
Meant to Be?
"Fine, I'll ask Luhan himself. I'm sure he's going to take my side. Goodbye Kyungsoo." 
"Good luck with that, farewell Jongin." Jongin turned around and so did Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo finished up at his locker and slammed it and made his way home. Jongin turned the corner and was shocked to see Luhan standing there. 
"What's wrong?" 
"I heard everything... You can't even tell him we're going out? Are you embarrassed of me?" 
"No, that's not it! It's nothing like that!" 
"Then tell me what is it? Why can't you tell Kyungsoo that we're going out?" 
"I... I'm just afraid that he'll take it too roughly." 
"I thought you didn't care about him." 
"I don't, but I feel bad that I made him cry and all that... Plus his friends will be on my back about it." 
"You would not even let go of those worries just to bewith me?" 
"Luhan, stop it. You know how much I care about you!" 
"I guess so..."
"I'm sorry... Do you forgive me...?" 
"Yeah... Sure..." 
"Thanks!" Jongin hugged Luhan sweetly, but Luhan couldn't get his mind off of something.
"Uh oh, Kyungsoo looks mad." Chanyeol pointed out. Kyungsoo walked over to Chanyeol and Baekhyun who were making their way back to the school. 
"What's the matter?" Chanyeol asked. 
"Jongin, he's the problem! Gosh, why do I still like him?! Ugh!" 
"Even we can't tell you that..." Baekhyun never understood to separate jokes from seriousness sometimes. Kyungsoo gave him a cold glare which sent chills down Baekhyun. "Sorry..." 
"What happened Kyungsoo?" 
"He goes up to me and tells me to back off of Luhan! Like Luhan is so great and everything! Luhan isn't great! I don't see what Jongin sees in Luhan! What happened to he and I? What happened to that?!" Chanyeol took Kyungsoo in his arms and let Kyungsoo cry out his emotions. "I can't get away from this. I just wish I can leave and not deal with this all the time! What's the point of staying around? So I can wait for that one day where he miraculously gets his memory back? It's all a dream that will never come true!" Chanyeol sighed and looked to Baekhyun. All they can do is just stand there and share his pain. Nothing can be done to ease it. They felt completely useless, but what was there to do?
"It's alright Kyungsoo, like I said before, if it's meant to be, then he would come back..." Kyungsoo apparently didn't hear it since he was too busy crying. 
Jongin and Luhan are still close after that little incident occurred, but Jongin feels like he might lose Luhan to Kyungsoo. Whenever they meet each other in the hallway, they would happily greet each other and Jongin is tired of seeing Kyungsoo making Luhan smile. Luhan would occasionally ask if it's alright to talk to Kyungsoo and Jongin would tell him it's fine. Jongin is soon unable to take this jealousy and needs to find a way to get Luhan to stop talking to Kyungsoo. 
"Hey Luhan... I don't think I ever told you the past that Kyungsoo and I shared did I?" Luhan thought about it for a second.
"No... Not really. Did something bad happen?" 
"Yeah... We umm... Well Kyungsoo." 
"What about him?"
"He's not all that you think he is. On the surface he's a really nice looking kid, but deep down, he's a selfish person. We... We kind of went out." 
"Really?! I don't see that in him though. He seems really nice and so does his friends! How can he have such nice friends but with a filthy attitude?" 
"I'm not sure myself. I guess they put up with him, or maybe he threatens them..." 
"Threatens...? What're you talking about?"
"Yeah... He even threatened me once when I wanted to break up with him. He said that he would make sure I regret breaking up with him. I was scared so I stayed with him until I found a good reason to leave him." 
"Wow, that's scary to think that of Kyungsoo... I can't see him the same anymore..." Luhan has grown a fear towards Kyungsoo now. 
If I get any closer with Kyungsoo, then would I suffer the same fate as Jongin? What am I talking about? He doesn't like me! Does he...?
"Yeah I know, I didn't think of it at first either, but then after we started dating, I realized what a monster he is." 
"I'll make sure to keep on my toes about him... Thanks for telling me Jongin." 
"No problem." 
"Can you tell me more of what happened?" 
"Well when he gets jealous, it gets to the extreme. I've only seen it once. He told me he would kill the person who I said looked good."
"Are you serious?! That's a little bit too much."
"A little bit?! That's way too much! I couldn't take that anymore and I told him that he needs to control himself, but he told me that I should be his only focus. That possessive freak..." 
"Oh wow... Should I stop talking to him then...? I don't know if I should, or not." Jongin felt annoyed that he wasn't getting through to Luhan. 
"Well it's up to you... I'm not trying to tell you not to talk to him, but just gave you a heads up." 
"Alright... I'll think about it..." Luhan was in shock to hear this about Kyungsoo. He looked back to the moments he spent with Kyungsoo, but couldn't see this monster Jongin described in him. Then something hit Luhan.
Why would Jongin suddenly tell me these things...? 
I'm ready to hear those comments now xD. I know, I know "ah f****** Jongin, I can't believe him!" Yeah I know! Drama... Oh gosh, what're you going to do with it? :P hope you guys enjoy this! I'll give you a heads up, chapter 90 is going to make you guys go crazy. 
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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!