
Meant to Be?
Kyungsoo's eyes were full of tears and he ran out of the school and away. He ran as far as he could and didn't stop until he was exhausted. When he finally ran out of the energy to run, he collapsed to the ground and began crying his eyes out. He was in some park that was usually a half hour walk away from his school. He just let out all the emotions and all the anger within him. There weren't many people, but when they did see him, they couldn't do anything but feel bad for him. 
Baekhyun finished his singing and went to sit in the crowd next to Chanyeol. 
"Where's Kyung-Hyung?" 
"He said he'd be here... I am not sure myself." 
"Why didn't you wait for him?" 
"How am I supposed to know that he wouldn't come here?" 
"Ah, it's no problem. I'll call him." Baekhyun called Kyungsoo 5 times and there was no answer at all. 
"Umm.... I'm kinda scared... If he told you he'd be here... Why isn't he picking up his phone?" Chanyeol thought about it for a moment and realized that something must've happened to him. He couldn't just forget about the performance and not answer when he was only 2-3 minute walk from the auditorium. 
"You're right. Can't you track his phone or whatever?" 
"How do you know this?" 
"You've told me once."
"So smart aren't we now?" Baekhyun got up and Chanyeol gave him a confused look. "What's wrong?" 
"What're you doing?" 
"To go find Kyungsoo, what else?" 
"Oh! I don't know I just thought your legs hurt or something..." 
"I take back my comment about you being smart." Baekhyun made his way out of the auditorium.
"YAH!" Chanyeol realized that he attracted everyone's attention while there was someone else performing. He nervously walked out of the auditorium.
"Nice mess up in there." Baekhyun smirked. 
"Shut up!" Chanyeol pouted. 
"ANYWAYS, let me track Kyungsoo and see where he is... I feel a bit creepy doing this. Hah, I feel like a stalker." 
"You're Kyungsoo's Sasaeng Fan!" 
"DON'T CALL ME A SASAENG FAN! They're so creepy!"
"Aw, my poor Bacon is scared." Chanyeol squeeze Baekhyun and kissed his forehead. "Don't worry babe, I'm here for you!" Baekhyun kissed Chanyeol's lips. 
"Thanks Happy Virus!" Baekhyun's phone rang and it was Kyungsoo calling. He quickly answered the phone. 
"Hello?? Kyungsoo where are you?!" 
"S-sorry I missed y-your performance..." 
"Don't worry about that. Why do you sound like you're crying? Where are you?" There was a long pause over the line. "Hello? Kyungsoo, what's wrong?" 
"Baekhyun... I don't know anymore..." 
"Kyungsoo where are you?" 
"I don't know m-myself." Kyungsoo sniffled over the phone and Baekhyun knew he had to go see Kyungsoo immediately. 
"Don't worry, I'll find you because of your phone." He saw Jongin walking with the new student and ran up to Jongin. 
"Do you know where Kyungsoo went?? I can't find him!" 
"No... Why? Did something happen?" 
"I don't know... Umm hello... I'm Baekhyun...." Baekhyun bowed to the new student. 
"Hello! Nice to meet you, my name is Luhan." Luhan bowed and Baekhyun looked back to Jongin. 
"So did something happen to him?" 
"I'm not sure... But it's alright, I got this covered." 
"Are you sure?" 
"Alright, if you say so." Jongin and Luhan walked out of the school and Baekhyun was suspicious about them. Baekhyun checked the finder and it picked up Kyungsoo's phone around the same time Kyungsoo had called. He called Kyungsoo back and Kyungsoo picked up. 
"Alright Kyungsoo- damn you're far. How'd you get there?" 
"I ran... Please come quickly. I need to t-talk. Please Baekhyun." Kyungsoo began crying over the phone. "I need you now..." 
"I'll be right there!" 
Chanyeol took his bike and Baekhyun hopped on the back and they rose off to Kyungsoo's location. When they finally arrived, they could barely see him since he was laying down in the tall grass. 
"I see him!" Chanyeol pointed to where Kyungsoo was. They both ran over and saw Kyungsoo with a gloomy face. His eyes widened as he saw Baekhyun and Chanyeol over him. He got up and hugged the both of them and began crying. 
