
Meant to Be?




The days are coming nearer and nearer to Jessica’s departure. No one is having it easy and it will be very different without her. Kyungsoo will lose a great friend and so will Baekhyun and Chanyeol. They’ve been friends for a good while and just recently they’ve been through so much. The separation between them will greatly affect how they will stay friends from now on. Jongin doesn’t want Jessica to leave as well since she shows kindness towards him and is the key to fixing the tension between Kyungsoo and him. Without Jessica, he has no idea what he would do in order to get back on good terms with them. Jessica is starting to grab things to put inside her locker and then thinks back to all the moments she’s created in this school. She looks around and thinks about how much she will miss the building that has taught her so much about performance art and friendship. She closes her locker and turns around to a group of students approaching her. More and more students start joining the group and even teachers. Jessica is confused on what’s going on, but they eventually make it clear. A boy walks up and speaks for the whole group.

“Jessica, you’re not only kind, but also very talented and smart. Please continue to do well in your new school and new life. Don’t forget about us and we will always have you in our minds and heart! Keep on fighting and be happy there in England! We cannot thank you enough for allowing us to be touched by you. Thank you so much and good luck Jessica!” Jessica can’t control her emotions and starts crying. She hugs the boy, whose name is Joonmyun, and cries on his shoulder. He’s always had a secret crush on her and now that she’s leaving, he will never have his chance. He begins to cry too, but soon wipes away his tears.

“Thank you so much Joonmyun!” She steps in front of the group. “Thank you everyone! I will never forget you guys! Keep on fighting!”




After the crowd finally dispersed, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun walk up to her and look at her with her face full of tears. They all hug each other and cry together. Baekhyun does his best to keep his tears in, but eventually just lets it all out. They finish their hugging and make their way to Jessica’s house. Once inside, they look inside an empty house and just was so surprised how big it truly was.

“Tomorrow is the next day…” Kyungsoo was ready to cry again.

“Yeah… Unfortunately… I really don’t want to go, but it’s the best for my family.”

“You can’t stay with me, or something?”

“I’m sorry Baekhyun… I can’t. I don’t want to be a burden of anyone and I don’t want my family missing me. I don’t want my friends missing me either. All I can do for now is follow my family.”

“This is going to … There was still so much we were supposed to do.” Kyungsoo turned around to hide his watery eyes. Jessica walked up behind him and hugged him.

“I’m going to visit, don’t worry Kyungsoo! When I’m done with school, I will come back to Korea and I will visit all of you guys.” She turns around to Baekhyun. “You better have changed for the better. I don’t want to see this kiddish Baekhyun when I return you hear?”

“Hah, you wish. I’m going to be like this forever!” Baekhyun was glad he could actually smile in this situation. Then he thought it wasn’t worth it to keep on dwelling on the inevitable and make the best of the time they had.

“Nothing’s going to be the sa-”

“Soo, if you keep on doing this, we will never be able to move on.”

“Do what?”

“If we keep on wallowing in the thought of Jessica’s leaving and all, we can’t be strong later on, can we? We have to keep up our spirits and do the best we can do in order to fight off this feeling.” He turns to Jessica. “You too, you have to be strong for us and show us that we shouldn’t be crying. We will not lose touch because there’s so much technology and stuff. You said you’d return, so let’s just forward to that!”

“You’re right. Baekhyun’s right Kyungsoo. Let’s just make the best of what we have now.” They spend the rest of the day walking around the neighborhood and reminiscing about the old days. The two boys slept over Jessica’s house and waited for the next day to come. It wasn’t easy for them to fall asleep. They weren’t even sure if they actually fell asleep.




After finally arriving at the airport, they unpack all the bags and Mrs. Do drives away to find a parking spot. Chanyeol tagged along with them so it was a crowded car ride. It was all worth it since this would be the last time they would see Jessica. Surprisingly, Jongin came to send Jessica away and see her the very last time.

“What’s he doing here?” Kyungsoo was ready to tell him off.

“It’ll be alright! Just hide your hatred just for today please?”


“Hello everyone!” Jongin greeted.

“Hey.” Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and Kyungsoo gave the softest and emotionless greeting Jongin has ever heard.

“Hello Jongin!” Jongin smiled as he saw how nice Jessica was being to him.




