
Meant to Be?


Chanyeol's lifeless body tackled rocks and other obstacles as it went downstream. Jongin tried his best to catch up. As he ran down to catch Chanyeol, he kept screaming for help. Someone out there had to hear him. It wasn't until Chanyeol was stuck between rocks that Jongin knew he had the chance. It was now or never, life or death. Jongin grabbed hold of Chanyeol, but something was holding onto him. He pulled harder, but stopped and realized that his arm was stuck to the rocks. Jongin maneuvered Chanyeol's body to easily slide out along with his arm from the rocks. The rushing current was no help as well. This one man job seemed strenuous with the little energy that was left. Finally after tugging and shifting bodies around, the two were out of the river's grasp. Jongin checked for a pulse from Chanyeol and then checked if he was breathing. Jongin had only performed CPR once when he was taught it from his dad's friend. 
"I guess I have to apply it here." Carefully positioning his hands on Chanyeol's chest, he pressed it two times and breathed in Chanyeol's mouth. After repeating this procedure, Chanyeol coughed up water and gasped for air. He was breathing heavy now and was still unconscious. Jongin looked around for help, but there was no one around. 


"HEEEEEEEEEELP!" Kyungsoo and Baekhyun stopped and listened to the screams coming from afar.
"That sounds like-"
"Kai!" Kyungsoo quickly walked up the river and would not slow down. He knew something serious had happened and if he didn't get there on time, someone would be lost. Baekhyun tried his best to keep up with Kyungsoo, but somehow the latter gained strength and could hike faster than anyone else could. 

We're coming Kai! 

Kyungsoo did not turn around to check on Baekhyun, but he knew he didn't have to. Baekhyun was more than capable of hiking on his own. He's done it before. Baekhyun was about 6 meters away from Kyungsoo and carefully moved onto to the next rock. Up ahead, he saw Kyungsoo slip and fall. Baekhyun rushed towards Kyungsoo before also slipping just a few steps away. 
"Baek, be careful." 
"You tell yourself that. Slow down, Soo." 
"I can't! I have a really bad feeling about this." 
"Well you're going to die if you don't calm down." Kyungsoo ignored Baekhyun and continued going forwards without even helping his friend. Baekhyun sighed because he knew Kyungsoo was right. Then the thought hit him. 

Where's Chanyeol?


About half an hour later, Kyungsoo could see Jongin in the distance. He was holding onto Chanyeol and continued screaming for help. 
"KAI! OVER HERE!" Kyungsoo waved his arms and Jongin waved back. The smaller boy quickly rushed to the aid of his boyfriend and friend. Not far away, Baekhyun heard Kyungsoo and Jongin meeting up. It wasn't until he saw them that he knew what had happened. Chanyeol had fainted and this made Baekhyun's heart drop. Every time Chanyeol fainted, a more powerful form of his condition would take hold of him. He ran over to Chanyeol with tears in his eyes.
"We have to get down as fast as possible. We can't be here for long." 
"Chanyeol, please wake up! Chanyeol!" Baekhyun cried as he held onto Chanyeol. Kyungsoo and Jongin grabbed Chanyeol and began marching downhill. Baekhyun followed by carrying all of their things. He couldn't believe that this was happening. Eventually Chanyeol would be dead and Baekhyun knew it. 


When they finally reached the safe zone of the camp, ambulance were already waiting for the boys. Chanyeol was quickly placed on a stretcher and rushed to the hospital. Kyungsoo and the others followed along. 


Baekhyun sat next to Chanyeol crying for half an hour now. He wouldn't stop until Chanyeol woke up. 
"Kai, are you alright?" 
"Don't worry about me, Soo. Chanyeol's in deeper trouble." 
"I have to worry about you too. Chanyeol has Baekhyun now. He'll have all of us soon. How're you feeling?" 
"I'm feeling terrible... To be honest I feel like this is all my fault." Kyungsoo wrapped his arm around Jongin. 
"Hey, don't say that. You did all you could to save him." 
"But what if we didn't go that far? What if I was more stronger in my choice of staying near the safe zone?"
"You didn't know this would happen. What you need to do now is be strong." Jongin looked up at the white ceiling illuminated by the white lights that followed down the hallway. 
"You know Kyungsoo... I feel like the hospital is our second home. We come here so often and I feel like it's trying to tell us something." Kyungsoo knew exactly what Jongin was talking about. There was no doubt in his mind that Jongin spoke the truth. 
"I just hope it's not soon." Jongin was surprised by Kyungsoo's response. He didn't expect Kyungsoo to agree to that. 
"You're saying one of us is going to go?" 
"Well you brought up a good point. Something is bound to happen here. One of us is going to be put to sleep for good. I fear that the first one will be Chanyeol and it won't take long for that to happen." 
"You're not saying-" 
"I don't know Kai... Chanyeol's condition is worsening and I don't want to say it, but it has to be said. We're going to have to say goodbye soon." 


"Chanyeol... Babe... If you can hear me... Smile for me one more time. I just want to see that beautiful smile of yours..." Baekhyun had his head laying on Chanyeol's bed and he was looking towards the wall while holding onto Chanyeol's hand. The tears didn't stop but they didn't come as fast. The room was silent except for Baekhyun's words that would float around the room and push away the silence. The humidifier and the heart monitor made no notice to Baekhyun. Baekhyun smiled. "Soon... Soon you'll be out. Just like all the other times in the past. And then we'll go have ice cream," Baekhyun's tears began welling up again and he but his lips, "we'll go to the park... And then... We'll kiss under that tree that you love.... Just again.... We'll do it again when you leave this place. So please don't leave!" Baekhyun sat up and looked at him. Chanyeol was faintly smiling and looking back at him. 

I CANNOT APOLOGIZE ENOUGH! Honestly I neglected my stories and I wish I didn't but graduating and parties and what not just took over my life. I want to finish this story, but at the same time I'm not ready. Lol it's just my feelings. My first ever story and it's coming to an end (not telling you when) I hope you guys haven't stopped reading this.

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!