
Meant to Be?



Jessica’s heart is racing a mile a minute and she can’t figure out who has taken her away from the group. She remembers hearing about Kyungsoo bicker about what Jongin has to do to make himself look presentable while eating and then getting snatched away. The person handling her was strong and fast enough to grab her and get away from the crowd of people without making it look noticeable. She was still in his grip, trying very hard to fight him off. They swung around a corner of a store and then he finally released her. He was able to maneuver himself so that he was against the wall and she was facing him. He was panting, but smiled at Jessica who was in complete shock.

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” Jessica smacked him with his purse and he blocked it, but didn’t retaliate with any physical violence.

“Wait! Wait! Please just stay quiet!” 

“WHY SHOULD I?! YOU BASICALLY KIDNAPPED ME!” Hyun Ki put his hands up and press harder against the wall. 

“Look, I don’t want to do harm to you at all. If you want to leave now, then I’ll help you find your friends again.” Jessica crossed her arms and then rolled her eyes away from Hyun Ki.


“Alright, so when you told me that you were going to be at the market, I wanted to meet up with you. But then when I saw your friend… Baekyeong…?”


“Yeah, him. When I saw him, I got scared and thought taking you away was easier to talk to than to confront him.” Jessica chuckled because she couldn't believe it. She would’ve understand if he was scared of Chanyeol, but what harm could Baekhyun bring to anyone?

“Alright look, let me just tell my friends that I’m with you and then we can all hang out.” Jessica took out her phone again, but Hyun Ki stopped her. 

“Wait, can we… just spend time together…?”

“You think I’m going to trust you to take me somewhere?!” 

“No, that’s not what I meant!” Hyun Ki began smiling and laughing from being so nervous, “Like… walk around the night market and just… hang out…?” Jessica pursed her lips and then raised her eyebrow.

“You’re asking me out on a date right now, you know that right?” Hyun Ki nodded his head quickly and turned away. 

“You can say no…” He closed his eyes shut tight because he always believed that helped in situations like this. 

“Fine…” Hyun Ki turned to her with a wide smile on his face.

“Really?!” Jessica nodded and then began walking towards the river of people. Hyun Ki quickly followed her and they walked around the night market by themselves for a long time enjoying each other’s company. It was something Jessica seemed to never have experienced before. She was always with the other boys and never had time to focus on just one person. There was no guy around who was serious about such things and just wanted to befriend her. Of course she was beautiful in many ways, but the guys were just so intimated by her. They would commend Kyungsoo and Baekhyun for braving it out and getting the chance to be her closest friends. They never saw the evil the other guys saw in her.




"Where did she go? Oh my gosh this is all my fault," Kyungsoo covered his face and let out a deep sigh. He looked up to the stars hoping he would get some hint. Jongin's tension towards Kyungsoo subsided a little in order to focus on getting their friend back, but that doesn't mean the argument was over. There was still some more things to discuss. Baekhyun then began walking away from the group. Before he walked any further, Kyungsoo called out to him. 

"Baekhyun! Where are you going?" He turned around and chuckled. 

"We aren't going to find Jessica if we stand around, are we now?" Kyungsoo lightly nodded and then caught up with Baekhyun. Chanyeol and Jongin followed and they began their search for Jessica. 




Hyun Ki took his girl almost everywhere just so that she would think of him in many different ways. It was a way for her to never forget him. They visited the numerous stands that sold food, souvenirs, couple stuff. Finally they decided to settle for a restaurant they found at the end of a section in the market. 

"Hyun Ki, let's just eat here." 

"You don't want to look around anymore?" Jessica smiled sweetly and brushed a strand of hair to the back of her ear. 

"I do, but I want to have an actual meal first. I can't keep walking on small snacks." Although Hyun Ki wanted to keep on going, he was still happy that he was going to have a meal with Jessica. It made him smile unknowingly and he nodded in agreement to the idea of having dinner together.  


It was a small noodle shop which was already filled with many customers. They sat at a table near the isle of the market and just observed other people. Occasionally, Hyun Ki would bring up a topic to talk about, but the conversations were short lived. Jessica doesn't talk much when she's hungry, so he just waited for the food to come. 




The boys have been walking around for over half an hour and still they have not found Jessica. They did make stops to get snacks, but then continued immediately after. Kyungsoo was slightly ticked off by this because he wondered how they could be thinking of food when their friend is in possibly great danger. He would never understand their priorities sometimes. Jongin would occasionally look over to Kyungsoo to check if he's looking at him, but surprisingly, Kyungsoo was not peeking at Jongin one bit. Chanyeol noticed this and walked over to Jongin and whispered,

"It's not like he's forgotten about you." Jongin was surprised that he was so obvious about it, but laughed it off. 

"I know..." 


After another 15 minutes of searching around, Baekhyun spotted Jessica with Hyun Ki and then shouted to the group. 