"Kyungsoo, what's wrong?? Why're you crying? Did something happen with Jongin." 
"I HATE HIM!" Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun and together they knew that something major happened. It wasn't just Kyungsoo trying to resist Jongin, it was Kyungsoo's reaction to something traumatizing. Baekhyun sighed and hugged Kyungsoo and let him cry on his shoulder. 
"I'm sorry to hear that, just tell me what happened. I'll do what I can to help you after you tell me. Come on Soo, calm down." Baekhyun patted Kyungsoo's back and Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol who just smiled at Baekhyun. 
Kyungsoo finally calmed down and told Baekhyun what happened when he saw Jongin and the events afterward. 
"I'll try talking to him and see what's going on, alright?" 
"No, please don't!" 
"Soo, just let him do it. You're never going to get your answer if you keep on dragging this around." Kyungsoo sighed and nodded. 
"I guess you're right..."
"Alright, you go home with Chanyeol and I'll talk to Jongin myself..."
"Got it, just call me if anything happens alright? Be careful." They made their way back to Kyungsoo's house somehow with three people on a bike. It took around 10 minutes, but they finally got home. 
"You have Chanyeol with you, so don't worry okie? Be strong for your dongsaeng." Baekhyun smiled and Kyungsoo smiled. He nodded and Baekhyun looked to Chanyeol. 
"Take care of him alright? Actually take care of each other. I'll be back in like 20 minutes." 
Baekhyun called Jongin and asked to meet up to talk. Jongin told Baekhyun that he's at the library. 
"I'll be right over there!" Baekhyun walked over to the library and Jongin was waiting in the back of the library.
"Hey Baekhyun!" Jongin greeted with a smile. 
"Hey Jongin! How's it going?" Baekhyun returned the smile. 
"It's going good, and yourself?" 
"I'm good I guess, hah." 
"What's this thing you want to talk about?" 
"Oh yeah... Umm well let me ask you something first: is there something going on with you and Luhan?" Jongin immediately jumped in his seated position. 
"Wh-what? What kind of things? What're you talking about?" 
I knew it. 
"Just like, friends or whatever?" 
"Yeah... We're just friends... What're you trying to get at?" 
"Well... Kyungsoo said-"
"And you believe what he says?" 
"What if he's just making this up to make me look bad?" 
"Chill Jongin, what're you uptight about now?" 
"No, I don't need to chill, that kid does."
"Woah, what're you talking about?" 
"Ever since that whole incident where I found out we used to go out, he's been such an annoyance to me!" 
"How? He's only trying to stay friends with you, what is wrong with you?"
"I don't like him alright?!" 
"I didn't say you did... Why're you exploding everything?" 
"Because you want me to get back with him, right? I don't like him! I will never like him!" 
"Geez, I'm just here to talk it out. I was going to ask to give him a second chance-" 
"So you were trying to get me to go back out with him?" 
"I wasn't going for that... I just wanted to see if you would try talking to him, or something." 
"No... Sorry Baekhyun... I can't." 
"Are you with someone else?" Jongin got up and started walking away. Baekhyun followed him and grabbed his shoulder. "Hey come on, I'm just wondering if you would give-" 
"WOULD YOU QUIT BUGGING ME ABOUT HIM!" Jongin turned around to punch Baekhyun in the face. 
"Woah, what the hell?!"
"I didn't say you were! Why the hell did you have to punch me?!" 
"I'm tired of Kyungsoo trying to get back with me. Doesn't he realize that he needs to move on and kiss someone else's ?!" 
"What did you just..." Baekhyun ran up to Jongin and tried to punch him, but Jongin grabbed his arm before Baekhyun could lay a punch. Jongin punched Baekhyun straight in his stomach. Baekhyun stepped back for a second, but tried going at Jongin again. He failed and this time Jongin punched Baekhyun's head twice. Baekhyun dropped to the ground and tried getting back up, but couldn't fight off what was happening. He felt his head getting light and the world around him was spinning. The last thing he saw was blood dropping on the floor... Before blacking out.
So this chapter is quite lengthy, but I guess I had a lot to write in one chapter. XD So... Yeah. More craziness in this chapter. Sorry for the extremely heightened events, but it's gotta be dramatic right? ;) 
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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!