
Meant to Be?



Luhan started to shake and tears began forming in his eyes. Sehun noticed this and took him into a hug. Luhan let some of the tears fall out of his eyes and hugged Sehun back.

“It’s alright. You don’t need to tell them.”

“I’m so sorry.” Sehun smiled and rubbed Luhan’s back.

“Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t change how I feel for you.” 

“Thank you.”




“Kai, give it back!” Kyungsoo tried reaching for the remote that Jongin was holding above Kyungsoo’s head. Kyungsoo had no way of overpowering Jongin, but he would always try his best to do so.

“Nope. We’re watching this!” 

“I don’t want to watch it! Come on, please give me the remote!” 

“And why should I?”

“Because you’d be such a nice person if you did!” Kyungsoo smiled and tried making a cute face for Jongin to fall for. Jongin laughed and gave the remote back to Kyungsoo. “Why’re you laughing?”

“The face you make is so funny.”

“It’s not meant to be funny.”

“When you try to be cute, it’s funny. Don’t try, that’s when I would fall for it.” Jongin winked and sat down on the couch waiting for Kyungsoo to follow him. He sighed and plopped down next to Jongin to change to the cooking channel. 

“You know how hungry I get whenever we watch this.” 

“Too bad, then go somewhere else.” Kyungsoo stuck out his tongue and continued watching his show. 

“You’re the mean one around here.” Jongin got up and looked out the window. He frowned at the dark clouds forming above. He wanted to go for a walk, but that has to wait since it would eventually start raining. The entire day has not been productive for either of the two. It had started off slow and still is going by slow. Jongin checked the time and noticed that it was only 2PM. 

“Come over here!” 

“The shows get me hungry! Let me stand by the window.” 

“I’ll make you whatever they make on TV!” Jongin thought about the idea of eating after watching people make food and enjoyed it. He ran over to the couch and jumped right into Kyungsoo’s lap. Kyungsoo groaned and made his way out of Jongin’s crushing weight. “For a dancer you’re quite heavy.”

“It’s all the muscle.” Jongin flexed his arm and Kyungsoo chuckled while looking away. “You know you love it.”

“Uh huh…” Jongin was a little shocked that the TV distracted Kyungsoo more than his muscles. He took Kyungsoo’s hand and placed it on his abs. Kyungsoo immediately turned to look and smiled. He just left his hand there for the remainder of the show. Occasionally, he would rub Jongin’s abs. Once the show had finally finished, Kyungsoo got up and looked at Jongin. The other boy was now asleep, therefore leaving Kyungsoo to cook on his own.




Luhan looked at the dark clouds forming and thought it was a good idea to start heading home.

“You look worried.” 

“It’s going to rain soon… I think we should start heading home now.”

“Alright, I’ll walk you home.”

“Are you crazy? You’ll be soaked by the time you get home!” Luhan did not want Sehun to get sick because he walked Luhan home. Sehun was going to fight Luhan until he would say yes. The two could not come to an agreement, so Luhan said he would offer Sehun a ride home. 

“You could’ve thought about that earlier?”

“Not really… Hah, sorry.” Sehun lightly punched Luhan’s arm and they got up to start walking. On their way home, they noticed that it had started dripping a little bit, so they picked up the pace and tried speed walking to avoid the rain. Eventually, it was too late to avoid the rain, so they stopped by an ice cream store to wait out the rain.

“Might as well get ice cream while we’re in here. You want some?” Luhan looked guilty and shook his head. He knew that if he told Sehun he didn’t have money, Sehun would buy ice cream for him. So the smart thing to do was simply tell Sehun that he wasn’t in the mood for ice cream.

“I’m fine, but thanks!” 

“Are you serious?” 

“Yes, I’m sure.” Luhan sat down at a table, “I’ll wait here and you go order your ice cream.” 

“Alright, don’t go anywhere without me.” 

“In this rain? Yeah, I’ll have so much fun.” Sehun went to go get his ice cream and Luhan looked out the shop’s window. It was pouring so hard that he could hardly see anything 3 feet away from the window’s view. People were running by with newspapers or handbags over their heads. Some people suspected the rain would have come and wore raincoats to get to where they were going. Luhan wondered if they were going to the many people that would have to run home. It was a fun idea: running home in the rain. Seemed like a movie to him. He thought about the scene that was being captured in his head. He would be against a wall or a car in the pouring rain at night. Sehun would look into his eyes and he would look into Sehun’s. The two would slowly come closer together. Before Luhan got to finish the scene in his head, Sehun came back and slammed a cup of ice cream in front of Luhan. Sehun had bought two cups, one for each of them to enjoy. 

“I told you not to get me any!” 

“I know you wanted some.” 

“What makes you think that?”

“You were the one who chose this place to hide from the rain.”

“Doesn’t mean I wanted some.” 

“Well then, if you had money, would you have gotten some?” 


, he got me.


“I do have money!” 

“Oh yeah?” Sehun placed his cup down and raised his eyebrow. He placed his hand out and signaled Luhan to hand over money.

“You want me to pay?”

“No, of course not. I want to see how much money you’ve brought with you.” 


“Thought so.” Sehun continued eating his ice cream and pushed Luhan to eat his. Luhan felt bad for taking free ice cream from Sehun since he didn’t want Sehun to think he was taking advantage of him. It took a little convincing, but Luhan couldn't resist the green tea ice cream sitting in front of him. It was yelling at him to just eat all of it.




It didn’t take long for the two finish their ice cream, which meant it was still pouring outside. Sehun thought that there was no way to wait this out, so he took Luhan’s arm and walked outside the store. Luhan had a small idea that Sehun wanted them to run home, but he didn’t think Sehun was up to that. Sehun had proved Luhan so correctly and before he knew it, Luhan felt an arm pulling him into the rain and on the way to his house. The sun had already set and then were soaking wet. Two boys running the rain, away from the run. It seemed like a funny idea to Luhan. When they finally reached the end of the block of Luhan’s house, both of the two boys stopped to catch their breaths. Sehun looked at Luhan and Luhan looked at Sehun. They both straightened their backs and looked into each other’s eyes. Sehun moved in closer to Luhan and they moved into a fence, with Luhan’s back on the fence. Once again, their eyes met and it seemed like a magnetic force was pulling them closer and closer together. It was just like Luhan had imagined. Everything from the beginning of the run to right before the kiss. At the end of both scenes, the kiss was interrupted. This time it wasn’t ice cream and a pleasant smile interrupting the scene. It was his mother who was making her way home from work. 




OH SNAAAAAP! xD Hope you guys enjoyed that! I’m slowly developing the HUGE plots that are to come. So please bear with me. I don’t want it all to end that quickly. ;D

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!