
Meant to Be?




“Hey Luhan!”

“Oh, hey Kyungsoo!” Kyungsoo patted Luhan’s back and then took a seat. They just chatted about nonsense, but Kyungsoo felt like Luhan had something to tell him. There was a moment of silence and then Kyungsoo broke it with the question.

“Is something on your mind? You seem like it’s bothering you.”

“No… Not really. I… Umm… no, nothing is bothering me.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to bottle up your emotions, you know.”

“I know Kyungsoo. I just don’t think it’s that important…”

“Well if it’s not that important, you can tell me, can’t you?”

“I… Well, it’s a little personal. Do you mind if I tell you tomorrow?”

“Not at all, I’ll just wait until then.”

“Alright!” Luhan’s phone rang and he looked at it. “Ah, it’s my mom. I gotta go now!”

“No problem! I’ll see you later!”

“Bye Kyungsoo!” Luhan left the table and Kyungsoo fell in deep thought about what was bothering Luhan. He was very curious to find out, but it wouldn’t distract him completely. Kyungsoo gathered his items and made his way out the door. Before he left, he spotted Baekhyun studying at a table. Kyungsoo smiled at how hardworking Baekhyun is to pass the exams.


Wow, you’re working really hard… I’m proud of you.


Kyungsoo walked out the library and made his way home.




Luhan is watching TV when he hears his phone ring. He checks his phone and notices it’s a message from Jongin. Luhan sighs and then tosses his phone aside.


I don’t feel like talking to you right now… Maybe later…?


Luhan’s phone rings again and then notices it’s from Kyungsoo. Luhan immediately checks the message to see what Kyungsoo has to say.


From: Kyungsoo ^.^


If you need to talk about anything, just let me know alright? :) Don’t hide these things, or else you’d feel worse later on.


Luhan sighed and texted Kyungsoo back. He put his phone down and stared blankly at his television.


Honestly, I wish I could tell you Kyungsoo. I want to spill out all my thoughts and emotions on you. I just wish it was as easy as that because I’m afraid you don’t like me back… But the signs I’m getting from you… It seems as if you like me. Please let this be true… How do I figure this out…?


Luhan thought about it for a second and then snapped his fingers.


Baekhyun! I’ll ask him tomorr- Damn it, I told Kyungsoo I’d tell him what was bothering me tomorrow. I need to think of something…


Luhan spent the rest of the night wondering about what to do with his situation. He needed to lie to Kyungsoo just this once and then tell him the truth later on. Luhan thought he could possibly avoid Kyungsoo all day and just make his way straight to Baekhyun.


I want to see Kyungsoo, though. Ah, this is so hard! I guess I’ll just have to give Kyungsoo a small little lie… It’s just this once.


Luhan felt content about his plan and then went straight to sleep. He was thinking of what he’ll find out tomorrow.




“So what happened between Luhan and you yesterday?”

“He told me he had something on his mind- well I found out. I asked him what it was, but, at first, he didn’t want to tell me, then I kept on pushing and he told me he’ll tell me today.”

“Maybe it’s that he likes you.”

“Are you serious Baekhyun? Stop joking around, he has Jongin.”

“Yeah, but he hangs out with you more than Jongin, doesn’t he?”

“I guess… But… Please don’t let this be true. I want Luhan happy with someone other me.”

“You better hope that you can get something working, or else you’re going to be another heart breaker.”

“I don’t see what he sees in me!”

“Wow, you’re so insecure about yourself aren’t you?”

“I’m being truthful.”

“You have a lot of special traits about yourself. Stop being so down!”

“Thanks Baekhyun… I just don’t know what to do if Luhan really does like me… What should I do?”

“You can tell him that you’re not interested in him. That always works doesn’t it?”

“It’s easier said than done.”

“Well you need to be truthful sometimes in order to not hurt them.”

“That does hurt him! What’re you talking about?!”

“I meant later on! It’s going to hurt him now, but then later on, he’s not going to hate you for it.”

“That’s if he gets over me.”

“He will, you haven’t really done anything to show intimacy, so it’s not like he can hold on to anything except your friendship.”

“That’s true. All right, that makes me feel much better, thanks Baekhyun!”

“I’m so amazing, as always.”

“Conceited too…” Kyungsoo chuckled.

“Yeah, yeah, anyways, I need to go study now. I’ll catch you later, all right? Just come to the library when your club ends!”

