
Meant to Be?



What could someone do to fight against nature’s reality? Was there anyway to change what fate has already decided for you? The world keeps spinning even after you leave and even after the next generation leaves. No one stops for you, they just mourn for you and then eventually get over it. It’s the sad reality that humans come to face and unknowingly follow. 


Kyungsoo was in no different situation. This wasn’t just what Kyungsoo was feeling, but also the loved ones who are seeing Chanyeol for the last time. The last scene he’s in before he’s cut out of the show. The last song he sings before the lights go out and he leaves the stage. The last contract he signs before he retires for good. The words spoken through Dr. Huang’s mouth seemed to be like a dream to Mrs. Park and Kyungsoo. They wondered if everything they heard just now is real and they aren’t just living in some nightmare where the alarm clock will ring and their eyes will open abruptly. 


The rest of the night, Kyungsoo and Mrs. Park let out their tears and wandered off to Chanyeol’s room where they continued streaming down their sadness. Losing one of your best friends is something, but losing your son is a whole different category. Kyungsoo could not imagine how much harder it is for Chanyeol’s mother right now. After years and years of being together and always loving each other unconditionally, Chanyeol’s time is up sooner than she thought. She isn’t able to be there for his wedding, she isn’t going to be there for his graduation, and she won’t be there when he moves out. And this is all because he won’t be there himself.


How was she able to attend events if the main focus of the event was not even there? As she drooped her head and clasped her hands together to pray, hoping that some miracle could occur, Kyungsoo drifted out of the room and into the hallway. He fell into a chair right across from the opposite wall of the door and stared blankly at the floor. Perhaps it was because he ran out of tears that he wasn’t crying anymore, or he hasn’t lost Chanyeol yet, but Kyungsoo’s eyes were dry thinking about the situation. Letting out a sigh, the small boy picked himself up and head to bathroom to wash his face of the dried trails of tears.


The door swung open and his eyes widened as he saw Chanyeol with a gleaming smile on his face. He blinked his eyes multiple times before he tried to mutter Chanyeol’s name. Although it was hopeless to even do so because there was no one in front of the smaller boy. Kyungsoo once again let out a sigh and headed to the sink where he saw his dead reflection. The sound of water flushing from one of the stalls broke Kyungsoo’s trance and he the water to wash his face. When he looked back at the reflection his eyes once again widened. 


“J-Jongdae!” Kyungsoo turned to face his late brother. All he could see was a realistic figure of his older brother. The smaller boy took careful steps and reached his hand out to his brother, but no matter how much he tried to reach for Jongdae, he couldn’t reach him. 

“What’re you doing here?” The younger brother finally spoke out. Jongdae turned to look at the wall to the right of him and made no eye contact with his younger brother.

“I remember the last time I came to you… I told you this hospital was where I last breathed on Earth. It was after the accident had happened and the doctors told Mom and Dad that I wasn’t going to make it. Are you seeing a connection?” Kyungsoo’s eyes began to well with tears again before slowly nodding his head.

“You’re taking Chanyeol to heaven aren’t you?” The older looked back at his younger brother with the same smile he met him with. 

“It’s almost time.” 




The night was rough for Kyungsoo who only got about 2 hours of sleep. Thoughts endlessly ran through his head of Chanyeol and of how he was going to tell Baekhyun. The latter had texted him multiple times the day before wondering where his boyfriend was and Kyungsoo ignored them all. There was no way the two of them were ready. Kyungsoo wasn’t ready to tell Baekhyun and he felt the younger wasn’t ready to know about Chanyeol. The text was sent shortly after the older mustered up the courage. He then got up to get ready and prepared himself to tell the younger of the most devastating news he’s heard yet.


Baekhyun rang the doorbell and he immediately heard the door mechanics clicking. He already felt the awkward aura surrounding the two of them, but brushed it off and acted cool in case he was just being paranoid. As the door opened slowly, his suspicions grew and grew until he saw Kyungsoo’s smile, that changed everything. Baekhyun returned the smile and greeted him good morning before heading inside and taking a seat of the sofa. The other closed the door and asked if the younger wanted anything to eat. Baekhyun had ate already, so he responded by shaking his head. Kyungsoo sat down and smiled while fidgeting with his fingers. The younger’s eyebrows furrowed and looked at the older’s eyes, which were filling up with tears.


“What’s wrong?” Kyungsoo wiped away his tears and let out a sigh. 

“Ch-Chanyeol…” Baekhyun felt a strong worry grow inside his stomach. 


