
Meant to Be?



After the entire incident happened, the group quickly made their way out the market and left Hyun Ki as he was. They also didn’t want to get in trouble with the authorities because then that means staying and getting in even more trouble if their parents had found out. Jongin is the last one to enter the hotel room and notices that Kyungsoo is sitting on the living room couch, so he makes his way to their room to relax instead. It didn’t take much brains to figure out what had happened. No one just stands there and looks at another person with an uneasy look and walks away because they “want to hang out in their room alone.” Baekhyun and Jessica had planned something out on the way back home and knew that this plan would work for sure. The victims of this plan were to be lead to a certain location simultaneously in order for this plan to work. It was for laughs and giggles, but also for the sake of having this awkward feeling lifted off of them. 

“Kyungsoo,” Baekhyun called out to the boy sitting across the room from him, “Can you sit with me outside please.” Kyungsoo shook his head and looked over to Chanyeol who was playing a game on his phone.

“Just take Chanyeol with you. I’m tired and it’s kinda cold outside.” Kyungsoo continued scrolling through his phone. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and jumped off his seat. It was time for plan B of Baekhyun’s part. 


He grabbed his friends arm and pulled him out to the balcony where he let Kyungsoo go. 

“I told you I didn’t want to be out here! I’m cooooold,” Kyungsoo’s whining reminded Baekhyun of a baby who just lost his candy. 

“Please, just stay out here, I’ll keep you warm.” Baekhyun was about to put his arms around Kyungsoo, when Jessica interrupted them with Jongin. Baekhyun quickly shifted positions and pushed Jongin onto Kyungsoo, then with Jessica and Baekhyun inside, they locked the balcony doors and then let out a sigh of relief.


“What is going on?” Chanyeol asked when he heard the strong pouding against the glass door. “You know that door is going to eventually break right?” Baekhyun was trying to catch his breath while shaking his head.

“It won’t. It’s strong enough material in order to prevent robberies.” Chanyeol was skeptical because he didn’t think anyone would go through the trouble of trying to enter a room 60 floors above the ground. He shrugged his shoulders and looked to the boys outside. Only Kyungsoo was knocking on the door, which surprised the giant. Usually the petite boy would stay calm and just let things go. 


Baekhyun typed up something on his phone and put it against the glass door for the boys to read. Jongin looked over Kyungsoo’s shoulder to read the message.


We aren’t opening these doors until you two make up. 


Baekhyun smiled and nodded then walked over to sit next to Chanyeol on the couch. Jessica plopped herself into a single chair and then the TV to ease her mind of her almost moment. 




Kyungsoo thought to himself, which then surprised him because he usually doesn’t curse. But this was a moment where he found it alright to do so. How was he able to simply make up with Jongin when he doesn’t think the latter will accept his apology? 


It’s been 10 minutes and the two outside have not said a word to each other. Baekhyun looks over and notices Kyungsoo is hugging himself to fight off the cold, then begins to feel a tinge of guilt build up inside his stomach. It would’ve been courteous to give him a jacket, or something, but the moment was too rushed to think of those things.


Meanwhile, Jongin notices Kyungsoo’s shivering and wants to hug the smaller boy, but refuses because he doesn’t know how mad Kyungsoo is. 

“I… I’m sorry.” The smaller speaks in a soft voice almost not audible, but Jongin was able to pick it up through the strong winds. 

“For…?” This was an unexpected answer for the smaller because he was expecting the other to simply accept it so they can go inside. 

“For acting so… so stupid. I should’ve l-let you do your own th-thing. Y-you’re grown up now. I-I was s-stupid.” It was hard to fight off the cold while speaking. 

“You made me feel like a child and with Baekhyun’s comments, I wasn’t feeling any better.”