After finally checking their passports and clearing the checks for baggage weight, they waited by the gate to spend every last minute they could together. Jessica’s parents signaled that they needed to enter the gate. Everyone’s heart dropped and they began to say goodbye.  Jessica turns to Kyungsoo first and hugs him.

“Kyungsoo, listen to me, be strong alright? I know that you’re capable of doing that. I don’t want to see you crying before I leave. You’ve always been a strong boy and you just need to find that strength in you. I want to hear all the achievements you accomplish later on all right? Don’t let me down and continue to be the best person ever! You’re my best guy friend and I don’t want to see you lose that talent! I will always be here for you, no matter what!” She leans in closer. “Don’t worry too much about Jongin alright? If it’s meant to be, then he will come back. Just remember that if you let something go and it comes back, it’s meant to be. He will come back to you.” Kyungsoo smiled and couldn’t stop crying.

“Thank you so much Jessica! I will miss you so much!” They hugged one more time and she walked over to Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

“You two are truly something. Baekyeol, don’t you ever lose each other. You guys are perfect for each other and I don’t want to hear that you guys split up. Don’t let anything get in your paths and continue to be the happy couple that everyone knows of. Baekhyun, stay out of trouble and keep comforting Kyungsoo alright? He’s going through a lot and it’s hitting him all too quickly. As his best friend, do your duty.”

“Yeah… I got it Jessica.” Baekhyun didn’t want to speak too much; he couldn’t because the tears were ready to flood out. Chanyeol didn’t care, he just let out all the tears and hugged Jessica.


“Hah, I’ll miss you too Chanyeol. I promise to visit!” Baekhyun then hugged Jessica.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there for Soo and I will make sure that you aren’t disappointed. I’ll keep up to your wish of keeping Baekyeol together.” Jessica and Baekhyun smiled and she turned to Jongin. Baekhyun and Chanyeol walked over to comfort Kyungsoo who seemed to be having it the worst.

“Thanks for everything Jessica. I really hope that my memory returns quickly so all these sad moments for Kyungsoo can finally stop. I really want to see him as much as you guys do.”

“Listen Jongin, it’s not your fault at all. Just your feelings took over, but we all get that. Don’t feel any regret and I’ll try my best to get you guys talking again. I will want to hear from you later on, got it? Keep on dancing and make sure that you live up to your dream.”

“Got it!” Jessica walked over to the other three. Together they formed a group hug full of tears and emotions. They finally let go and stare at Jessica and Jessica stared back.

“This is it… Goodbye guys. I will call you when I get to England. Hopefully the time difference isn’t too much.”

“Bye Jess!” They all said unison. They watched as she walked away and hand her ticket to the lady at the podium. She made her way through security check and waved her final goodbye to everyone. She even turned to wave goodbye to Jongin. The three boys were wiping their tears away and turned. Eventually Jessica was out of sight and they turned around to make their way home; leaving the last place of seeing a very close friend of theirs. Before they made too much of a distance away from the gate, they heard Jessica’s voice.

“KYUNGSOO!” They all turned around and saw Jessica running. Surprisingly, she was allowed to come back out and she ran up to Kyungsoo.

“Jess! What happened?!” Jessica caught her breath and she finally straightened herself.

“I’ve always wanted to give you something, but I didn’t think you would want it.”

“What are you going to give me…?” Without any warning, Jessica grabbed Kyungsoo’s face and pulled him in to kiss him. Everyone who was watching was as shocked as Kyungsoo was. She finally let go and stared at the wide-eyed boy.

“I’ve always had feelings for you. I’ve always wanted to give you a kiss and be with you forever. But because I know who you like, I couldn’t do anything. But thank you for not pushing me away Kyungsoo. I love you.” Jessica turned around and began walking back through security. Kyungsoo grabbed her arm and she turned around.

“I can’t say I love you as someone who makes my heart beat like in those romances. But I can say I love you as a best friend and always will. Don’t count on me as being that boy who will take care of you. There will be someone in England much better than I to do that for you.” Jessica smiled and nodded.

“Thank you Kyungsoo. Goodbye now.” Jessica walked through security and waved her FINAL goodbye. Everyone waved back and when she was gone from view, they began making their way home.



Yeah, this chapter is a little longer than the others, but there was a lot to put in. Wow, so much emotions and so much going on. Hope you guys don’t want to kill me because of what Jessica did. xD 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!