
Meant to Be?



“Kyungsoo!” Jongin thought he was dreaming when he saw Kyungsoo in front of him. Kyungsoo looked shocked to see Jongin and Jessica together in front of his locker. Jessica knew why Jongin had picked this particular locker now. Kyungsoo stood there for another few seconds before turning around and heading down the stairs. Jessica ran after him and stopped him before he turned to go down another flight of stairs.

“Kyungsoo! Where are you going? Your locker is over here. Come and just take what you need.”

“Jess… you wanted me to come here and return back to being hurt? You want to see me hurt?” Jessica turned around to Jongin who had his head on his knees and covered by his arms. She turned back around and Kyungsoo was gone. She sighed and walked back to Jongin.

“Come on, get up, and don’t be so sad about this. Give it some time and then we’ll figure something out.”




“Baekhyun!” Baekhyun jumped and turned around. He knew exactly whose voice that was.

“Ah, Kyungsoo, where have you been?” Baekhyun turned around to Kyungsoo.

“I’ve been home. How was school?”

“It was good, oh yeah!” Baekhyun handed Kyungsoo the work he missed for the day. “And I’ll give you my notes now if you want them now.”

“No, it’s alright. Thanks Baekhyun!”

“You’re awfully happy for someone who just got done breaking up with-”

“Must everyone mention him?” Baekhyun could see that he annoyed Kyungsoo a bit.


“No, don’t be, it’s not your fault. Anyways, can you go to my locker and get my books?”

“Why can’t… you go? Not that I’m lazy or anything! I’m just wondering… Come to think of it, didn’t you just come from your locker?”

“Well… Jessica is there and she won’t let me through… Could you go please?”

“I’ll go on ONE condition.”

“What is it?”

“You come with me.” Kyungsoo wanted to avoid seeing Jongin and now he actually has to see Jongin again.

“But… I don’t want to go because-” Baekhyun grabbed Kyungsoo’s arm and they started running towards Kyungsoo’s locker.




Jessica was confused on who could be rushing up the stairs. It sounded like there was more than one person coming up the stairs.

“Baekhyun, stop!”

Jongin jumped to the sound of Kyungsoo’s voice.

“Baekhyun, I told you I-”

“So this is why you don’t want to come to your locker…” Baekhyun still didn’t let go of Kyungsoo.

“Alright, yeah… what of it?!” Baekhyun pulled Kyungsoo to open up his locker and Jongin tried not to look.

“Baekhyun, why’re you here?”

“Soo asked me to come here and get his books. I was wondering why he couldn’t get it on his own.” Baekhyun unlocked Kyungsoo’s locker and then turned to Jessica. “Stupid kid… honestly.  Anyways, can you get his books? If I let go, then he’ll run away.”

“S-sure. These ones?”

“Yeah.” A picture slipped out of Kyungsoo’s locker and everyone just stared it at as it made it’s way to the floor. Once landed, everyone saw it was picture of Kyungsoo and Jongin kissing with fireworks in the background. Jongin wanted to turn to Kyungsoo so badly and just tell him everything, but he felt it wasn’t the right time to do so. He just stared at the picture and then Jessica walked over to it.

“Well… What do we have here.”

“Jess, just put it down please.”

“Does it mean something to you?”

“Nothing at all… now.”

“So you wouldn’t mind if I…” She took her hands and grabbed the top of the picture ready to rip it.

“You wouldn’t…” Kyungsoo knew well that Jessica would actually rip the picture apart.

“You don’t me well enough, then.”

“Jessica… I don’t think… you should do it.” Baekhyun didn’t know who to be scared of. He could feel Kyungsoo shaking a little. Jessica faked the rip and made the sound and the gestures of it. During that time, Kyungsoo had thought it was all real.

“JESS! WHAT THE HELL-” Jessica smiled. Kyungsoo got out Baekhyun’s grip and seemed very angry.

“You said it didn’t mean anything to you.”

