
Meant to Be?
I can't believe Kyungsoo is really like that inside... But is Jongin lying to me? Would he lie about Kyungsoo just to get me away from him? I don't know who to believe, I just wish-
"Hey Luhan!" 
Oh my gosh, it's Kyungsoo! 
"H-hey, what's up Kyungsoo?" 
"Nothing much, just getting to class. What about you? Something wrong?" 
"Uh... No not really, I'll talk to you later alright?" 
"You sure nothing is wrong?" 
"Yeah I'm fine, I gotta go now." 
"No I'm sure something is wrong, you seem nervous about something. Come on, you trust me don't you?" 
Should I trust you? Jongin told me I shouldn't... Jongin knows your more than I, but still. Why don't I want to believe him? His words shouldn't get to me...
"Earth to Luhan..." 
"Oh! Uh, sorry Soo, I really gotta go now." Luhan swiftly made his escape from Kyungsoo and headed towards his class. Kyungsoo just watched as Luhan walked away in a hurry. 
Something's wrong with that kid... I wonder what's getting to him...?
Luhan suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder which made him jump. He turned around and realized it was Kyungsoo. 
"Tell me, what's wrong? You seem very off today." Luhan sighed and looked away. 
"I-I'll tell you later, alright?" 
"Sure... When later?"
"When I get the chance to." Luhan again walked away from Kyungsoo. 
When you get the chance...? What? 
Kyungsoo walked to his class and kept thinking about what was bothering Luhan. 
Seems like he tried avoiding me... I didn't do anything weird... Did I? 
Kyungsoo jumped at another thought. 
He had better not think I like him! 
Kyungsoo turned around, but noticed Luhan was nowhere to be found. 
I'll talk to him later...
Kyungsoo sighed and made his way to class. 
Kyungsoo spun his food around his plate with his fork. He was thinking so much about what Luhan wanted to tell him that he can't focus on anything else. 
"KYUNGSOO!" Baekhyun banged the table and made Kyungsoo jump. 
"Holy... What the hell?!" 
"It's about damn time I got your attention! I've been calling your name for a minute now!" 
"Sorry, you need anything?" 
"What is up with you? That's what I want to know." 
"There's something on m- Luhan's mind." 
"And this concerns you... Why?" 
"Because Luhan just suddenly started acting this way." 
"So... You like Luhan?" Baekhyun winked. 
"What?! No! I feel like he's trying to avoid me and I want to know why. I'm so curious as to what I did wrong to him!" 
"Typical of you Kyungsoo," Chanyeol interrupted, "always wondering what people think of you." 
"Of course! Especially when they want to avoid and I have no reason why." 
"Hah, I think you like him!" Baekhyun teased again. 
"I do not! Ah, why do you keep thinking that?!"
"You've been spending so much time with him, and now you're so concerned about him." 
"He asks to hang out, I just go with it." 
"Don't you think you should watch out?"
"Why is that?" Kyungsoo stopped his search for Luhan to listen to Baekhyun.
"Because suddenly he wants to become your friend... I feel like something is up. He's with Jongin and all, but he wants to hang out with you more... Don't you feel like something is happening all over again?" Kyungsoo's eyes widened. He thought back to the incident with Tiffany and Jongin. 
"Oh my gosh, I can't have that happening to me! Not again!"
"Yeah, you better be careful. And since Jongin is the one being left out this time, he could be more dangerous than Tiffany was."
"But I don't like Luhan!" 
"I'm just saying to be careful. That's all Soo." 
"I will... I will."
"Wow." Everyone looked at Chanyeol. 
"What is it?" Chanyeol turned and smiled to Baekhyun.
"I agree with you for once." 
"YES, FINALLY!" Baekhyun jumped from his seat and danced around the table. Everyone was looking at him and when he finally sat down, he let out a deep breath. 
"That felt good..." 
"You did that dancing just because Chanyeol says he agrees with you?"
"Yes! It's like getting a kiss from him." 
"What?" Chanyeol was confused by what Baekhyun said. 
"Well I meant before we started talking." 
"Oh, that makes sense now." Kyungsoo spotted Luhan and got up from his seat. 
"I'll see you guys in just a bit. Found Luhan." 
"Have fun!" 
"Thanks... I think..." Kyungsoo walked over to Luhan's lunch table and plopped himself right next to Luhan. 
"Heeeeeey Luhan, so about that issue." 
"Oh yeah... Umm... Well..." 
"Come on, please tell me, it's been bugging me all day!" Luhan looked around and finally agreed to it. He let out a sigh and began shaking a bit. He told Kyungsoo everything that Jongin had told him. Kyungsoo was in disbelief and explained everything to Luhan. Luhan has heard from Kyungsoo that all these things were a lie and that Jongin is doing this for some strange reason. Whatever the reason may be, he didn't get far with it. 
"Wow, I never thought Jongin would lie to me so harshly like that..." 
"You're just in a dilemma aren't you?"
"Yeah... I guess so... Thanks for listening to me." 
"No, thank YOU for telling me. Believe me Luhan, you can definitely trust me. Baekhyun and Chanyeol trust me with their lives. They're really nice people, I think you should be friends with them too."
He's not being possessive. So Jongin was lying to me? Duh, gosh I'm so stupid sometimes. 
"Alright, maybe one day! Thanks Kyungsoo!" 
"No problem, if you need anything, just lemme know!" 
Luhan never told Jongin that Kyungsoo spoke to him at all. Luhan just played it off like he disliked Kyungsoo was scared of him. Jongin thought that his plan had worked out so smoothly, but little did he know, Luhan and Kyungsoo hung out almost everyday since Luhan told Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo feels as if though Luhan is getting a little too close to him, but doesn't want to say anything. Luhan feels like he can trust Kyungsoo a lot more. Maybe enough to trust him with his feelings. 
I want to tell him... I want to tell him that I like him... But what do I do? 
Luhan looked at Kyungsoo as he walked up the stairs to the library. He wanted to go up to him and just kiss him so badly. 
He does like me... I mean, why else would he spend so much time with me? I'll... I'll... I'll try to prove it tomorrow. 
Kyungsoo was about to open the door before Baekhyun stopped him. 
"What's up...?"
"Remember Kyungsoo, don't trust Luhan too much. I have this feeling that something strange is about to happen." 
"I'm not getting too close to him like that."
"Then why're you hanging out with him everyday?"
"I... Don't know... Wow I never realized it myself. I guess it's because you're busy with studying and I have no one to hang out with... He's just a filler... I think." 
"Makes sense. I mean he's not a bad person, but just keep on your toes, alright?"
"Of course!" 
I wanted to upload this before midnight, but I failed miserably. Lol, one more chapter until you guys go insane! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! ^.^ sleep time for me, haha school tomorrow. 
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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!