
Meant to Be?



Ever since that day, Kyungsoo felt that Jongin wasn’t the same. All the text messages seemed to be bland and wasn’t full of the cuteness that Jongin once placed in them. Jongin would either take his time to reply, or just wait until the night to call Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo is sitting down with Jessica and explaining to her what’s going on during rehearsal.

“Seems like he might be telling to you to try to move on…”

“I don’t want to move on, though. We’ve been together for only a month, but it seems like we’ve bonded a lot and losing him would be devastating to me.”

“Soo, it’s hard, but we all have to move on from good things. There are better things waiting ahead for us.” Kyungsoo knew Jessica was right.  

“I know… I’ll try my best… I feel like when he doesn’t text back for a long time, I just feel much better, but then when he texts me… I just feel like all the worries and the stupid feelings come rushing back to me.”

“It’s a funny thing Kyungsoo. This thing we call ‘love.’ It happens to all of us, and then devastates all of us. It’s a lesson learned.”

“Yeah… I hope I can move on quickly, I can’t keep this up forever…”

“Are you guys still going out?” Kyungsoo nodded. “Why?”

“What do you mean ‘Why?”

“Why’re you still going out with him if you feel like this?”

“He doesn’t know and I just thought that he would start changing if I brought back the memories…”

“How do you do that?”

“Well, before this all changed, him and I used to send each other goodnight text messages and have the hearts and hugs and kisses. We would also include cute names to each other. I’ve been bringing that back up and seeing if he notices.”

“Does he?”

“No… I won’t give up, though!”

“Soo… I think you’re stuck in the past.” Kyungsoo and Jessica were both quiet for a while.


“You’re bringing things up from the past because they were better times than now. You miss the things you guys used to do right? You want to relive them, but can’t right? It’s hard to admit it, but it’s time to move forward, Soo. You’re going to have to leave him sooner or later if he doesn’t change…” Kyungsoo thought about leaving Jongin and everything they had together. He didn’t want to, no matter what.

“I don’t want to-”

“You have to, you have to get up from the past and start catching up with everyone in the present.”

“I’ll start working on that…”

“You better start quickly, or you’re just going to end being hurt everyday.” Baekhyun walked in to get Jessica ready for her part during the rehearsal. “Think about it during this week and just try to find out if anything is changing. If it’s still the same, leave him.” Baekhyun made an uneasy face because he knew what Kyungsoo was going through.

“You need any help, Soo?”

“Not really… I just need time to think and get over this whole thing.” Kyungsoo let out a sigh. “Do you think I’m a fool for staying with him and keeping my feelings to myself?”

“Course not, it’s love. You can’t control who you fall in love with and you just can’t help the actions that it makes you do.” Kyungsoo smiled at how comforting Baekhyun could be sometimes.

“Thanks… What do you think I should do?”

“Honestly, you should confess it all. Your feelings and your reaction to all these things. He’s not going to find out if you don’t push forward and tell him.”

“Tell who, what?” Jongin walked in as Baekhyun finished.

“Nothing… it’s for a project.”

“Oh… good luck with it!” Jongin looked confused when he saw Kyungsoo with a blank look on his face.

“What’s wrong, Kyunggie?” Kyungsoo chuckled.

“Nothing… It’s nothing at all.”

“How come you don’t tell me these things?” Kyungsoo heavily breathed out.

“You want to know?” Baekhyun wanted to get away, but he wanted to stay. He decided to stay in the background and just be there in case Kyungsoo did anything crazy.

“Yes, of course I want to know.”

“I’m just having one of those days where I feel like complete .” Baekhyun was a little disappointed that Kyungsoo didn’t tell him the truth.

“You’ve been having those days a lot. Ever since last Sunday… No, before that.”

“No, I’ve been fine. It’s nothing, honestly.” Kyungsoo faked a smile as best as he could.




After rehearsal, Baekhyun left in a hurry to go meet up with Chanyeol. Jessica finished packing and was waiting for Kyungsoo.

“You ready?”

“Not yet, I can’t seem to find my charger…” Jessica shook her head at how bling Kyungsoo was sometimes.

“Try look in front of you.”

“Oh, wow!” It was in front of Kyungsoo on a chair the entire time. Kyungsoo grabbed it and zipped up his backpack.

“Ugh, Soo, I can’t walk with you today, my mom is going to New York right now and she’s going to pick me up.”

“That’s no problem! I’ll get my mom to drive me home.”

“Alright, stay safe! Bye Soo! Remember: if you need anything, just contact me!”

“Okie dokie! Bye Jess!” Jessica walked out of the school and surprisingly her mom was outside waiting for her.


This is my chance.


Kyungsoo received a message from Jongin, but ignored it at first to call his mom.

“Yeah mom… Jessica can’t walk with me, can you pick me up?... Thanks mom!” Kyungsoo hung up and checked to see what Jongin had sent him.


From: Kai <3 :)


Greetings from the library!


It was a picture of Jongin smiling with Tiffany. Kyungsoo felt this intense rage coming up from inside him. He was jealous of the picture they took together, he was angry that Jongin is smiling and having such a fun time with Tiffany when he always complained how boring she was.

“AHHHHHHH” Kyungsoo slammed his phone onto a mirror that was right next to him. The glass shattered and fell to the ground, however some pieces were left. He was breathing heavily and then looked up to into the mirror. There was Jongin standing in the reflection. Kyungsoo slowly turned around to see Jongin standing right there.



Ah, here we go! Intense moments like these are great places to leave off! ;D Hopefully that wasn’t too dramatic. 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!