
Meant to Be?



“Wh-what? I thought you told me we were staying here in Seoul! Why lie to me and make new friends like this?!”

“Son, you can make new friends in America it would be good for-”

“You.” His father sighed.

“Listen son, we’ll talk about this later. Get in the car with me. Don’t worry, I’m not taking you yet. We’re leaving the 14th.”

“No, I want to talk about this now.”

“Get in the car, NOW!” Jongin looked to Kyungsoo who just nodded.

“Jongin, listen to your dad, we can talk about this later as well.”

“Thanks Kyungsoo, I won’t let anything separate us.” Jongin walked into his dad’s car and they drove off.

“Kyungsoo… I’m sor-”

“Don’t be sorry Chanyeol, it’s not your fault. You guys go on ahead… I’m not hungry anymore…” Kyungsoo began walking towards his house.

“I’ll bring you back something, let’s go Chanyeol!”

“Wait, you can’t just leave Kyungsoo like this!” 

“Why not? We can’t do anything about it.”

“We can comfort him and make him feel like he’s not alone!”

“We can do that later, let’s get some food now!”

“How can you be so selfish? Can’t you stop worrying about food for now and just help your best friend?”

“I’m sure some kimchi will make him happy, he can cook away his feelings with that!”

“You’re such a jerk.” Chanyeol ran towards Kyungsoo.

“WAIT! CHANYEOL! WHAT DO YOU WANT TO EAT?” Baekhyun realized Chanyeol didn’t want to answer. Baekhyun sighed and chased after Chanyeol.




As Chanyeol was catching up to Kyungsoo, he could hear the sniffles coming from Kyungsoo.


Wow this kid walked a long way.



“Hey, don’t be so sad about this, things’ll be bad, look at the bright side!”

“What bright side Chanyeol? Jongin gets to go to America and meet new people? He gets to leave me and can’t do anything about it? What’s bright, tell me.” Chanyeol stood there silently.

“Soo, maybe it was just a test or something. For now, let’s forget about it… Not to sound like useless or anything, but we can’t really do much about it now. You’re wasting your feelings for something you yourself can’t change and only Jongin can. Trust Jongin’s words and that’ll make him happy. If he sees you crying, wouldn’t he think you don’t believe that he’ll pull through?” This was a smack in the face for Kyungsoo. He wiped his tears away and started to calm down.

“You’re right Chanyeol… Alright, I trust that Jongin will make it through. Thanks for that.” Kyungsoo smiled and hugged Chanyeol. Baekhyun ran up to them and tried catching his breath before seeing them together hugging. Chanyeol turned around and was shocked to see that Baekhyun actually put his hunger aside.

“We’re still together right…?” Baekhyun looked concern.

“What? Oh… GEEZ, we just hugged.” Chanyeol squinted his face at Baekhyun.

“I don’t know, I mean you could be cheating on me.” Chanyeol smacked Baekhyun’s head which seemed to make Kyungsoo chuckled a little.
“OW! What was that for? Kyungsoo, why’re you laughing?!”

“You’re being silly, I would NEVER do that.” Chanyeol turned around to Kyungsoo and smiled.

“There’s that smile! Come on, let’s get food.”

“Sure, I’m hungry now.”





“Dad… why’re you doing this? Why can’t we live here? Why can’t we just stop moving? It’s getting really annoying and I can’t keep any friends because of it.”

“It’s to help out the family. This job is very crucial to us.”

“Mom can support just me and her. We’ll be fine if you keep us in Korea!”

“Why can’t you just follow me to America and live together under one roof?”

“We’ve been following you for so long! I want to have a permanent place to call home and not have to worry about not being able to keep it.”

“I know moving has been hard, but it’s how we live. It’s how I can find money to give you extra things like your games and vacations.”

“Dad, I don’t want to do this. I can’t do it. I’ve made too good of friends to leave now.”

“You’ve only known these people for about 3 weeks, they can’t be that good to you.”

“They have been friends for many years and then I become friends with them and they all like me. I’ve seen the way each of them sticks up for each other in any situation. That’s why I trust them and I don’t want to leave!”

“That’s a foolish reason to stay! You’re coming with your mother and me to the States! Make new friends there! I will not have any other word of it!”

“Dad, you can’t-”

“You’re not getting your chance to stay here! I’ll make sure you’re coming with us to the States!”

“You won’t be my dad if you do that, that’s something only a monster would do... This job has transformed you into a monster… Heartless.” Jongin told the driver to stop the car. “I can’t do this anymore. You’re not taking me to the States and just watch, I’ll find a way to live without you.”

“You’re really going to rely on those ‘friends’ of yours? Go ahead and watch when they turn their backs on you!” Jongin walked out of the car and slammed the door. He started making his way back to Kyungsoo’s house.




Kyungsoo and Baekhyun were walking home from the noodle shop without Chanyeol since he had to leave early to help his mother with something. He promised that he’d be done in around 3 hours.

“Ah, those noodles were AWESOME!”

“We know Baekhyun, you’ve been saying it ever since we left.”

“But I can’t help it!” Kyungsoo unlocked the door to his house and noticed that Jongin wasn’t around yet. He let out a sigh before walking into his house.

“Hey, don’t be so down, cheer up! You just had some awesome-”

“If you describe the noodles as awesome again, I will kick you where it hurts the most.” Baekhyun’s squeezed his lips together and stayed quiet. Kyungsoo’s phone rang and he got a message from Jongin. Kyungsoo froze and just stared at the picture.

“What’s wrong?” Kyungsoo showed Baekhyun the phone and he couldn’t believe it either. It was Jongin himself, tied to a chair and unconscious who looks like he got beaten. There was a message that followed after.


From: Kim Jongin <3 :)


If you want to see your precious friend again, come to this warehouse before the clock strike midnight. Do not get the police involved or else he’s not going to see tomorrow. I’ll give you hints as the clock ticks on. Have fun! Happy New Year!



There is always something going on between them isn’t there? Sorry about that!! Hope you guys liked this one! 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!