"Guys! I found her!" The other three boys quickly turned their head toward Baekhyun's direction. Jessica also looked up to see who was shouting because she seemed to recognize the voice a little bit. Even though she has known Baekhyun for forever, she doesn't remember what he sounds like when he's shouting words. 


Oh God, what do they want?


Jessica thought and then apologized to Hyun Ki. 

"For what?" 

"You'll see." In less than 5 seconds, the boys ran up to Jessica and then were shocked to see she was having a little date with a guy. 

"Aren't you the guy from before?" Jessica sighed and then stood up. 

"Guys, this is Hyun Ki. Hyun Ki, these are my idiots friends." 

"Hi." They all said at once and bowed accordingly. He returned the same thing. 

"Can I just... Have some privacy for tonight? I'll meet back with you guys after a while..." 

"How long is a while? And why haven't you been answering your phone?" Baekhyun was a worried mess. No one expected this from the boy who is usually so apathetic.  

"My phone is off because I knew you guys would search for me." 

"Do you understand what kind of stress you put us under?" She eye smiled at him and giggled. 

"Wasn't that fun for you, Baekhyunnie?" She tapped his nose and then looked to the rest of the group, "Just give me an hour." They all looked at each other, exchanging faces. 

"Fine," Kyungsoo said, "Then again, you don't have to listen to us even if we said no." 

"But I love you guys, and you guys are like my bodyguards so that's why I ask." The boys looked at each other and laughed. They agreed with one another that it's actually true. 

"Alright, we'll see you at the center fountain in about an hour." 

"Sure." Jessica smiles cheekily and then the boys began walking away. 

"Sorry about all that." Jessica said while sitting down. 

"Not a problem." 




After the group left Jessica with Hyun Ki, they were finally relieve to know that their best friend was alright. It was enough relief to get everyone smiling and laughing at the incident shortly after they had found Jessica. Baekhyun doesn’t take his eyes off Hyun Ki until he is out of sight, but spies on them with eyes nonchalantly. While he was eyeing the boy, Jongin and Kyungsoo were wondering what to do next and Chanyeol felt the tension rising like the lava in an awakening volcano.


“I think we should go this way,” Kyungsoo pointed towards the direction to the center of the market, while Jongin had wanted otherwise and pointed to the left where the fire show was happening.

“Why don’t we split up?” Chanyeol suggested before the boys blew each other’s heads off. 

“I mean we could,” Jongin crossed his arms before continuing, “But Mama Do Kyungsoo over here will be keeping an eye on me.” 

“So you basically want to split up, just so you can get away from me?” Jongin chuckled and shook his head.

“I didn’t say that, but sure if you want to assume that.” 

“Hey, both of you, cut it out. We don’t need to be fighting on our vacation.” Baekhyun intervened and hoped that the boys would get some sense back into their heads instead of doing all this pointless fighting. It wasn’t like Jongin or Kyungsoo to be picking a fight on each other. 


“And why should we listen to you?” Jongin’s question was directed towards Kyungsoo’s proposal of going to the center of the market. 

“I didn’t say we have to, I just suggested we go this way. You wanted to go against me and go the other way.”

“Who wants to go to the center of the market and watch a boring fountain, when you can see a fireshow?” Chanyeol sighed and looked at Baekhyun with his worried eyes. Baekhyun half smiled and knew he had to take the two away from each other before they made a bigger scene. 

“Alright, stop. You go towards the fireshow with Chanyeol and I’ll go with Kyungsoo to the fountain.” Jongin nodded and smiled.

“Fine by me. Let’s go, Chanyeol. But I’m sure Kyungsoo will be eyeing me from far away.” Baekhyun shook his head because Jongin should’ve just kept it to himself. 


Why did he have to say something? 


This was such an awkward feeling and then Kyungsoo exploded.

“You know what? Go ing ahead. I don’t give a what you do anymore. Just go and have your fun without me.” Baekhyun eyes widened as this was the very few times he’s ever heard Kyungsoo curse before. Kyungsoo stormed off towards the fountain and Baekhyun followed him.



I AM SO SORRY I HAVE NEGLECTED YOU GUYS FOR SO LONG! It’s been around 3 months since I have updated this story and I feel guilty, but college has been getting in the way. Also, I had intended to end this story at 200 chapters, but I will shorten it by a lot only because I am dragging on this story and the end is nowhere to be seen. I’m basically writing filler chapters and I don’t think it’s doing much for the content of the story itself. Be very ready to witness a lot of drama because that’s how I’m rolling these chapters out. Haha, sorry! I will have to finish this story by the end of this year and my other one too because I want to start my new one. The new one will be a new writing style I am going to try and a different format of chapters. I LOVE YOU ALL FOR THOSE WHO ACTUALLY READ THIS!

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!