
Meant to Be?



“It… it can’t be a match… What does this mean?!” Jongin started freaking out and thought of Chanyeol’s funeral in his head. There wasn’t another image he could think of other than that of Baekhyun losing his loved one and Kyungsoo losing a really close friend. Chanyeol also meant a lot to Jongin not just for his friends’ happiness, but he was also a very good friend to Jongin. He had never witnessed a death of a loved one and it bothered him that he knew it was going to happen soon. Jongin’s breathing became heavy, luckily Kyungsoo was there to comfort his unfortunate images. 

“Breathe babe, breath.” Kyungsoo was just as shocked to learn that their dreams matched. What would happen to Baekhyun? Kyungsoo looked at the door in front of them and wondered what Baekhyun would feel about this news. Obviously he couldn't give away this information to Baekhyun, or else the little boy would freak out for sure. He would have to either hear the doctor tell him, or just not hear anything at all. Kyungsoo was hoping for the second part. No one would have to lose a loved one and they could move on with their lives. 

“How do you think Baekhyun would react to this?” Kyungsoo was silent for he wasn't sure himself. The idea struck him too quickly and all he could think of Baekhyun crying and Kyungsoo not knowing what to do. 


What can I do for Baekhyun if this really does happen? How will I be able to comfort him after he’s lost his boyfriend?


“Kyungsoo,” Jongin broke the silence and then looked him sincerely in the eys. Kyungsoo can see it himself that Jongin was scared. Kyungsoo was feeling the same way. It was hard to even think of your own parents leaving so thinking of one of your closest friends leaving is even harder. Kyungsoo sighed and shook his head while looking at the ground. He took in a deep breath and then looked back up at Jongin.

“Listen, we aren’t sure that this is real. We’re speaking of it as it is real. What happens if this just a freak coincidence and he lives to be as old as 99? Then we’ll look back and just laugh at it while we’re wrinkly and old.” Jongin chuckled and then nodded. He felt some relief in his system after hearing a comical comment. Kyungsoo then continued, “Let’s just walk in there and then act as if nothing had happened. Sure you guys had the same dream, but people have coincidental dreams all the time right? And what about those who have dreams about meeting the dead ones in real life? The dead don’t come back to life and visit them, do they?” Jongin nodded and then got up with energy.

“You’re right! We’re being pessimistic right now! Where is our optimism?” Kyungsoo smiled and then took the hand that Jongin had out to get up. They both walked into the door and saw the cute couple cuddled together. Baekhyun’s head was on Chanyeol’s chest and Chanyeol had his long arms around the little boy. It was a very cute moment and Kyungsoo cracked a big smile. He walked over to them and took in the moment they were sharing. It seemed creepy, but he needed to see how happy these two were together. They completed one another and it seemed like one without the other was just not right. No one could take the other’s place and it was beautiful in Kyungsoo’s eyes. He began tearing at the thought of Chanyeol leaving and Jongin quickly walked over. 

“He’ll be fine. Let’s go.” Kyungsoo nodded and Jongin walked him out of the hospital. 




The two decided to settle at Kyungsoo’s house for the night like they usually do. 

“I wonder something…” Kyungsoo said as he was putting on his shirt after his shower. Jongin was watching TV and flipping through the channels.

“What’re you wondering about?”

“Why don’t we visit your mom?” Jongin put down the TV remote and then put his finger to his chin. He wondered the same thing now that Kyungsoo had brought it up. It was always a good idea to sleep over Kyungsoo’s, but how come he never thought about visiting his mom.

“Let’s do it this week then.” Kyungsoo smiled and nodded.

“I want to get to know your mom more.” Jongin smiled and Kyungsoo made his way onto the bed. The two began kissing and then fell into deeper kisses. After some deep kisses, the two looked at each other and smiled at each other. These moments were rare since so much has happened since the beginning of when they met. 

“I love you.” The two said to each other at the same time by accident. Kyungsoo’s smile grew even bigger and Jongin was shocked that happened. Kyungsoo put his forehead against his boyfriend’s and closed his eyes. His small arms wrapped around Jongin’s waist and the kissing then began once again. 




As they concluded their intimate moment, Kyungsoo took Jongin out to his balcony and then the two sat next to each other on the chairs placed on the balcony. He plopped himself down and looked out into the deep dark blue sky with his boyfriend. Kyungsoo had all his worries lifted from him during this moment. 

“I wonder what we mean to the other life out there.” Kyungsoo looked over to Jognin who was smiling and deep in thought about what he had just said. Kyungsoo now wondered the same thing. He then wondered if they go through the same pain and happiness that humans felt. 

“Maybe we’ll never know in this lifetime.”

“Do you know what I know?” Kyungsoo looked over once again and then shook his head. 

“I know that you mean the world to me. That’s you,” Jongin pointed to Kyungsoo’s heart, “mean to me,” he then pointed to his. Kyungsoo couldn’t help but smile widely. Luckily the lighting was dim, or else Jongin would’ve poked fun at Kyungsoo’s blushing. 




Kyungsoo woke up with the need to use the bathroom. The two went back to the bed after their moment out on the balcony. As he walked into the bathroom, he flickered on the lights and did his business. Kyungsoo yawned and the faucet. He looked into the mirror and blinked. His eyes then grew wide and he took a step back. 

“J-Jongdae?!” He spoke softly. Jongdae smiled and waved back.

“How’re you doing little bro?” 

“What’re you doing?” Jongdae sighed and then gave Kyungsoo an uneasy look. 

“I want you to be careful… That’s all I have to say.” Kyungsoo blinked again and he was gone. The boy stood in the bathroom shaking and confused. He didn’t know how to interpret Jongdae’s message and wasn’t sure if he should tell Jongin about this incident. All that was going through his head over and over again after each thought were his last words. 


I want you to be careful…



Sorry I was a little late on updating this! I was just a little busy working on my other story and now that I’ve taken a break from that, I’m back on this. I’ll alternate every 5 chapters. I hope you guys enjoyed the intimate moment in this chapter!

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!