
Meant to Be?


"Wh-what?" Kyungsoo was scared to see Jongdae this time. The past two times he's interacted with Jongdae, there was no problem at all. This time, there was a certain creepy feeling in the air. 
"You don't look happy to see your brother..." 
"I'm sorry, I'm just scared of these kinds of things. And with Chanyeol... It just makes things worse for me." 
"That's alright. I understand. How're you doing little brother?" 
"I'm fine. Wait, what if someone walks in here?" 
"They won't. Trust me." 
"Alright... You've been watching everything?" 
"Most of the time. Chanyeol seems to be in bad shape. You need to protect him as much as you can." 
"Is something going to happen to him?" 
"It's preventable. That's all I'm going to warn you with." 
"When is this going to happen?" 
"I can't tell you that. There are some things I can tell you and things I can't." 
"I guess it's a good thing I don't know." 
"Just protect him. Make sure to not let him exceed his limit on stress." 
"Got it... Why did you choose this time to come talk to me? You didn't talk to me before when Chanyeol was getting his heart done." 
"You were occupied with that and with Jongin just returning to you. Too much was happening, but now it's just Chanyeol. I don't want you losing another loved one." 
"Please help me protect him, Jongdae." 
"I will." 
"By the way, why're you dressed in a hospital gown?" Jongdae smiled and took a step back. He opened his arms. 
"This was where I last breathed on Earth."


"I just need to check up on some things and then you're free to go for the night." 
"Thanks Doc." Mrs. Park elbowed Chanyeol in the side. 
"It's Doctor Huang, be polite." 
"Sorry..." Chanyeol rubbed his side and bowed in apology. 
"It's fine, don't worry about it. I know how teens like to be hip nowadays. 
"They shouldn't disrespect you like that." 
"It's really fine, Mrs. Park. I'll be right back with the results, so just hang tight." Dr. Huang left the room with the blood samples and his paperwork, but Kyungsoo came in his place. 
"Gosh, where were you?" 
"Were you at the bathroom the entire time?" 
"Yeah..." Kyungsoo nervously laughed at Mr. Park's question. Everyone else laughed along. Not so long after, Dr. Huang came back and gave Chanyeol permission to leave. He told everyone that all was well and Chanyeol just had to watch out for his stress. It was surprising to Dr. Huang to see how healthy Chanyeol was despite his height and lack of outdoor activities. 


Kyungsoo and Jongin were dropped off at Kyungsoo's house. It was a normal thing now for Jongin to be sleeping over Kyungsoo's house. Chanyeol and his parents waved goodbye and they drove into the distance. Both the boys went upstairs to Kyungsoo's room and just fell right onto his bed. It was such an exhausting day for them, so many emotions and so much tension. They felt as if though they were the president, or something. 
"Hey babe?" 
"Yeah, babe?" 
"I'm tired."
"I'm with you."
"I don't want to shower." 
"You have to! I have too as well." Jongin pouted an kicked his feet. Kyungsoo got up and rested on his elbows. 
"You're not going to be sleeping in this bed if you haven't showered."
"And if I so happen to just knock out?" 
"Then you'll find yourself waking up on that floor." Kyungsoo pointed to the wooden floor next to his bed. 
"You're so mean." 
"And you're dirty. Let's go." 


Chanyeol made his way to his bed after showering and checked his phone. He was not used to seeing a message from Baekhyun, so it made him a little sad that the little boy didn't text him at all. He put his phone down and went to go search for clothes to wear. When he got dressed and plopped onto his bed, he his TV to watch some mind-numbing shows. 
"Oh poop!" Chanyeol grabbed his phone and went straight to his messages. He accidentally went to Baekhyun's message and the latter happened to text him at that moment.

From: Bacon <3

Is a week enough for you? 

Chanyeol was feeling nervous because not only did he read it embarrassingly fast for Baekhyun to see, but also because he didn't think he would have to talk to Baekhyun right now. The little boy frightened him a lot, but an answer was needed. 

Yeah, that sounds fine :)

Chanyeol thought the smile would add some emotion to the conversation, which might happen. He went to his messages with Kyungsoo and quickly texted him something. 

Don't tell Baekhyun about what happened. I don't want him to worry, if he does still worry about me. But in any case, please just leave it a secret. 

"Alright, message sent." Chanyeol checked his message with Baekhyun and didn't see any response from it. He sighed and put his down and charged it. Throughout the two hours he was awake, the only messages he got were from Kyungsoo since they were having a conversation via texting. None of the messages were from Baekhyun. Heaviness became dominant in Chanyeol's eyes and he knew it was ready for bed. He set his phone aside and let his mind drift away in peacefulness. It was 11:32 and Chanyeol felt a quick pain in his chest. It didn't bother him because it didn't even last a second. He shrugged it off and closed his eyes. 


"Well that was some fast reply..." After working on homework and showering, Baekhyun checked his phone to see what Chanyeol had said. Baekhyun put his phone down and sighed. He looked around and noticed all the pictures of Chanyeol and him together. He griped his lower lip with his teeth as he took one of the photos down. He had a good look at it and his eyes started welling up. It was clear to him when the photo was taken and the emotions that were running through both boys in the photo. Smiles and laughs could be just simple words to describe it. He looked around the room for other photos and let his tears fall down his face. The photo in his hand was met with Baekhyun's lips and then had eye contact with the boy. Baekhyun's thumbs made their way to meet each other at the top of the photo. The tears drifted away from Baekhyun's eyes just like the two thumbs drifted away from each other in a split second. One stayed in place while the other traveled downward. The photo split in half and each part was crumbled in one hand. Baekhyun let out a loud cry as he finished at 11:32.

I was going to name with chapter 11:32, but I didn't think that would work. The time has no significant meaning, by the way xD. It was just an arbitrary time I chose. Hope you guys enjoyed that! ^.^ 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!