
Meant to Be?


Time has been ticking away and life continues to move on. The Earth spins whether or not the world is happy. All over there is despair, but there is also happiness. In every tough situation there is always hope. For the past six days Baekhyun had been clinging on to every single thread of hope he could possibly grab. Sitting in the hospital bed and staring at a lifeless body was his way of coping with the pain. Knowing that the heart monitor still read something meant everything to him. Baekhyun would not leave his spot because he wants to be the first thing Chanyeol sees when he's finally awake from his coma. The poor boy has been suffering because of this but he doesn't feel anything. Physical pain, emotional pain, any kind of pain is all blocked out. All that Baekhyun focuses on is the boy sleeping peacefully in front of him. Everyday, Baekhyun keeps telling himself that Chanyeol is just sleeping and he will wake up soon. He hasn't given up hope and he will never give up hope. As long as Chanyeol's heart still beats, Baekhyun will be by his side, no even after that. The young boy knows that the end is near, but he hopes to be able to create some memories together before Chanyeol's time to walk through the golden gates and say goodbye forever. It's 3PM and Baekhyun is sitting in front of the clear window with his back turned to it. The sun illuminates the white room and Baekhyun's brown locks. Chanyeol's pale face becomes even paler with the sun radiating in the room. Kyungsoo and Jongin walk in for their daily visit. Everyday since the news, they have been checking up on two of their friends. Chanyeol isn't the only one who's sick; Baekhyun is sick as well. He hasn't eaten anything in four days and he's become pale and sickly looking. The first two days he was able to eat because he didn't think the situation was so bad. He believes that if Chanyeol doesn't eat, he won't either. They'll enjoy their meal together and that's how it will be. 
"Baekhyun please, you have to eat." Baekhyun slowly turned his head to Kyungsoo's sad face and shook his head. He turned back to look at Chanyeol. Kyungsoo grabbed Baekhyun's shoulders and then shook him. "Eat something! You're getting sick and next thing you know you'll be asleep like Chanyeol!" 
"Kyunggie, stop it. Don't force him to eat it if he doesn't want to." 
"Kai, he has to eat! I'm not going to watch him die!" Baekhyun could hear all the words coming out of Kyungsoo's mouth and he appreciated his friend's care for him. But it didn't matter because Chanyeol wasn't awake. 
"I understand but what're you going to do about it? You can open his mouth and make him eat." Kyungsoo looked to Baekhyun with a glare. 
"I hope you're happy that worry the hell out of me yet you won't do anything about it." Kyungsoo stormed out of the room and slammed the door. Jongin wanted to stop him, but knew he just needed time to cool off. Everyone is stressed. Mrs. Park had to call out of work for two days because she couldn't mentally handle it all. Kyungsoo has been irritable lately and small things would easily upset him. Jongin tries his best to keep him calm, but nothing seems to work. And finally there is Baekhyun who does not move from his spot. Jongin leaned over to Baekhyun and patted his back. 
"Baekhyun please, Kyungsoo already is worried about Chanyeol. For his sake, please take of yourself and get better. We're all worried for you, especially your mom." As Jongin was getting back up, he noticed Baekhyun swaying slowly. Without any notice, Baekhyun fell backwards fortunately Jongin caught him in time. 
"KYUNGSOO! KYUNGSOO!" Kyungsoo opened the door with a worried look and his eyes widened. "I think he passed out!" 


The situation a couple floors down is much calmer as a young boy walks through the hospital doors and into an elevator. He makes his way to the second floor and exits when the elevator has ringed to signal it's arrival. Luhan walks out holding a bouquet of flowers and made his way down the hall and turning right. Passing another couple doors, he stopped and opened the door to his left. It was a quiet room just like Chanyeol's, but this one has less tension. Luhan made his way over to his mother's bed and set the bouquet of flowers onto the ledge in front of the window. It was a nice decoration to the white room. Some red, yellow, and orange really brought some new life into the blank walls enclosing the son and mother. He slid a chair over next to the bed so he could sit down and watch his mom peacefully sleep. The past few days were always like this. After his soccer practice, he would go home, shower, change, and make his way to the hospital to visit his mom. This is the only day she happened to be sleeping so he can't talk to her. On the other days, he would talk to her, but it wasn't a lot. Just usual small talk, which was awkward for a son and mom. Was small talk their only option in order to hear each other's voices being directed to one another? Luhan was afraid to say too much and so was his mother. They wanted peace during this time, and definitely in the future. Twenty minutes had passed and Luhan sighed. He got up and let go of his mother's hand. Looking at the flowers one more time, he headed towards the door. 
"Luhan..." The boy quickly turns around and smiles. He walks over and sits down in the chair he forgot to put back. 
"Wakey wakey." He chuckled. Mrs. Han smiled and grabbed her son's hands. She began tearing and then caressed Luhan's face. 
"Ah... Luhan..." 
"What is it Mom? Why're you crying?" She takes in another breath. 
"I love you... Goodbye... Luhan..." The heart monitor draws a line similar to that of the horizon that you would see when you look out into the ocean. The sun has set for this person's day and the light of day is gone. All there is dark as the night settles in... Forever. 

I have been so lazy these past few days! I am terribly sorry. Hopefully this chapter made it up to you... Idk. I'm sorry! Yeah there are a LOT of emotions in this chapter and I didn't really intend for that to happen. I hope you guys enjoyed that... Well... Idk if I would enjoy everyone in pain, but you know what I mean... Right? Haha.   

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!