
Meant to Be?



"No, I am not going to allow you to let me leave. Why're you trying to get me away from him?" The principal had no idea what Luhan was talking about and he looked over to Mrs. Han. She would not take one look at her son at all. 

"Please, Mr. Kang. Can we finish this paper work?" 

"I believe so. Luhan is present now." 

"No, Mr. Kang. Please don't listen to her." 

"I'm sorry Luhan, there's nothing I can do really..." 

"What're you talking about? I don't want to leave this school! I don't even live with her anymore!" 

"Luhan enough-"

"What's wrong? Scared because they'll know that you kicked your son out?" Mrs. Han threw down her purse and turned to her son with a very strong glare. 

"Listen, no one kicked you out. You chose to leave you ungrateful-"

"That's enough!" Mr. Kang interrupted, "I will have this in my office. Either you two work it out, or I can't get anywhere with this paperwork." Mrs. Han went over to the desk and grabbed the paper, but she wasn't the only one. Luhan had also taken a part of the pile. 

"I will not let you take me away from him." 

"You will do as this paper work says." 

"What paperwork?" Luhan took all the paper and tore it up in front of the two adults. He turned to bow to Mr. Kang. "I'm sorry, but I will not follow her." Luhan left the room and both adults shocked. 

“Luhan, get back here!” His mother chased after him, but he was gone when she had opened the door. She turned around and apologized to the principal before running after her son. She had exited quick enough to see her son walking down the hallway. She ran after him, but when he noticed her footsteps, he ran back to his classroom. She had lost sight of him and was catching her breath before deciding to leave. 




Luhan and Sehun were sitting down in the cafeteria going over what had happened this morning. 

“Wow, I can’t believe she would do that… And Mr. Kang didn’t say anything?”

“He said he couldn’t do anything. What bull.” 

“Woah there, no cursing.”

“Sorry, I’m just really mad.” Sehun put his arm around Luhan.

“Don’t worry, be happy.” He sang happily. Luhan couldn't help it, but he just had to smile at that. 




“I’m quite curious as to what happened.” Kyungsoo said as he sat down while setting his tray onto the table.

“Well… You want to explain it?” Baekhyun turned his head to Chanyeol, which he replied with a smile and nod. 

“Why don’t we both.” 

“Mmmm… Okay!” Baekhyun and Chanyeol had explained what happened during that day. While they were explaining some parts, Kyungsoo died from the cuteness that was going on. At some parts, he would be upset, because it was upsetting, but in the end Kyungsoo had filled his curiosity and the others at the table had received their laughs from his reaction. 

“That must’ve been one crazy day for you guys.”

“Oh, it was! I didn’t want to leave, but I didn’t know how to say it…” Baekhyun turned his head immediately.


“Yeah, and then when I read your message, I was happy that you wanted me to stay.” Both of them smiled and leaned into each other for a kiss. 

“Kyungsoo.” Kyungsoo turned his head and had his lips connect with another pair. The two couples at the table were now locked in a lip fight. 




Luhan and Sehun were walking home hand in hand enjoying the beautiful weather. They had stopped by the ice cream shop and walked in to get a cup of ice cream. 

“What would you like, babe?” Luhan was stunned by this. Sehun had never called him that before and he thought it was the sweetest thing yet. Luhan smiled and was lost in his happiness  before Sehun snapped him out of his daze. “Luhan?”

“Oh, uh sorry! Um… Surprise me.”

“Sure!” Sehun went over to order their ice creams and came back with two bowls. 

“What did you get me?”

“I got you the same thing I did.”

“What is that?”

“I have no clue. I just decided not to look at the lady when she was scooping the ice cream.” 

“That makes sense.” Luhan shrugged and went on to eat his ice cream.

“Why’d you freeze before?” Luhan slipped the spoon out of his mouth and thought about the question while the ice cream melted in his mouth. He couldn’t figure out what Sehun was talking about so he made a confused look. “When I asked you what you wanted.”

“Oh!” Luhan gulped down his ice cream before continuing, “You called me babe… I thought that was just… sweet…” Sehun smiled and shook his head.

“Did you not expect me to be mushy?”

“You’ve never really shown it.” 

“I can start… Or I can just hold back.”

“Sprinkle it here and there… That way, it’s special.” 

“Haha, alright.” The boys continued eating their ice cream and just having a good time. On the surface, Luhan was a completely happy boy eating ice cream with his boyfriend, but inside he’s a worried mess. He can’t get his mind off of the incident from last night and now he has the transferring issue to worry about. He doesn’t want to leave Sehun, and he doesn’t want Sehun to hate him. Luhan wants to tell the other what happened, but he’s afraid Sehun will hate him and then leave him. He’s also worried that if his mom’s plan does go through, he won’t see Sehun. 

“What’re you worried about?” Sehun interrupted Luhan’s thought.


“You’re so focused on something… You only do this when you’re worried.”

“I’m not worried.” Sehun raised his eyebrow and looked down to his cup of ice cream.

“You haven’t touched it in like 5 minutes.”

“Maybe I want to savor the flavor.”

“Just tell me what’s wrong later.” Luhan sighed.

“Alright, will do.”




Sehun and Luhan finally reached “their” house and noticed a police officer standing outside the doorway. They quickly rushed over to see what was happening. Mrs. Oh was answering questions before signaling the boys to quickly come over.

“I think they can give you better answers.” 

“Mom, what’s going on?” The police officer turned to the boys.

“Are you kidnapping this boy? There was a report filed in by a Mrs. Han saying that you people have taken her child. Are you Luhan?” Luhan face palmed himself and shook his head. 

“Yes, yes I am.”



Sorry it took me a little bit of time to update. I had something written and then it was really poorly written because I had writer’s block at the time. I can see you guys hating Mrs. Han so much xD didn’t expect this… BY THE WAY! Thank you for getting me passed 365 subscribers for this! I wanted to celebrate earlier but by the time I checked, I was passed it. 3.6.5 FIGHTING! 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!