
Meant to Be?



"Are we-" 

"NO!" Jessica, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, and Jongin all said in unison to Baekhyun's question which he has asked over a hundred times in the past 10 minutes. 

"Goodness, why is everyone so mean?!"

"Do you know how many times you've asked that question?" Chanyeol barked back. 

"Like once!" Chanyeol shook his head and continued looking out the window enjoying the scenery. 

"We'll be there in like 40 minutes, calm yourself down!” The ride seemed like forever to Baekhyun. Everyone else was just having a blast and enjoying the scenery. The couples were all together and Jessica sat in the passenger seat. 


***~~~LAST NIGHT~~~***


From: Luhannie 


I’ll be over at your house by noon. I’ll let you know when I’m leaving tomorrow.


Sehun looked at the message with mixed feelings. It’s been around three days since Luhan and him have spoken. He wasn’t sure if he screwed up the friendship, or anything that they had. Sehun couldn’t wait to see Luhan the next morning. He wanted to find out the answer that Luhan is hiding. 


I’ll make sure to find out what Luhan is hiding from me tomorrow. Maybe… Maybe if I confess to him- no, that wouldn’t change anything, it’ll just make things worse. 




Sehun laid in bed looking the window at the sunrise. He was certain he got not sleep last night. He picked up his phone and looked at the disappointment of a screen with no message notifications. It wasn’t like he expected Luhan to text him a sweet good morning message. As he checked the time, he noticed that he should start getting ready.

“Here we go.” He sighed and got up from his bed stretching. The butterflies he was feeling was from being able to see Luhan, but also from nervousness of what will happen later on today. 




Luhan sighed as he finished packing.

“Well that was some hard work, but the tougher task is waiting for me ahead. I really don’t want to do this, but if it’s to help myself from getting hurt, then I have no choice.” Looking over to his phone, he wanted so badly to text Sehun. There was nothing more in the world than to talk with Sehun and just laugh with him, but he knew that Sehun would not like him back.


He doesn’t seem to like guys, he looks like he’s into girls.


Luhan zipped up his suitcase and texted Sehun.


To: Oh Sehun


I’ll be there in 15 minutes.




Sehun’s heart was racing when he saw that he had a message from Luhan.


It’s Luhan!


Sehun quickly opened up the message to see that he’s on his way. He was now more nervous than before. Of course he wanted to see Luhan, but at the same time, he didn’t. It was just a matter of 15 more minutes.




“Which section of the area are we in?” Jessica asked as they made their way into the forests.

“Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo!” Jongin violently shook Kyungsoo to get him to wake up. Kyungsoo jumped from his seat and hit his head onto the ceiling of the car. Everyone laughed at him and he returned a glare back. 

“What do you need? Ow!” 

“Which section of the area did you choose for us?” 

“Ugh, A! I told you already this, Kai! Why didn’t you tell her!” 

“You know how cute you are when you’re-”

“Shut up.” Kyungsoo relaxed in his seat and angrily looked out the window. The other two boys were “Oooing” at Jongin for getting dissed by the Sassy Soo.

“You guys shut up too!” Kyungsoo was in a clear state of anger and everyone just completely stayed quiet. They knew not to mess with the little boy when he’s angry. Jongin moved himself closer and started rubbing Kyungsoo’s head.

“Aw, I’m sorry baby.” Jongin took Kyungsoo’s head and started to slowly rub the area where he hit his head. Kyungsoo rested his head onto Jongin’s shoulders and they spent the rest of the time looking for Area A in silence.




“Hello Mrs. Oh! Nice to meet you!” 

“Nice to meet you, Luhan! Come inside, Sehun should be upstairs in his room. It’s the third door after the top of the stairs.” 

“Thank you!” Sehun and Luhan’s mother both spoke to each other to make sure that everything would go smoothly with the trip. While they were conversing with each other, Luhan made his way up to Sehun’s room. As Luhan reached the other boy’s room, he knocked twice to make sure he wasn’t interrupting anything. Sehun opened the door and was shocked to see Luhan standing right outside. 

