
Meant to Be?



“Someone looks happy…” Jongin spoke with a curious tone, hoping his boyfriend would get the idea that Jongin wants to know why Kyungsoo is smiling so much.

“I am!” Instead the dumb boy just sits down and fanboys while holding his boyfriend’s arm. 


Well… I tried…


Jongin smiled and shook his head. Chanyeol was doing the same thing except his smiled showed his teeth. 

“When can I eat?” Chanyeol broke the awkward silence that seemed to come out of nowhere. 

“I am not sure…” Jongin furrowed his eye brows and looked to the boy holding his arm, “Yah, babe, when can Yeol eat?” Kyungsoo cleared his throat and shrugged his shoulders with a creepy smile, which made Jongin and Chanyeol exchanged confused looks. Jongin scooted his seat over just a bit away from Kyungsoo and more towards Chanyeol.

“No, babe, come back!” Kyungsoo tried pulling the chair towards him, but failed miserably due his nonexistent muscle. Jongin and Chanyeol had a good laugh seeing Kyungsoo struggle to pull a chair with someone sitting on it. The failed boy then crossed his arms and turned his body to facing away from the other two boys. Jongin shook his head and back hugged Kyungsoo. 

“I didn't mean to hurt you, babe! You know yourself that you can’t do those kinds of physical things.” 

“Gee, thanks for making me feel better.” Kyungsoo tried pulling his chair forward by pushing himself, but it wasn’t working because Jongin was holding onto him, “What the-” Kyungsoo looked down to his stomach and noticed the pair of arms still latched onto him, “Get off!”

“Why? I want to be closer to you!” Jongin pulled Kyungsoo and his chair towards him. The latter’s cheek was bombarded with kisses.

“A-alright, fine! I forgive you!” Jongin squealed, which caused Kyungsoo to burst out laughing. Now this time, Jongin was offended and pursed his lips and furrow his eye brows. Kyungsoo patted the boy’s shoulder and leaned in to kiss him on the lips. 

“Nope, not accepting it.” Kyungsoo’s jaw dropped.

“Wh-what?! Why not?” Jongin turned his head away from Kyungsoo, but began cracking a smile. Kyungsoo began laughing and pointed his finger at his boyfriend.

“You can’t be serious for life, Kai.” 

“Shut up.” Chanyeol cleared his throat and interrupted the two’s intimate moment they were having. He felt awkward that they were being lovey dovey around him and didn’t even realize it.

“Aw, does Chanyeol want some attention?” Kyungsoo stood up and walked over to hug his giant friend. 

“Let’s give him some love.”

“No, wait-“ The two boys were now huddled around Chanyeol and stealing his breathing space. Chanyeol didn’t have the strength to push them off.

“GET OFF!” Screaming seemed to do the trick as the two boys quickly jumped off and stood with a scared face. Chanyeol cracked a huge smile after seeing how scared the two boys were. “I’m not mad, haha! You should see your faces!” Kyungsoo and Jongin exchanged embarrassed looks. 

“We deserved that,” Jongin said.

“Yeah we-,” Kyungsoo added before looking over to Baekhyun.




Baekhyun felt himself waking up again, but this time he heard the sounds of Kyungsoo and Jongin speaking with one another. It seemed like Jongin was trying to pull the other boy towards him, but he wouldn’t allow it. Baekhyun just kept on listening to the conversations that went on. When he heard Kyungsoo make his way to hug Chanyeol, Baekhyun slowly opened his eyes and turned his head towards Chanyeol. 


What’re they doing to him?


“Let’s give him some love.” 


What the…


Baekhyun calmed down when he realized that the two were only giving him a hug. The circle broke when Chanyeol’s angry voice broke it. Baekhyun had only heard it a couple times before when he would argue with his dad. He eventually found the strength to sit up and slowly worked his way up from his initial position. That’s when his eyes met Kyungsoo’s

“Yeah we- Baekhyun!” Chanyeol turned his head so fast when he heard that name. His face lit up to see his boyfriend sitting up and conscious. 

“H-hi.” Baekhyun’s voice was still very soft from the lack of water and food he missed out on. Kyungsoo walked over and ruffled his already messed up hair. Baekhyun brushed his hand away and then looked over to Chanyeol whose smile was brighter than the sun’s. 


This is why I love you.




Baekhyun and Chanyeol both recovered from their incidents. Baekhyun obviously recovered faster and in a day he was back to his normal, crazy self. Chanyeol stayed in the hospital for another two weeks to fully recover and get the approval to leave. Baekhyun stayed with Chanyeol everyday and would occasionally go home, but for no longer than an hour and return right away. Kyungsoo and Jongin left the hospital the day the two boys woke up and were conscious. They went off and decided to finally be able to make up the time lost from when Jongin lost his memory to now. There was a lot of time in between those events where Kyungsoo wished he could’ve spent with Jongin. It made him sad talking about it with Jongin, but the latter reassured him that he would make it all up to him. Everyday for the next two weeks, the couple would go out to different places and eat all sorts of different food. Kyungsoo thought it was too much, but Jongin was sure it wasn’t. Surprisingly those two weeks flew by and they were back at the hospital again, but this time for a good reason. Chanyeol’s day to leave was finally today and the two boys came to bring him home. Mrs. Park had brought the larger truck so that everyone can fit inside. Chanyeol’s eyes were blinded by the brightness of the sun, however it was better than looking at lightbulbs. He took in a deep breath of air and loved every ounce he inhaled. It was beautiful to be outside again and healthy. 

“Let’s go home.” Chanyeol said and walked towards the truck first. 




Chanyeol stepped out of the car and was so happy to see his house again. He spread out his arms and shouted, “I’VE MISSED YOU!” Baekhyun could only watch and shake his head at his boyfriend’s silliness. The giant turned around and waited for everyone to exit out of the car before walking inside. Once everyone was out, they urged Chanyeol to open the door first. He was skeptical as to why, but didn’t question it out loud. He cracked the door open and the familiar scent of his home rushed into his nose and heightened his happiness even more. Then his happiness skyrocketed at what his eyes captured. 




I kept my promise with another update! Lol, hard to believe right? Expect a little bit more from me tonight! =D

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!