
Meant to Be?
"Interesting name Sehun..." 
"Not as interesting as Luhan." Luhan smiled and continued his walk home. 
"See you later," he shouted as he was walking away. Sehun waved goodbye, but he knew that Luhan wouldn't see it. He let out a sigh before making his way home. Things seemed different for Sehun. There was something sparking inside him and he just couldn't figure out what it was. He put his hand to his stomach and he felt uneasy. 
What's going on? 
Luhan also put his hand to his stomach and wondered the same thing. He shrugged it off and just figured it was excitement from finding out Oh Kid's first name. Luhan just realized that he needed to change the contact name. He opened his phone and went to change the contact before receiving a message. 
From: Oh Kid
Umm.... Want to hang out sometime...?
Luhan had a bright big smile on his face and turned around. He was disappointed because he didn't see Sehun, but the message made his disappointment go away. 
To: Oh Kid
As long as you don't stand me up again. ;P
A few days had passed since Chanyeol's operation and the doctors were slowly coming up with a release date for Chanyeol. 
"The doctor said it could be from 1-9 days." Kyungsoo reported. 
"AHH! I just want to leave this place! It brings terrible memories!" Baekhyun stretched out his arms and fell on Chanyeol's lap who was laying down on his bed. 
"You don't want to be with me?" Chanyeol gave a puppy dog face to his lover. 
"Of course I do! I'm just tired of hanging around sick people." Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and walked away. 
"I'll see you guys in a couple hours!" 
"Alright, bye Soo!" Kyungsoo opened the door and looked at Jongin who was playing on his phone. 
"Kai..." Jongin paused his game and looked up. 
"What's up, babe?" 
"Not to sound selfish, or anything... But we need to spend time... Now. I've been away from you for too long and this whole situation took time away from me that I could've been spending with you. I don't mind since it was for Chanyeol, but I really miss you and-" Jongin put his index finger onto Kyungsoo's lips. 
"Shhhhhhhh. I understand baby. Let's make time this week then, starting now." Kyungsoo smiled and nodded. He felt very happy that he was able to spend time with his boyfriend now. He looked back at the past couple of months and they were terrible without Jongin. 
"Where do you want to go?" 
"Let's get some food, I'm hungry!" 
"Okay! Want to get sushi?" 
"Some SOOshi?" Jongin was dying of laughter and Kyungsoo just stood there still squinting at him. "That's funny! You should laugh! Come on." 
"Fine I admit that's funny... A bit." Jongin took Kyungsoo's hand and smiled. 
"I'll stop teasing you." Jongin kissed Kyungsoo's forehead and they made their way to the sushi restaurant. 
"Did you guys see Soo?" Jessica walked in asking.
"He went out around 20 minutes ago. Where were you?" 
"I was catching up with a friend. He's been sick and it just so happens he's in the same hospital."
"Ohhhhhh, so I guess your feelings for Soo are gone now?" Baekhyun winked, but Chanyeol hit him and gave him a serious face. 
"What're you- OH! SHUT UP!" Jessica was embarrassed and turned around. 
"What?" Baekhyun softly spoke as he looked at Chanyeol.
"You don't just mess with her feelings like that! Be careful next time!" Chanyeol also spoke softly not trying to let Jessica hear him. 
"Sorry Jess." 
"It's fine! Haha, don't worry about it!" 
As Jongin and Kyungsoo were making their way to the restaurant, they spotted some things that reminded them of past times. Kyungsoo let out a sigh and Jongin was worried. 
"Something wrong, baby?" 
"It's just... Before I used to come to this park." They stopped walking and Kyungsoo looked out to see the park in its entirety. "I used to think back to when we would come here... Before you lost your memory. It pained me so much to see you gone. I know you're here now, but just thinking back to the pain and the loss... I-"
"Hey, stop. I'm here now. I'll make sure to do my best to not leave you!" Jongin squeezed Kyungsoo with all his strength and kissed him on the lips. 
"Thanks." Kyungsoo smiled as they let go. "I've missed that kiss so much." 
"Want more?" Kyungsoo was scared to say yes so he turned his eyes the other way. 
"Then you gotta beat me to the swings!" 
"Wait! What?! You're joking right?!" 
"Nope! Now I'm going to countdown!" 
"Wait! I can never beat you at running! You know that!" 
"Then I guess I should come up with a punishment for you." Jongin started thinking. 
"You never know! I've been gone for a couple months, maybe you've improved." All Kyungsoo could do was wine, which didn't stop Jongin from going forward with his plan. 
"Ugh fine! You just want to see me lose. What's the punishment." 
"You have to treat me in a special way..." Kyungsoo got nervous at the thought.
"You're so vague... Tell me more!" 
"Just a special way tonight. Special." 
"1!" Jongin ran full speed to the swings and left Kyungsoo behind. Kyungsoo tried catching up, but he knew he was going to lose. Of course, Jongin won and Kyungsoo caught up with him out of breath. 
"You... Won... Don't you... See?" 
"It was fun though!" Jongin laughed
"Yeah... Right..."  
"Awwwww, my poor baby is tired! Come here!" Jongin swooped Kyungsoo off his feet and kissed him on the lips. "Better?"
"A little more...?" Jongin and Kyungsoo's lips connected again and several times before they started making out. After 10 minutes of making out, they finally realized that they were in a park and they had to stop. 
"That was awesome! Did you have someone to practice with while I was gone?" 
"Hell no! Who would I make out with?" 
"You never know. You're hot so I just figured there was a lot of people chasing after you." Kyungsoo's stomach was going to explode with butterflies and his face was hot from blushing. 
"Look! You're blushing!" 
"I am not! I'm just hot from making out!" 
"I'm sure that's what it is..." Jongin got up and picked up Kyungsoo. 
"Shut up..." 
"You're so cute." Jongin kissed Kyungsoo's lips once more before they started walking to the sushi restaurant. 
"Hi, two please." 
"Sure!" Jongin and Kyungsoo we're lead to their table and they both sat down. Kyungsoo was amazed at how beautiful the place was and looked around. 
"Don't forget that you still owe me something special." Kyungsoo looked back to Jongin. 
"Uhhhh... You ne-" 
"You can't lie now. You owe me something special when we get home..." Jongin smirked and Kyungsoo was getting really nervous. 
Finally back to KaiSoo. I was writing this chapter and realized how much I've drifted from the main pair of this story! I started writing my BaekYeol fic, but nothing is posted yet. Still working. Hope you guys enjoyed this happy chapter. ^.^   
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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!