
Meant to Be?



Kyungsoo woke up by the light shining on his eyes. He opened his eyes to see that it was morning and he seemed to have more energy than before. He yawns and stretched and look down to see his friends still there. That was enough to make him smile for the first time in the morning. He wanted to wake up the others so badly, but he let them enjoy their sleep. It was 9 in the morning when he checked the time.


I’ll just sit here and enjoy the great company I have.


It took an hour before anyone woke up. The first one to do so was Jongin. He thought he was dreaming when he saw Kyungsoo smiling at him. He started pinching Baekhyun’s cheek.

“I must be dreaming. I must be dreaming.”

“Yah… Yah… YAH! THAT HURTS!” Baekhyun took Jongin’s hand before he could pinch him again. “What was that for?!”

“I think I’m dreaming…”

“You’re supposed to pinch yourself! Who the hell taught you to pinch others?!” He heard someone laughing softly and turned. His eyes widened and he smiled greatly.


“What is it?!” Chanyeol hated it when someone woke him up from his sleep.

“LOOK!” Chanyeol couldn’t believe it, Kyungsoo was smiling and he wasn’t dreaming.

“OH MY GOSH SOO!” The three of them went up to hug Kyungsoo. At first it seemed like too much, but he just sat there taking it all in. They finally let go and Kyungsoo spoke his first words to them since the accident.

“Thank you so much, you guys are the best.”

“I’ve missed that voice so much!” Chanyeol hugged him again and was tearing. “Don’t do that again! You scared the life out of all of us!”

“Sorry Chanyeol, but I promise I won’t be here for a while.” A nurse walked in to check on his condition and was very surprised to see him sitting up without any problem.

“You are very lucky Mr. Do. That was a quick recovery. Usually it would take days for someone to find the strength to sit up like that. And the muscles and tissues recovering was also a rare thing.”

“I guess I’m just very lucky then.” He turned to his friends and they all smiled back knowing what he really meant. “When can I leave?”

“We’ll have you checked and give you medications. Probably in another week you’ll be free to go.”

“Don’t worry! Next week is Christmas break anyways! I’ll be here with you if you’re not out by then.” Baekhyun never spent a Christmas without Kyungsoo ever since they met.

“Me too!” Chanyeol was determined to spend Christmas with Kyungsoo this year.

“I’ll be here for you too!” Jongin thought it would be different spending Christmas without his family, but he would do it for Kyungsoo.


I am the luckiest kid in the world.

“Oh yeah! Here you go. Sorry I kept it from you.” It was Kyungsoo’s phone that Jongin had in his pocket. He totally forgot about it ever since the fake accident.




It was already Christmas Eve and Kyungsoo felt bad for having everyone miss Christmas with their families to have to join him in the hospital. When Baekhyun arrived with some decorations, Kyungsoo told him he didn’t have to come.

“You can tell me ‘No’ and have me tied up in the middle of nowhere and I will still fight my way to make it here for Christmas. No matter what, I’m coming Soo.”

“Ah, fine alright I give up then.”

“Anyways, did the doc tell you when you could leave?”

“No… It’s so boring here!”

“Don’t worry! We’ll all be here for you tomorrow!”

“Thanks Baek.” Kyungsoo smiled and watched as Baekhyun put up the decorations.

“Hey Baekhyun…”

“What is it Soo?”

“I… died… and saw Jongdae… I even spoke to him.”

“What? When?” Baekhyun stopped decorating and sat down to concentrate on Kyungsoo.

“The first day I was here. I don’t know how, but I saw him…” Kyungsoo sighed before starting to tear up. “I miss him… so much. I wish I could see him again.” Baekhyun hugged the crying Kyungsoo.

“Wherever he is, he’s watching you. You just have to stay strong for him. He wouldn’t want to see you crying over his death right? Be strong and make him happy. If you keep crying, he’s going to worry that he didn’t help his brother become stronger.” Kyungsoo couldn’t stop sobbing.

“I… know… but I want… to see him… I miss him… so much…”

“Kyungsoo-ah, stop crying. He’s there for you! Just always remember him and never forget him. That’s the best thing to do.” Kyungsoo wasn’t sure if he could see him nod.

“Thanks Baekhyun… Ever since he was gone, I always treat you like my brother.” Baekhyun smiled.

“Then what kind of example are you setting for your little brother by crying, huh? Shouldn’t you be the strong one, ready for any challenges?” Kyungsoo smiled and nodded. Baekhyun went to get him some tissues before continuing his decorating.

“Feeling better?” Kyungsoo nodded.

“Thanks Baekhyun, you’re the best.”

“I already know that.” He winked and laughed. Kyungsoo laughed along. A nurse walked into the room and was wowed by the decorations.

“This is beautiful! But… Sorry to come in after you’re almost done. Kyungsoo’s going to be discharged tomorrow morning.”

“Nurse, there is no reason to be sorry for that! KYUNGSOO, YOU’RE GOING HOME TOMORROW!” Baekhyun started taking down the decorations and putting them back in the bag. Kyungsoo was so excited to finally leave and get back to his comfy bed and being across the street from Baekhyun. He hated the distance between them.

“Wait! Don’t tell Jongin or Chanyeol, I want to surprise them!”

“Ooops… I already told Chanyeol. But I’ll tell him not to tell Jongin.” Kyungsoo knew it was already too late to not let Chanyeol know. Kyungsoo dialed the phone for Jongin’s number.

“Um… Jongin, when will you be here tomorrow?”

“I’ll be there around 9!”

“Okay, see you then!”

“Oh, wait! Kyungsoo!”

“Yeah what is it?”

“I love you!” Kyungsoo smiled and looked at Baekhyun who could obviously hear everything. He faked a gag and Kyungsoo threw a pillow at him.

“I love you too!”



Aw, the KaiSoo! ^.^ Then there’s the bestfriendship between BaekSoo. >:D Haha, nah, no one can get in between KaiSoo! Hope you guys enjoyed that one!! :D 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!