“I can’t believe you’re studying… All right, I’ll meet you at the library after I’m done!” Kyungsoo went off to the his afterschool club and Baekhyun made his way to the library.




Luhan saw Baekhyun alone at the library and thought it was the perfect chance to get his answer. He made his to Baekhyun’s table and took a deep breath before taking a seat across from Baekhyun. Baekhyun made no notice to Luhan and just continued reading his book.

“Hello Baekhyun…”

“Hey.” Baekhyun didn’t even take one look at who was talking to him.

“Do you know where Kyungsoo is?”

“He’s at a club.”




“Do you know when he’ll be back?”

“He should be done at 3:30…”


That gives me around half an hour to get this secret out.


“Sorry to trouble you while you’re studying…”

“No problem…” Baekhyun still continued reading.

“Who does Kyungsoo like?” Baekhyun stopped reading and slowly lifted his head to see that Luhan was talking to him.


“Kyungsoo… who does he like?”

“He doesn’t like anyone… Why do you ask?”

“I’m just curious… Please don’t mention this him. I just thought he liked someone.”

“I won’t tell him…”


Yeah right.


“But why do you want to know?”

“I’m just wondering… I have this feeling that he might like someone…”

“Umm… No, he doesn’t like anyone.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I am sure. I’m his best friend and I would know if he liked someone. I don’t think I’d tell you who it is, but I would tell you that he does like someone.”

“So that means-”

“IF, he did. But since he doesn’t like anyone, I can only tell you that he doesn’t like anyone.”

“Baekhyun, I can keep a promise.” Baekhyun sighed and put down his pencil.

“Listen Luhan, I’m going to keep telling you the same thing over and over again: He. Does. Not. Like. Anyone.” Luhan sighed and nodded.

“Alright… I believe you. Sorry to have troubled you…”

“No problem… You believe me now?”

“Yeah… Thanks Baekhyun. Good luck on your studying!”

“Thanks, see you later.”

“Bye!” Luhan walked away and Baekhyun continued his reading. Baekhyun received a grin on his face and thought about what he would tell Kyungsoo.


I’m so smart Soo. You didn’t want to believe me, but I was so right! I can’t wait to tell you!


Baekhyun wanted to continue reading, but the thought of being right was too exhilarating. Meanwhile, Luhan just made his way out the library to see that Kyungsoo was heading inside.

“Oh hey Luhan, what’s up?”

“Hey Kyungsoo, nothing much. I just finished here at the library. I can’t hang out today, sorry. My mom’s picking me up now.”

“Not a problem… Do you have time to tell me what was bothering you?”

“I think so. All right, so there was a financial problem with my mom and her place, but everything is all sorted out now. She’s going to be fine and we won’t lose the house.”

“It was that serious?! You could’ve told me to ease the pain a little.”

“Sorry! I just didn’t want to complain to you… You might find me annoying for it…”

“We all complain at times, there’s nothing wrong with it!”

“Thanks Kyungsoo… Well, I’ll be off now! Talk to you later!”

“Bye Luhan!” Kyungsoo walks into the library and finds Baekhyun looking around. Baekhyun spots Kyungsoo and signals him to come quickly. Kyungsoo does so and takes a seat next to Baekhyun.

“I need to tell you something important!”

“Well… I’m right here…”

“All right, so,” Baekhyun looks around, “Luhan likes you.” Kyungsoo feels a bit nervous after hearing that.


“I knew you’d say that. Take a listen to this.” Baekhyun recorded the whole conversation between Luhan and him. Kyungsoo listens closely and looks at Baekhyun during his listen. Baekhyun is smiling and waiting for Kyungsoo’s reaction to kick in. After the recording finished, Baekhyun takes out the earphones and waits for Kyungsoo to say something.

“Well? What do you think?!”

“Damn it… You’re right…”
“I know! that someone besides the precious Jongin doesn’t like you right?”

“Shut up… Ah, I need to make sure he doesn’t think I like him back.”

“That’s easy, just don’t text him so much and just take a break from him at times… It’s simple Soo.”

“As I said before, ‘Easier said than done.”

“You worry to much honestly. Just go with it and you’ll be fine.” Kyungsoo sighed.

“Fine, I’ll listen to you. I don’t know what’s scarier: Luhan liking me, or you becoming right all of a sudden.”

“I’m not that dumb!”

“Yeah… sure.”





A couple days have passed and every time Luhan takes a look at Kyungsoo, he can’t help but smile. Luhan is so absorbed in his thought about Kyungsoo that he starts to lose focus on Jongin.

