
Meant to Be?


"You know... This was actually a peaceful night..." Kyungsoo plopped onto his couch as Jongin closed the door behind him. 
"I told you so. The walk was so nice. After the rain had settled, it was enjoyable." 
"Well then I guess I'm wrong this-" Kyungsoo's began ringing and he looked to see who was calling him. It was Chanyeol. Kyungsoo found it strange that he would be calling, but it's probably another prank. 
"Who is it?" 
"It's Chanyeol. Let's see what he wants." Kyungsoo accepted the call and put it on speaker. "Heeeeeeeelloooo." Kyungsoo said in a sweet voice. He and Jongin chuckled at the voice Kyungsoo had just made, but they're smiles from the laughter would soon be erased when they heard Chanyeol sobbing over the phone. 
"K-K-Kyungsoo. Please. I need you help." Kyungsoo's eyes widened and he was quick to react. 
"What? What happened?" 
"Baekhyun and I-"
"Hang on Chanyeol." Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Jongin went to go see who it was and it was Baekhyun with a face that looked like he had just been crying the entire time. 
"It's Baekhyun..." Jongin said softly and turned to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo turned off the speaker phone and muted the phone for a moment while talking to Jongin. 
"You handle Baekhyun and I'll talk to Chanyeol." Jongin nodded and Kyungsoo walked away to his room upstairs. Jongin let Baekhyun in once Kyungsoo's door had been closed. 
"Where's Kyungsoo?" Jongin just realized this was a stupid mistake since it would be odd for Jongin to be in Kyungsoo's house alone. 

Think Jongin, think! 

"He went to go get some groceries for this thing he's making tomorrow. What's wrong? You look like you've been crying for some time." Baekhyun shook his head and cried some more. 
"Chanyeol and I broke up." 
"Are you serious?! Tell me what happened!" Jongin patted his friend's back and hugged him. It took some time for Baekhyun to relax. He was so into crying that he didn't notice Kyungsoo when he walked downstairs. Jongin put his index finger to his lips to warn Kyungsoo to be quiet and Kyungsoo made an "OK" with his thumb and index finger. He tiptoed to the kitchen and waited for Baekhyun to talk to Jongin. 
"Well... Chanyeol and I were supposed to be going on a date. We had it planned out for some time... When it was actually the day to go, which was today, I couldn't find him. He was supposed to be there at 7 and I didn't see him anywhere at all. It was 7:20 and I just gave up and started walking around the mall. Mind you, I didn't get any notification from him saying that he was on his way or anything. When I walked around the mall for a little bit, I noticed he was hugging another girl. She was crying for whatever the hell reason it would be, but we've seen this girl before. We saw her a couple days ago." 
"And so you thought he was cheating on you, or something?" 
"What would you think Jongin? If Kyungsoo was hugging a girl instead of being on a date with you and totally dropped everything to comfort this one person, who he's only seen once a few days ago, what would you think?" Jongin thought about it for a moment and he realized he would feel the same way Baekhyun does. 
"I guess I would be in your position." 
"Exactly. Then I saw Chanyeol check the time and sprinted off. I ran after him and told him to me honestly what happened. He didn't tell me that he was with the girl. He was like, 'what girl?' I'm not dumb! I saw it happen!" Kyungsoo, who was sitting in the dining room was hearing everything and it was just like how Chanyeol told him. In Chanyeol's case, he would just have to make it up to Baekhyun in anyway he could. He got up and made his way to the living room and Baekhyun noticed him. Kyungsoo sat down next to him and hugged him. 
"I heard it all. From both of you." Baekhyun began crying in Kyungsoo's arms. Jongin and Kyungsoo exchanged a look of sympathy for the broken couple. 

***~~~A FEW MINUTES AGO~~~***  

"You don't have feeling for this girl, right?" Chanyeol stayed quiet over the phone. 
"I'm not sure, Kyungsoo. She just captured my eyes and I don't know. I don't think I do, but then why would I totally forget about my date with Baekhyun?" 
"Chanyeol... This is a tough case for you. I think you should really think this over before confronting Baekhyun because if you do have feelings for her then you shouldn't be around Baekhyun." 
"I know Kyungsoo. I wish things were easier. You don't hate me, do you?" 
"Of course not, why would you think that?" 
"Because of my stupid feelings." 
"Listen Chanyeol, we always change. I'm still going to be your friend. Relax and think about this. If you need to talk again, I'm here for you." 
"Thanks Kyungsoo." 


"Wait, actually. Baekhyun, can you explain this girl to us?" Baekhyun sighed and began describing her. 
"She had a beautiful face. Kinda long, brown hair. She was wearing a white top with a pink bow... That's all I could remember." 
"Do you know her Kai?" 
"No... I don't think I do, but why does that sound familiar?" Kyungsoo and Jongin thought about it for a little bit. They gave up after a few minutes. 


Baekhyun went home after an hour of being with Kyungsoo and Jongin. 
"Poor guys... I wish I could help." 
"Yeah... Same here." Kyungsoo thought it was weird since it was Baekhyun and Chanyeol who were going through all these obstacles instead of Jongin and himself. 
"Well this has been a really crazy night. Two couples fighting in one night... Kind of odd, don't you think?" 
"Wait!" Kyungsoo looked up at Jongin with a confused look. 
"Two couples?" 
"Yeah. Baekhyun and Chanyeol, then you have that guy and the..." 
"That girl..." Jongin finally realized who that girl was. She was the same one Kyungsoo and Jongin saw at the mall when they were having dinner. 

Not the best way to end the chapter, but it's like a "OMG" kinda thing. XD 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!