Why is Kyungsoo crying? What does this mean for the news about Chanyeol?


“Go on…” Kyungsoo cleared his throat before starting off the tragic news.

“Yesterday, Chanyeol visited me and then told me that he wasn’t feeling well. We headed to the hospital immediately and that’s when he was taken in for examination-”

“Wait, he told me he was fine.” Baekhyun felt a bit of anger welling up inside him. He hated himself for this, for feeling this jealousy. He thought Chanyeol would tell him about this situation before telling Kyungsoo. 

“He probably told you that to protect you. Anyway, he… he was taken into examination… I waited with his mother for many hours…” Baekhyun’s eyes were also filled with tears now. He knew there was something he didn’t want to hear, but he had to hear it. As much as he wanted to cover his ears and run out the door, the news about Chanyeol anchored him down in his seat. 

“You see… the doctor told us… Chanyeol… he’s ready to leave… soon…” Baekhyun’s tears flowed out of his eyes right away. Kyungsoo hopped onto the spot next to Baekhyun and wrapped the younger in his arms. The younger cried in the older’s chest. 




The door to Chanyeol’s room opened slowly and the giant turned his head. He has only been greeted by his mother who stayed with him last night and left to gather other things. He was happy to see his boyfriend walking in through the doors and greeted him with a weak wave and smile. The other immediately ran up to the giant and hugged him. The tears resumed, but were wiped away by the giant. 

“What’s wrong?” 

“You’ve gotten me so worried and I can’t believe that you’re-” Kyungsoo nudged Baekhyun’s elbow. Before the two arrived at the hospital and before Kyungsoo left the hospital last night, Dr. Huang told Mrs. Park and Kyungsoo to not inform Chanyeol of the news except for himself. 


“I feel fine now.” Baekhyun’s heart pounded harder as he knew Chanyeol had no idea. He wanted to tell him, but at the same time, it wouldn’t do much for anyone. It would be a deadly reminder of what is to come. 

“You’re not hurt anywhere?” Chanyeol was silent for a second and smiled while shaking his head. It was an obvious sign that he was lying, but the other played it off as the truth. The door opened which caused everyone’s head to turn and it was Mrs. Park with a bag of things for Chanyeol during his stay at the hospital. Chanyeol thanked his mom and pointed it to a desk near his bed. Baekhyun wondered what it might feel like to not know you’re dying but everyone around you does. It’s a secret that shouldn’t be kept from you, but it’s only to protect you. Just a few minutes of awkward silence, the door opened once again and this time it was Dr. Huang. He was surprised to see Baekhyun in Chanyeol’s room and wondered if the smaller boy already knows. 


He walked over to Chanyeol’s bed and asked Chanyeol the usual questions. 

“How are you doing?” and “Is everything okay?” Those kinds of question to ease your mind from the real reason you’re in the hospital. Chanyeol had pain in his chest, but didn’t want to say anything in order to stop Baekhyun from worrying. 

“Chanyeol… They know.” Chanyeol’s eyes filled up with tears and he grabbed Baekhyun and pulled him into a tight hug.

“I’m sorry.” 

“Don’t leave me.” The two of them let out all the sadness that has been kept away from each other and poured it out into their hug. The moment that Baekhyun thought would happen in 60 or 70 years was coming so quickly. It’s as if time has sped up and decided to not let Baekhyun know about his surroundings and about the condition of his boyfriend. He felt like it was happening all too quickly and that the hands on the clock were moving faster than usual. 




Baekhyun’s eyes slowly opened and he furrowed his eyebrows. He groaned at the sound of his alarm clock and his arms searched for his phone so he can turn off the alarm. It sounded weird to Baekhyun, honestly. He didn’t remember setting a one, long. continuous sound for his alarm. As he felt his surroundings, he realized he wasn’t in his house and neither was he on his own bed. Baekhyun’s eyes widened in the darkness and his arms moved even more swiftly to find out what was around him. His heart beat faster and faster as the long sound wouldn’t stop. The boy quickly sat up and the lights were flickered on as the door swung open. 

“CHANYEOL!” Baekhyun screamed as he realized that the alarm to wake up Baekhyun was the alarm to put Chanyeol to sleep. 



I’m so sorry for the delay in updating my story. I was really lazy after my exams had finished. I wanted to finish this story before 2015, but I don’t think I can. At least you got this chapter before the year ended and I will finish up my other story after this one. Then I will start my third story and I really hope you guys enjoy that one! It’ll be full of drama and it’ll have a dark mood to it.

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!