“Oh… Hey! I didn’t expect to see you.” 

“I did tell you I was coming, didn't I?”

“Well, I meant like in front of my door and all that…” 


Damn it, Sehun! You’re so freaking awkward! Now he’ll never like you! 


“Yeah, sorry about that. I should’ve texted you that. Anyways, nice room you’ve got.” 



He likes my room! He likes my room!!!


“So you’re finished packing?”

“I believe so. I just need to check my list and then we’re good to go.

“Cool.” Luhan continued looking around Sehun’s room and picking up some unusual things to play with. Sehun was completely fine about this, but not fine by the fact that he feels like Luhan hates him.

“Hey, I have a question.”


Crap, it wasn’t supposed to come out like that! I guess there’s no avoiding it now.


Luhan turned around to Sehun sitting on the floor. He was waiting for Sehun to ask the question.


“Oh yeah! Sorry… Umm, do you…”

“What is it?” 

“Did you finish all the work you needed to do? You were busy the past few days, so I thought it was a lot of work.”

“Oh the work… Yeah. I finished it all last night. I still have some things left to do, but that’ll wait.” 

“That’s good to hear.” 


God this is so awkward. Can’t he smile or anything? What did I do to him?


“Yep.” Sehun and Luhan heard Mrs. Oh shouting from downstairs that she’s ready to leave. The two boys walked downstairs and Luhan said goodbye to his mother. She gave him the usual “Be nice” speech. Luhan smiled and was feeling embarrassed. He quickly shooed her away and she was off in her car in no time. The boys carried the luggage into the car and soon they were on their way too. 




The car ride was very, very awkward. No one spoke at all and Sehun wanted Luhan to make some eye contact with him. Instead, he just listened to music and looked at the window the entire time. Sehun checked back occasionally to see if Luhan would ever look his way, but he never did. At some point, Luhan just fell asleep and Sehun knew that there was nothing left to do, so he fell asleep too. After about an hour of driving, they finally made it to their destination. 

“Area B… Well, we’re here.” Mrs. Oh turned around to the two sleeping boys and smiled. She decided to take a picture and marveled at how cute the boys looked. She didn’t keep her smile for long because she wanted them to help unload, so she can go back home and do some work. 




“Alright, we’re here!” Jessica screamed. All, but Baekhyun woke up. 


“Wait.” Chanyeol was about to lean in to wake Baekhyun up, but she wanted to play a joke on him.

“What is it?” 

“Let’s play a joke on him…” Everyone left the car and the bags in the car. They decided to investigate the area while Baekhyun was asleep in the car. It didn’t seem like a joke, but Baekhyun has a fear of waking up in the middle of nowhere. 

“Stop looking so guilty.” Jessica poked Chanyeol’s side, “loosen up, will you?” 

“He’s going to hate me for doing this to him!” 

“No he won’t! Just say that you didn’t know about his fear.”

“I hope you’re right…”




Luhan and Sehun finished setting up the camp and Mrs. Oh went back home to continue working on her tasks. To Sehun, there was a huge feeling of awkwardness in the air. Even after a few hours of being together alone, he still felt like he couldn’t shake it off. 


“Hmm?” They were both sitting in front of a campfire just looking into the beautiful life it was giving off. 

“I… Umm… Remember that day at the cafe?”

“What about it?”

“The story I was trying to tell you…” 

“Are you going to finish it here?” 

“I could, but I want to let you know that… That… I should’ve never corrected myself.”

“Corrected yourself? What do you mean…” Luhan was thinking to himself about what Sehun meant. Then it finally hit him, “You mean changing he to she?” Sehun looked away nervously.




Well this chapter seems quite lengthy. I didn’t expect it to take this long, but it’s fine. xD I hope you guys liked this! More drama to come!

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!