictable which is not the case.



Overall Appearance:

I love the overall appearance of the story! The poster suited the whole theme of the story with photos in it and the edits was so beautifully done and the font and colour used was great as well. The foreword was nicely done and it's so organized! The description was alright, although I would have hope that there's lesser spacings in between description to foreword, it looks too spacious. The chaptered page was also nicely done! Great overall appearance of the story!



Description and Foreword:

The description was written well and it summarises everything of the plot main's highlight but you manage to kept a lot of surprises hidden. For one, I thought that the higher ranking co-worker that Sehun secretly love is going to be Luhan since the poster shows it that way but I was surprised to read that it's Jongin instead! The description wasn't too long or short so that's good. I'm also glad that you didn't actually reveal any other thing else about the pairings of who's who because while reading it feels good to not know too much for the story's pairing and characters so instead yours was quite unexpected.

The foreword was nicely done as well, you organized everything well and neat! 



The story was so mainly focused in the author's point of view but I feel that those casual questions thrown in the story was rather distractive and kind of spoils the whole mood and setting of the story. For example, 'One might think, why the hell don't you just confess?!'. Such questions thrown in spoils the the scene or the whole scenario you're building in the story. You can try to either change the form of such questions instead to make it blend in better in the story. Perhaps, 'The only reason why Sehun didn't confess was he's ...' Similar point delivered in a different way.

In my own opinion, I feel that if the story is told in Sehun's point of view, it might changes the whole story and how it's being delivered. It could change into perhaps a worse or a better story but I was so in love with Sehun's character that I feel that I might want to read the story in his shoes/his point of view to understand and know him better. If the story was told in his point of view, it will feel more personal and effective to stir reader's emotions.

Moving on to about the story's plot,there's a few parts that I'm unclear of or unsure of. One being the reaction Sehun when accepting about Jonign's unavailability. I'm reading about how painful and torturous and tiring Sehun is with having a secret love/crush on Jongin that lasted for years (long-term) and yet when Jongin revealed that he's taken, Sehun takes it as though it's nothing. He could have shown a more realistic reaction on it. Even though he might not show how regretful he is then, you can write about his feelings and emotions after seperating with Jongin. If Sehun's feelings was as serious and true as written, I would have hope to see a more realitic reaction from him. He accepted that fact too quickly, almost right away.

Next, I find Luhan and Sehun's relationship quite hard to believe because it progressed too quickly and too fast unlike the relation of Jongin and Sehun. It's so sudden how Luhan just confessed that he liked Sehun from seeing a photo shown by his grandmother and hearing about Sehun. It's too sudden and fast. I felt everything was going too quickly from then on.

Here's the part I like to write best- what I love from the story. Firstly, I really admired how you didn't make the whole story a sloppy,melodramatic, drama and romance. The addition itself of the grandmother talking to Sehun and making a change made the whole plot unique and more special than any other stories. You could have simply make it simple, Sehun finds out Jongin is in love with someone else, Sehun finds Luhan, Luhan comforts him and the whole story ends. Instead, you bring in special addition to the story to make it speical and unique.

Next, I don't know if I like or dislike it about the fact that Sehun takes reality lightly. I like how it didn't turn angsty or ugly with Sehun hating himself or something like that even though I love angst but at least it's different and unexpected. Moreover, I'm happy that Sehun can accepts it and find true love with someone else -Luhan.

I realize something that is so important that I'm really impressed with. How beliable the whole story's setting is. You make the story

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Chapter 179: Saw it now, I am so sorry for all the misspelling and all... That specific story was written before I had any experience here.... LOL

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