
Meant to Be?


"Yes, yes I am Luhan. Can I help you?" 
"These people-"
"Did not kidnap me. I chose to leave. Well it was half of me choosing to leave and then other half was my mom kicking me out. These people did not force me to do anything." 
"We still need you to come down to the station to confirm this. Ma'am," the officer turned to Mrs. Oh, "Please also come along." 
"Officer! They have nothing to do with this! I am living with them without being forced to do so. I chose this!" 
"I'm afraid we can't take your word until you confirm it in front of your mother. For all we know, you're being threatened by these people to say this." Luhan was left speechless and Sehun felt bad since he couldn't do anything. He understood how much Luhan's mother detested him (Sehun), but why would she want to get Luhan back? It doesn't make sense. 
"Luhan, let's just go. I really want this to be over so you can be happy again." 
"Mrs. Oh, you don't have to do this." 
"Come on sweety, it's going to be fine." 
"I'm so sorry for all of this! I didn't think my mom would go to such extremes." 
"It's fine. Can my son come along as well?" 
"Yes he can." The three of them hopped in the officer's car and off they drove to the police station. 


When they had arrived, They were seated in a room with a glass divider. When Luhan's mother saw him, she acted like she hadn't seen him in forever.
"Oh my gosh! Son! I have missed you so much! Where were you? Are you-"
"MOM STOP! DONT ACT LIKE THIS IN FRONT OF THEM!" Luhan turned to the officer, "This is all an act that she's playing. She wants me back not because she misses me but because she wants me to get away from my boyfriend." The officer's eyebrow rose up high. 
"Luhan, I love you no matter-" 
"LIAR! Don't you ever tell me you love me anymore! You hate me for who I have become. You have kicked me out because I am gay! You homophobic monster! I can never accept your love at all!" 
"Officer please, this is all a misunderstanding. One day-" 
"STOP LYING TO HIM!" Mrs. Oh and Sehun stood in the back of the room just watching as they had thrown emotion back and forth with each other. The officer was trying to stop Luhan from becoming too angry, but it wasn't working at all. Luhan was now in tears as he spilled out his anger and the fact that his mother resents him for being the way he is. After he was finished, he dropped to the floor and Sehun went running to his side to comfort him. Luhan was hiding his tear filled face. Sehun took him and let him cry on his chest. He rubbed Luhan's back and Mrs. Han just watched. She was cringing inside at the fact that the two would show affection in front of her and for a second she slipped and lost her calm all motherly self. The officer noticed and realized that it really was all an act. 
"I think that's enough evidence. Thank you for coming here and I'm sorry for causing all this trouble. You are free to leave now, I will drive you folks home." Sehun and Luhan got up still connected to each other and followed the officer and Mrs. Oh out of the room. Mrs. Han was shaking because once again she had lost a chance to get Luhan back and away from Sehun. 


When they had arrived home, Sehun led Luhan up to his room and they stayed there for the night. Mrs. Oh went over to the kitchen and had just tried finishing up her dinner, but couldn't focus. She was trying to chop up the meat, but kept looking back to how Luhan was so angry with her. Seeing how Luhan and his mother had fought like that made her feel so bad for the child. Not doing anything about it made her feel even worse. 


"Are you feeling better?" Mrs. Oh had finished cooking and gone up to see the boys. Luhan was napping on the bed and Sehun was on the computer putting a finger to his mouth signaling his mother to be quiet. 
"He's sleeping!" Sehun whispered, but then Luhan chuckled and turned over to face the two of them. 
"Not with you laughing at everything you see on whatever website you're on. I'm feeling better Mrs. Oh, thank you for asking." 
"Oh I'm so glad to hear that. Dinner is ready boys, come down and get some." The boys followed Mrs. Oh downstairs and into the dining room. The food smelled delicious and looked delicious as well. Mr. Oh was waiting for the boys at the table and greeted them. They both greeted back and sat down. Luhan feels more comfortable around Sehun's parents because they have been so laid back with him ever since he had moved in. 


Mrs. Han walked back into her house and was disappointed that she had failed once again. There was no chance of getting Luhan back into her home and she felt like she was going crazy. She began shaking and then thinking of ways to get him back. Luhan's sister came downstairs and wasn't surprised to see her mom like a mess. 
"Guess it didn't work out this time did it?" 
"No... Not yet. I will get him-"
"Enough! Can't you just let him be free! You've already driven him out of this house." 
"What're you talking about?! What do you know?!"
"I know that you are going crazy and I also know that I want to leave too. I can't stand you always talking about Luhan is a terrible child. You loved him so much, even more than me, before you know he was gay. What difference does it make if he's gay or not?" 
"There is a h-"
"No there is no difference whatsoever!" Suddenly there was a familiar knock on the door. Only Luhan's sister knew who knocks like that and Mrs. Han went to open it. She straightened herself out and went to open the door. As she opened it, she was surprised. 
"Hello... Mom..." 

Sorry I didn't update yesterday! There was a lot going on! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. ^.^ 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!