
Meant to Be?



“Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo! Wake up! Wake up!” Kyungsoo could feel himself waking up from the hospital bed. Everything seemed to fine except for one thing: No one was around. No one was outside at the counter. He didn’t feel like he needed to be in the hospital since everything seemed to great about him. He walked in front of the mirror and wondered what happened. His thoughts instantly brought him back to the incident of what occurred.


I was shot?!


Kyungsoo lifted up his shirt and checked his back. There it was, the gunshot wound.

He put his hands on his face and mirror to check if everything was real. It all was.


Who was calling me before…?


He turned his head towards the outside and walked towards the window. When he looked down, he saw a bright white light and saw no ground. The sky was perfectly fine and the view was the city of Seoul, but the grounds and the people were gone.

“WAIT! Am I dead?!” Kyungsoo panicked at the thought of being dead. He didn’t want to die so suddenly and be leave the world with so much left to do.

“Of course you are.” Kyungsoo turned around to see someone dressed in all white. He feels like he’s seen this person before.

“You don’t recognize me do you…?” The voice was so familiar to him and then it finally hit him.

“J-Jongdae?” Jongdae nodded.

“Welcome, little brother. What’re you doing here so early?”

“I don’t know myself… Is this all real?”

“If it isn’t how can you talk to me?”

“Well then… Talk about being here so early.” Jongdae passed away at the age of 17 from being in a car crash. That was eight years ago. Kyungsoo never spoke of it because he wanted to respect Jongdae and the only other person who knew was Baekhyun.

“How’re things with you and Baek? You guys seem like you’re still getting along.”

“Of course we are! We’re to be friends for life!”

“How sweet. Well… Then I guess you’re wondering if this is your new life?”

“Is it…? I can’t leave them yet… I can’t leave Baek, Chanyeol, mom, dad, I can’t leave any of them yet.”

“What about Jongin…?”

“How do you know about Jongin?”

“Bro, I’m your Guardian Angel now! I know all that happens!”

“Yeah… I can’t leave him at all… Especially not Jongin…”

“Let me show you something. Follow me.” Jongdae walked out of the room and Kyungsoo followed. Suddenly a bright white light hit him and he was transported to his childhood and saw him playing with Baekhyun in the playgrounds at school.

“You see, without you, Baekhyun would have been that kid that no one likes. Sure he’s a little stubborn at times, but that’s why you accept him. You helped him become a better person than who he was in the beginning.”

“He was just a bully and I wanted to find out why. He didn’t want to tell me, so I persisted and never gave up.”

“And you finally found out why.”

“He didn’t have any friends… I became his first friend. Through repeated failures of doing so. One day I finally got through to him.”

“The first time you made him cry too. You have impacted him the most of anyone else in your life. Could you imagine his life without you? Where would he be today? Would he be the strong Baekhyun you know and love?”

“I can’t believe it… I honestly didn’t think I was THAT much of an impact on him.”

“Believe it. Now follow me again.” Jongdae walked forward into the distance and Kyungsoo followed along. They were now in Kyungsoo’s middle school where he grew up without Baekhyun.

“You guys separated and you came here.”

“I was afraid I would never see Baekhyun again ever since he left for Busan.” Kyungsoo looked over to a table where a tall kid was being picked on by other kids around him.

“You’re such a freak you tall tree!”

“Yeah, go away you giant!”

“No one likes you!”

“Park Chanyeol… The one BEING bullied.”

“I stopped it that day. I stopped the madness for him.”

“Hey! Leave him alone! It’s not his fault he’s unique and cool like that! Look at us, we’re all the same height and boring! He’s taller which makes him cooler than the rest of us! Watch when you grow up and people start calling you guys short and what not! Leave him alone!” Kyungsoo smiled at how brave he was back in the day.

“And there’s little me.”

“Ever since that day, Chanyeol became liked by the other kids and started making new friends. He would never forget the one who helped him start all of that: Do Kyungsoo.” Before Kyungsoo could keep his eye longer at the scene, things all changed into the room where he met Jongin.

“Well, look at that… It was only 2 weeks ago that you met Jongin…”

“I affected him that much?” Jongdae nodded.

“Because of you, he found out what first love was. He didn’t need to cover it up. He really felt it in his heart and soul. You are his first love and he still loves you greatly. You gave him a reason to come to school and enjoy it. The reason why he can break up with Tiffany and not feel any worries. It’s all because of you. You helped him through it all by just being there.”

“And I will be there for him… and everyone else… It now that I’m dead.” Kyungsoo’s shoulder slumped.

“Not quite… I brought you on this tour to show you how much you affected the people in your lives. How much you mean to them and how they will always fight for you until the very end.

“I’m going to be going back?”

“Yes, you will not be here for a LONG time. You better promise me on that. You are the light in their days and they have a reason to move forward, happy, into the future. Without you, their days would be cloudy and depressing. Mom and dad… Think of them too. Take care of them Soo.”

“WAIT! How will I talk to you again?”

“Visit me sometimes!” Kyungsoo was confused by what he meant. Then, in that instance, he felt himself being transferred to reality. For some reason, he didn’t feel as strong and energetic as he did when he was dead. He slowly opened his eyes and saw his three friends with their heads down on the same bed as him. They were still there for him.

“Thank you…” He murmured.



Sorry to have Kyungsoo die! D: But, I brought him back! :D Wow, Kyungsoo’s going through a LOT at the age of 17. 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!