“I-I’m sorry. I really am.” Kyungsoo started rubbing his arms even faster now to keep himself warm. “I can’t control B-Baekhyun, but I can control myself.” Jongin’s facial expressions hasn’t changed, but he heard a sniffle coming from the smaller boy. Kyungsoo wiped his cheek, but then couldn’t help it anymore. He began letting the tears flow out, which prompted him to turn around and hide his face from the other boy. The cold was now beginning to sting, but all that eventually felt numb when he felt a warm body and arm envelope him. It was like the cold feeling melted away. 


Jessica noticed the two hugging and then threw the remote at Baekhyun. 

“OW!” Baekhyun rubbed his forehead and the giant next to him laughed. 

“Sorry! Oh my God, I’m sorry! But look!” Jessica pointed to the glass door outside and everyone in the room saw a taller man hugging a smaller boy. It was funny to think of it this way because Kyungsoo is older. 


The two soon came inside and the group was finally back to being a happy group together. It was much better to clear the tension now, rather than later because they have the rest of the vacation to spend together. 


That’s exactly what they did. They spent every single moment together as a group and went wherever they wanted to. The market was a no go for obvious reasons, but there were better places to visit, such as an island that holds such ancient mysteries and the beach with the clear water that has islands within the horizon. The vacation felt like such a short time and before they knew it, they felt the plane land on the runway and they were back in Incheon International Airport. 


Jessica has one day left before she has to leave for Britain and this wasn’t a day where everyone was just going to stay home and relax, they had to party it up one more time because who knows when they will see Jessica again? 


Kyungsoo suggested to have a BBQ at his house and enjoy the beautiful summer weather. The group would also sleep over at Kyungsoo’s house and watch one last movie together before Jessica’s departure. 


Of course gathering the items and starting up the grill was the hardest part, but after that, everything fell into place and the laughs and smiles were showing up nonstop. It’s been a long time since they could feel so free from the world and there is nothing to worry about. But as with all good things, this one had to come to an end. 


Announcements of flights, people waving goodbye, tears flowing from one’s face. That’s the atmosphere right now and it wasn’t a happy one. The time flew by so quickly and now the boys have to say goodbye to Jessica. No one was ready for this, but they knew it was coming. It felt like the first time when they were sending her off. Hugs were given out and then final words were being said. 

“Remember if you ever need anything, just call me…” Jessica then began to cry, where the boys then circle around her and formed a group hug with her in the center. Kyungsoo cried along with Jessica and Baekhyun had a tear slip down his face. After the group hug, the ones crying wiped the tears away and Jessica turned around to head to the check in stand. After they gave her the OK about her passport and ticket information, she turned around and then waved her final goodbye. 

“I LOVE YOU ALL! I’LL MISS YOU!!” She shouted and then walked off to get her package checked. The group kept waving even though they knew she couldn’t see it and eventually they began heading home. 


The sun had already fallen and then the group had to split even more now. Jongin was to return home because his mom misses him and he hasn’t slept over there in weeks. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were going home to Baekhyun’s house together, which then leaves Kyungsoo to go home alone. Jongin promised to visit tomorrow and gave his boyfriend a big kiss before heading into the taxi. The other three went home together and they were dropped off at Kyungsoo’s house. Chanyeol and Baekhyun said their goodbyes and goodnights. After the smaller boy had gone inside, the couple walked across the street to Baekhyun’s house where they would spend the night together.





While Baekhyun was showering, Chanyeol was thirsty and head downstairs for some water. After drinking the water, Chanyeol began feeling a slight pain in his chest, but ignored it. As he walked up the stairs, he began feeling light headed and ignored that feeling too assuming it was because he was out of shape. When he got to the top of the stairs, he could barely keep his balance and Baekhyun got out of the bathroom just in time to see Chanyeol swaying. 

“Babe…? Are you alright….?” Chanyeol nodded once before his eyes shut and fell backwards. Baekhyun wasn’t fast enough to grab the fainted Chanyeol. 




I’m sorry if this chapter was sort of boring, I had to quickly get the vacation stuff out of the way so I can finally focus on the end of this story. I expect about another 3-4 chapters and then FINALE!

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!