“Hey, Luhan!”

“Huh? Sorry, did you need something?”

“Yeah… I’m curious…” Jongin starts off nervously.

“What is it…?”

“Do you still love me?” Luhan’s heart sinks a bit, but then he regains the strength to answer Jongin.

“Of course I do! Why do you think I don’t?”

“Because… You’ve been kind of ignoring me lately… I just thought that you don’t like me anymore…”

“Stop thinking like that!”


I really wish I could just easily break it off with you… I should do it now…



“What is it…?” Jongin felt very nervous now.


Come on Luhan, you can do this!




Damn it, just let the words out.


“I love you…”


Way to mess up, you’re so stupid.


“I love you too!” Jongin smiled and kissed Luhan’s cheek. Luhan couldn’t help, but smile.


Why can’t I just tell you that I don’t love you anymore? Why is it so hard?


Jongin walked off to his class and Luhan hugged him goodbye.

“I’ll see you after school!”

“Sure!” Luhan was dying inside that he kept hiding things from people.




Luhan was sitting in class and just thinking about his situation that he had to deal with. His thoughts were all in a jumble and he needed to sort them all out.


Kyungsoo does like me… Doesn’t he? I’m sure he does. I’ll find out and then I can finally know the truth. I’ll be happier I guess…


Luhan’s thoughts just kept going on and on and he wanted the day to finally come to an end so he can confront Kyungsoo.


I’m going to do it today… I’m going to confess my feelings to him and then finally let go of this burden in my heart.


The class seemed like it was lasting an eternity and Luhan’s heart was beating faster and faster as the minutes passed by. He was nervous, but also happy because he was confident that Kyungsoo likes him. When the bell finally rang, he raced off to his locker to drop off his things and find his way to Kyungsoo. Luhan’s thoughts totally forgot about meeting up with Jongin after classes have eneded. Jongin walked to Luhan’s locker and saw that he was nowhere to be found. Jongin looked around some areas where Luhan might be, but could not find Luhan at all.


Where did he go? He told me he would meet me after class…



Luhan raced to Kyungsoo’s locker, but stopped at the corner by his locker. He calmed himself down and then took another look at the scene. Kyungsoo was alone and finishing up at his locker. Luhan took a deep breath and walked up to Kyungsoo.

“Hey Luhan… You look worried…”

“There’s something…”

“What is it…? What’s going on?” Luhan took a deep breath.


I don’t care if you love me, or not. But just this once, I don’t care what else is happning.


Luhan pushed Kyungsoo to the locker and held him still. Kyungsoo was very scared and tried fighting off Luhan.

“Shhh…..” Luhan leaned in closer to land a kiss on Kyungsoo’s lips. Kyungsoo closed his eyes tightly and hid his lips.


This isn’t happening… This isn’t happening…


Kyungsoo was struggling to let go of Luhan’s grip. Jongin was hoping to NOT see Luhan here, but when he made his way to Kyungsoo’s locker, his wish didn’t come true. Instead, it was like a nightmare was taking place.

“KYUNGSOO!” Luhan and Kyungsoo both jumped when they heard Jongin’s voice. Luhan and Kyungsoo’s eyes both widened and their hearts were racing a mile a minute.


Oh my God… It’s Jongin…


Kyungsoo was scared. He wasn’t sure if he should be scared for himself or Luhan.

“HOW DARE YOU?!” Jongin ran up and made his way to punch his target. Kyungsoo closed his eyes tight and was ready to take whatever power Jongin had in him. Kyungsoo waited a couple of seconds before hearing the sound of someone falling. He opened his eyes and noticed that Luhan fell on the floor because of Jongin. It seemed that Jongin punched him. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened and he looked at Jongin. Jongin quickly turned his head to Kyungsoo and grabbed his shoulders.


I’m going to die…


“Kyunggie are you all right? He didn’t hurt you, or anything did he?”

“No… He didn’t do- What did you call me?”

“Kyunggie… Do you not like that anymore?” Luhan and Kyungsoo’s eyes widened and their jaws dropped.



This chapter was what I had planned out for you guys! I don’t know if it lives up the expectations of you guys, but I hope you enjoyed it! It’s like two chapters in one, but I wanted it to be BIG. Haha, Well here it is! Finally after all your anticipating and what not, Chapter 90 is finally here! ^.^ I’m sorry it took a while for me to update! 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!