“… Just leave me alone. Seriously, why’re you doing this to me?” Kyungsoo took his books and walked away.

“Did you really have to do that?” Baekhyun felt bad for Kyungsoo.

“Baek, chill. It shows that he still does care.”

“You go too far sometimes, you know that?” Baekhyun shut Kyungsoo’s locker and went after him.

“This is so crazy… Anyways, you liked the show?” Jessica looked down to Jongin who smiled about what just happened. He nodded and Jessica smiled at the “wonderful” work she just accomplished.

“Thanks, Jess… I’ll catch you later.” Jongin got up and ran away. Jessica didn’t think she should run after him because he didn’t seem sad at all… He seemed quite happy.

“My work here is done. I’m such a Goddess.”




“Kyung! Wait!” Kyungsoo stopped walking and waited for Baekhyun to catch up.

“What is it Baekhyun? You want to embarrass me even more now?”

“Honestly, I think what Jess did was wrong. Even though she didn’t tear up the picture, she knows your situation with Jongin and should be careful towards it.”

“Thanks… Can we just get to practice now?”

“Sure, just go on ahead, I’m going to wait for Chanyeol.”

“Then take my books and work and give it to me when we get home, okay?” Kyungsoo smiled and handed all his stuff to Baekhyun.

“W-wait, this is heavy!”

“Good luck!” Kyungsoo started making his way towards the auditorium. 




Kyungsoo was about to open the doors to the auditorium when someone grabbed his shoulder. He turned around to see that it was Jongin.

“Hey Kyungsoo.” Jongin smiled and Kyungsoo turned around. Jongin shut the door and stood in front of it.

“Get out the way.”

“Can we just talk please?” Kyungsoo let out a sigh.

“What do you want to talk about? What do you want me to spill now? You want me to tell you more? Jongin, what don’t you understand? The more you’re around me, the more I see… I get hurt!” The tears began rolling down Kyungsoo’s face. “All those times that you ignore me, every minute that passed on after an hour or so, I cared less and less. It came to the point where I just didn’t want to talk to you anymore. And then when you text me back, I get these feelings of worry, sadness, hopeless… they all come back to me. I’m tired Jongin. I’m tired of getting hurt and being a fool of love.”

“Kyungsoo, I’ll change-”

“Don’t change anymore. Please, don’t. I’ve seen you change once and look where we are now.” Kyungsoo started walking away when Jongin grabbed his arm again. Kyungsoo got himself free and turned around.


“I just… I just want things like before…” Jongin held up the picture that fell out of Kyungsoo’s locker. Jongin’s eyes weren’t dry like when they broke up.

“I don’t think things can ever go back to what they were… You were the one to ignore the past. You killed every chance of bringing it all back! I WAS WAITING FOR THAT MOMENT TO COME! I WANTED THE THINGS TO BE LIKE THE PAST, BUT YOU TOLD ME TO MOVE ON. NOW YOU WANT THE PAST TO BE THE PRESENT?!”

“Kyungsoo… I…”

“Leave me alone!”

“I love you…”

“Jongin… I did love you… I don’t know if I still have those feelings now, but you can only blame yourself if they’re not there. I told you how much I loved you before. I wrote out most of my heart in a letter that you said you would read. Where is it now?!” Jongin was silent. “And you want me to love you…” Kyungsoo began making his way outside again.


I can’t let you walk out that door like you did before.


Jongin turned Kyungsoo around and hugged him crying into his shoulder.

“Kyungsoo, I love you, I truly love you. I want to be with you forever. I want you to know that. I never wanted to hurt you and I honestly don’t know what came over me to do that. Please forgive me, please give me just one more chance. I want to make you the happiest person in the world.”

“Jongin…” Jongin let go and looked at Kyungsoo’s teary eyes.

“You want to make me the happiest person in the world?” Jongin nodded and smiled.

“Leave… me… alone…”



Oh damn, that’s HARSH! D: Lol, sorry it took a while to update guys! I’ll have another chapter up before I sleep! ^.^ 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!