
Meant to Be?



"Kyungsoo... Help me." Baekhyun was slowly waking up now. He always was a light sleeper.

"What is it...?"

"How do I cover this?" Baekhyun's eyes were half opened, but he was well aware of what happened. Kyungsoo shrugged his shoulders.

"I warned you... You didn't want to listen."

"We didn't make a mess!"

"Don't... No I don't need details."

"Please Soo, help me! I'll die if I'm found with this!" Kyungsoo had to pay back his friends for sticking with him through the night.

"Alright, we'll think of something!" Kyungsoo walked out and went downstairs to prepare breakfast.




"Well it seems like all the boys in the house were cuddling." Kyungsoo remembered he was sleeping with Jongin last night.

"Oh no, I couldn't sleep so Jongin helped me. He said that's how his brother helped him sleep... It worked."

"Uh-huh." His mother took her last sip of coffee before heading out for work.

"You kids play safe now. I'm going to work. Bye sweetie, have a nice day!"

"Bye mom!" Kyungsoo waved his mother goodbye before heading towards the fridge and make some breakfast.




I wonder if I heard him correctly.


"I love you." The words that Jongin heard last night from Kyungsoo. Jongin wanted to make sure that he heard it correctly. He wanted to confirm all these feelings. The only way was to ask Baekhyun and Chanyeol. He got up and made his way towards their room. When he knocked on the door, he didn't hear anything so he decided to open the door. All looked fine, just two of them sleeping...


They definitely had some fun together.


As he leaned over to Baekhyun, he saw a pile of their clothes on the other side of the bed. Baekhyun's eyes opened right away.

"Holy you scared me." Baekhyun was expecting it to be Kyungsoo.

"You scared ME!" Jongin moved back from Baekhyun and was now standing by the bed.

"Anything wrong?" Baekhyun sat up now.

"Um... We can talk later if you-"

"Oh... Um... Hang on." Baekhyun grabbed his shirt and put it on.


"Uh... Yeah sure. So, what does Kyungsoo think of me...?"

"What do you mean by that? He likes you of course. Don't you see it? It's written all over his face. The boy is crazy over you!"

"Really? I just thought that's how he is."

"No, he's never really liked anyone before, but he's never acted like this towards anyone before... You can kind of piece it together."

"I'll keep that in mind... Thanks Baekhyun! Oh, and a favor."

"Hmm, what is it?"

"Please, please, keep this away from Kyungsoo. Please don't tell him about it or anything!"

"Yeah... Sure I won't."

"Thanks!" Jongin walked out and made his way downstairs.

"Well that was odd." Baekhyun looked down to face his "sleeping" partner.

"Chanyeol, you're awake??"

"I am." He smiled and kissed Baekhyun good morning.

"What's that all about?"

"I'm not sure myself... You think he likes Soo?"

"If he does, then congratulations Soo for finding compatibility."

"You're right." Baekhyun kissed Chanyeol and signaled to get ready.

"Let's go downstairs and get food, I think Soo's making bacon!"

"You cannibal."




"Ah, good morning Jongin!" Kyungsoo smiled as he finished setting up the table.

"Morning Soo! What's all this?"

"Breakfast! I made it for you guys!"

"Aw, that's so nice, you didn't have-"

"If I didn't make it, what would you eat?"

"Nothing I guess." Jongin laughed and took a seat. The two could be someone walking down the stairs.

"Morning Soo, morning Jongin!" Baekhyun and Chanyeol both walked down at the same time.

"Morning guys, wow you're dressed!" Kyungsoo teased as he finished putting food into the plates.

"Ha-ha funny. Anyways- OH MY GOSH, BACON!" Baekhyun's eyes were shining as he saw the sight of bacon.

"Sit down you dog, you'll get bacon."

"Fine." He frowned and took a seat next to Chanyeol. Kyungsoo brought all the food over and placed it on the table.

"Well... Enjoy!"

"This looks awesome! Thanks Soo!" Jongin was the first to go for food before being stopped by Baekhyun who shook his head. Jongin looked at Baekhyun who returned a death stare at Jongin. Kyungsoo was now worried a fight was going to happen.

"I... Get... The... First... Piece... Of...


"BAEKHYUN! Chill!" Kyungsoo actually controlled his friend for once.

"Nah, let him have it." Jongin's passiveness sparked a smile on Baekhyun's face.

"Thanks Jongin!"




Once they all finished dinner, Chanyeol decided they should help Kyungsoo clean the dishes.

"Oh no, it's alright. You guys get washed up, I'll clean the dishes."

"You sure? It looks like a LOT of work." Jongin seemed worried since it really was a lot of work.

"I'm sure, I'll be fine. I've handled much worse! Go on, get ready for the day." Jongin nodded and went upstairs. Kyungsoo started to work on the mess in the kitchen.




The three of them finished in about an hour. Kyungsoo already finished the mess in the kitchen and was preparing something else in the oven. He wasn't nowhere to be seen.

"Where'd Soo go...?" Baekhyun looked around and couldn't find him.

"What does he usually do on Saturday?" Baekhyun thought and remember he does laundry.

“Hey, let’s watch a scary movie! Kyungsoo is so easily scared and we can get him to cuddle with you! Jongin thought about it and agreed to go along with it.




After 10 minutes of waiting, Kyungsoo finally arrived upstairs letting out a breath.

“I think that takes care of that…” He checked his list for anything else. Everything was checked off. He could finally enjoy his day now. “GUYS! WHERE ARE YOU?”

“IN THE LIVING ROOM SOO!” Kyungsoo walked over to the living room and spotted his other three friends sitting on the couch.

“We’re going to watch this and you’re going to watch with us!” Baekhyun held up the DVD for Paranormal Activity.” Kyungsoo would watch any movie BESIDES that one.

“No! I am NOT going to watch that movie, EVER!”

“Aw, come on Soo! I’ve never watched it before either!” The three of them all planned this out. Get Jongin to get Kyungsoo to watch the movie and he will do it.


Are they up to something? They know I wouldn’t say no to Jongin.


“Ah… All right, sure, fine! I’ll watch it, BUT if I can’t sleep because of this, you owe me money for a therapist!” Kyungsoo was speaking to Baekhyun. How could he say such a thing to his precious Jongin?



Kyungsoo kept his face covered the entire time.

“Come on Soo, just give it at least 2 minutes!” Kyungsoo slowly took his pillow down.

“AHH, OH MY GOD, NO!” Jongin thought this was so cute. Baekhyun grabbed Kyungsoo’s pillow away and pointed to the screen.

“Just watch it!”


“Soo, just watch for 30 seconds, it’s not bad.” Jongin smiled at Kyungsoo trying to get him to watch.

“Alright… fine…” Kyungsoo slowly turned his head to face the TV. Without his pillow, he felt completely defenseless. It didn’t seem so bad at first, but when something popped up on the screen, it was disaster for Kyungsoo’s mind. He immediately jumped and fell into Jongin’s arms. He was panting and his heart was racing. Baekhyun and Chanyeol paused the movie as they were laughing hysterically. As Kyungsoo finally came back to reality, he looked up and noticed he was holding onto Jongin and he had his face in Jongin’s chest.

“Hey there, Soo!”



Nothing is better than watching a scary movie with your crush. Baekhyun and Chanyeol are evil aren’t they? Nah! ;P Hope you guys liked this one! I’ll have the next chapter up really soon! 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!