
Meant to Be?



“CHANYEOL!” Jessica opened up her arms wide and Chanyeol ran up to her as fast as he could. 

“It’s been forever since you came! I’m so happy you’re here!” Jessica backed away to be able to speak to Chanyeol.

“It has. You haven’t changed a bit. I’m here because Kyungsoo told me what happened and I decided that I need to visit you. It was a requirement for me. I didn’t know how bad the condition was…”

“Yeah… It’s alright. I just hope it gets better as time goes on.” Jessica smiled and ruffled Chanyeol’s hair.

“The more your believe, the more your wish will come true.” 

“Thanks!” The two were about to hug again when Baekhyun pushed them away from each other.

“Alright, that’s enough. You guys had your fun, let’s go to the kitchen to grab food, yeah? Sounds like a great idea, come on Channie.”

“But-“ Before he got to finish his sentence, he was already halfway to the kitchen. It didn’t bother the pretty lady since she knows how Baekhyun acts. Always so protective of his boyfriend. 

“Well that’s your usual Baek for you, isn't it.”

“BaekYeol is so cute. It shows that Baek still does love him… a lot.” 

“I totally forgot you came up with that name… But yeah. You should’ve seen him when all this was actually happening… I wish you were there then.” Jessica turned to face Kyungsoo and she put her arm around Kyungsoo’s shoulder. 

“You pulled through all by yourself and that’s what matters. You’re growing up and becoming the only one to watch over Baek.”

“Scary task…” Jessica bursted out laughing. After she calmed herself from her laughter, she continued on with the conversation. 

“That is true, but you just have to remember that he’s pretty much your younger brother.” Kyungsoo nodded in agreement. Jongin didn’t want to interrupt the two, but he wanted to so badly. 


Don’t interrupt them… Don’t pull a Baekhyun…


He turned around and looked out the window to distract himself so that he wouldn’t have to see them.


Just keep your mind focused on the trees- but… What if they’re doing something?!


Jongin turned around and saw Jessica’s arm still over Kyungsoo’s shoulder. 


Come on, Jess! Hurry up will you?


Meanwhile in the kitchen, Baekhyun was waiting for so long to eat Mrs. Park’s cooking that he didn't bother sitting down and eating. After he grabbed the plate, he begin pigging out on his food already. Chanyeol was shocked to see the small boy eat so much. It was as if he hadn’t eaten in days, but that’s a lie because Baekhyun had a huge breakfast just a few hours ago. Jongin bumped into Chanyeol because he wasn’t looking straight while walking, instead he was looking at Jess and Kyungsoo talk to each other.

“Sorry, Chanyeol!”

“That’s alright!”

“Sorry, I just wasn’t looking where I was going?”

“Huh? Why’s that?” Jongin rolled his eyes over to Kyungsoo and Chanyeol got it. He chuckled and then lightly flicked Jongin’s nose, “You’re jealous.” A smirk grew on his face.

“Should I be?!”

“Nah, but it’s understandable. I mean, you saw Baek before right? He was all up on Jessica’s grill. Jongin thought back to a few minutes ago and did see Baekhyung fidgeting his fingers a lot. 


“Calm down, Baek! You’re going to choke on the food!” Chanyeol snatched the plate away from his boyfriend and wouldn’t give it back until Baekhyun finished all the food in his mouth.


“What’s going on here?” 

“You’re done talking with Soo?” Jessica nodded and walked over to the food. Once she was in front of it, her face shined so brightly.

“Oh yes! I can’t wait to eat this!” Kyungsoo walked up next to Jongin, but he didn’t realize it, and he grabbed his boyfriend’s hand. Jongin looked down and was surprised by the sudden action. Kyungsoo turned to look at him and smiled warmly.

“You don’t have to worry about Jessica and I.”

“I wasn’t uh.. worried….” 

“He wasn’t,” Chanyeol returned the plate back to Baekhyun, “He was jealous.” Jongin’s eyes grew big.

“CHANYEOL!” Before Jongin could lunge himself at Chanyeol, Kyungsoo pulled him away and into a hug. 

“You’re so cute when you’re jealous.” 

“Sorry…” Kyungsoo let go and looked at him in the eyes. 

“Don’t be.” He placed his lips on the other’s.

“EWWW!” Kyungsoo turned to Baekhyun and narrowed his eyes. 

“What’s ew is when you’re making out with Chanyeol in the hospital. That’s what’s ew.”

“HOW DID YOU-” Baekhyun couldn’t believe it. Chanyeol’s eyes went wide. 

“I saw it! Maybe you’re so loud with each other that you don’t notice anyone opening the door. God, I wonder how many nurses saw you two…”


“ALRIGHT, ENOUGH!” Everyone shuts their mouth when Jessica takes charge because she is one scary girl. But in a split second, she went from evil warlord to a cute girl, “Let’s enjoy the food!” The four boys exchanged looks with each other and each let out a nervous chuckle.




It was just about an hour before sundown and the group was just coming inside from enjoying the park. 

“Where is Jessica sleeping? She’s not at a hotel again is she?” Kyungsoo chuckled and shook his head.

“No, she’s going to be at my house.” Jongin immediately turned his head and felt the jealousy start to well up. Kyungsoo turned to Jongin and then bit his lower lip, “Uh… Is it okay if it’s just her and I?” Jongin mouth immediately turned into a frown. 

“Uh… Yeah sure… I don’t mind…” Jongin looked down and then Kyungsoo looked to everyone else. In just a few seconds, Jongin heard Kyungsoo and the others burst out laughing. He was so confused.

“Kai, I would never do that!” Jongin blushed from embarrassment and punched Kyungsoo’s arm lightly. 

“Thanks for scaring me like that!” 

“Ah, sorry. But she is going to be with us… or you in this case.”

“To avoid any hard feelings. Jessica third wheeling and you getting jealous, I’ll have you guys sleep in the same room.”

“You’ll be alone?”


“Well that worked out nicely.” Chanyeol put his arm around his boyfriend and then smiled, “I get to keep Baek, right?”

“No one wants him anyway…” Baekhyun’s clearly express his offense by his facial expression.

“YAH-” Chanyeol nudged Baekhyun’s side making him giggle from being accidentally tickled. 

“Leave it.” 

“But she-”






The sound of running water was what Jongin had to hear to be aware of what was going on. He woke up and saw the clear blue sky and the birds flying away. He sat up and saw Chanyeol standing by the ledge of some rocks. 

“Good morning Chanyeol!” Suddenly, he saw many flashing lights and he could hear Chanyeol screaming for help.

“CHANYEOL!” Jongin’s eyes quickly opened and he saw Jessica and Kyungsoo hovering over him. 

“Are you alright?” Kyungsoo had a very worried look on his face.

“Yeah… it was that nightmare again…”



I would’ve updated the story 3 hours earlier, but a lot of things came up. One of them being redesigning the cover for my story. What do you guys think of the new image? =D

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!