Anniversary (ONE YEAR)

Meant to Be?


Luhan woke up to a beautiful sunny morning with the silence still floating around the room. It felt different today, he felt stronger. Luhan got out of bed and then made his way to the bathroom to brush up and then find something to eat. While he was brushing his teeth, he noticed a piece of paper sticking out of the sink mirror. After finishing brushing his teeth, Luhan took the note out and read it to himself. 

Make sure to keep your teeth clean! 


He smiled and then put the note safely on his desk to return to it later. The feeling of not totally missing his mother had not hit him again yet, but he was sure it was going to happen eventually. His next stop was the kitchen in order to get something to eat, so he race down the stairs and slid in front of the refrigerator to pop it open and see what delicious food he could make of the ingredients. Again, he noticed another note and took out it to read. 

Here is a list of recipes that I know everyone will love. Do try making these things some time!

Luhan flipped through the pages of notes to see a lot of recipes that he recognized from many meals. Some were meant for specific people, such as her dumplings were noted for his sister and her beef stew was made for his dad. There were a good handful for each person and then for the family overall. As Luhan set the note down, he looked in the fridge for what he could make. Eventually he just went with leftover food and heated that up. While he was eating, he started feeling the stream of sadness hit him again, which caused him to look over the note again. 
"If you were here right now, I would talk about what we should make first... I wish you were here with me, Mom." Finally finishing up, he went to the living room to grab his backpack and start packing for a night at Sehun's house. When he looked in the bag, he noticed once again, another note and this made him wonder how long his mom was aware of her condition. 
"Good morning son, what're you up to so early?" 
"I guess I woke up early by accident... Hah. You're getting ready for work?" 
"Yep." Mr. Han started heading towards the kitchen when Luhan called out to him, which caused him to turn around. "Yes?" He asked as he raised his eyebrow in curiosity to what his son had to say. 
"I don't know if it's too early to discuss this, but how long was Mom aware of her situation?" He sighed and then smiled. Slowly making his way next to Luhan, he sat down on the couch and smiled before closing his eyes and opening them again. 
"Well... It was about two weeks before today that she was aware that she wouldn't make it. The doctors told her that there was no certain date except anywhere from that day up to six months. The chances of living up to six months were small, but they said it was possible. After she heard the news, instead of wallowing in sadness, your mother went and made notes all over the house and asked me to put them around. But I had one specific rule: Don't put them out until the day of her death," he paused to wipe the tears welling up in his eye. Luhan wiped his tears as well thinking of how grateful he is to have such a wonderful mother, "She had a lot of notes... Not just for the family, but also for individual people... The notes are saved on my computer, but they're also scattered across the house. In the case that we lost the notes or anything, we can look on the computer..." He looked down to Luhan's hand which was gripping tightly on the note. He placed his hand gently onto his son's, "Don't grip that note too hard, you might not be able to read it."
"Did you happen to read any?" 
"None yet, I wanted to be fair and read them as I collected them." He smiled and ruffled Luhan's hair before getting up. He sighed and went to the kitchen while wiping his tears away. Luhan looked at the note and then began crying intensely. Each line was filled with unconditional love and understanding. He didn't want to believe that she was gone and he wanted to hear the words from her herself, but unfortunately, that time won't ever come. He closed the note and then let out all his tears. 


To my sweet Luhan,

I know what you're thinking: We didn't resolve our situation. If this is true then keep on reading, if not, then skip to the back. I want you to know that everything will be very fine after I leave. I trust that you are a strong boy and can handle the world without my help. I have been with you for 18 years and this is the time that you learn to fly on your own. If you ever need help, you always have your father. I know that I am not the most understanding person, but I learned with you that every single person in this world deserves the same treatment. Your father opened me to up to learn such a thing, and I am truly grateful. Luhan, take on the world strongly and confidently, that's what I want you to do. I want you to be proud of your achievements and know that I am proud too, of everything you have accomplished and will accomplish. Know that every single victory is something that not every can get. Cherish those moments like the time I cherish with you. I love you very much and I know that whoever you love, it won't change how smart you are or that you are MY son. My one and only son who I love with limitless love. I understand it will be hard, but I would have to go eventually. You can do it, I believe in you. I love you, Luhan, very very much. Make sure to remember me, but also make sure to be happy with that one person that makes you happy. Whether it would be Dad, Grandma, or Sehun, it all doesn't matter to me because you will be happy and that's all I want. I will see you in a very long time, Luhan. 




Kyungsoo and Jongin both got ready in silence and then made their way down to the hospital. It's been a day since Baekhyun passed out, but the doctor said he should be awake today. The young boy was losing a lot of energy and his body couldn't take it anymore. There is nothing seriously wrong with him, he just needs nutrients in his system and rest. Sleep deprivation also played a role in Baekhyun's unfortunate event. Kyungsoo didn't have any words to exchange with Jongin, or anyone at all, this morning because he was focused on seeing his best friend awake. Too much has been going on and he had been freaking out. Jongin watches, but he can't do much because he isn't sure what will upset his boyfriend. Small things seems to get Kyungsoo on such an edge where they would end up not talking. As Jongin finished closing the door, he caught with Kyungsoo at the end of his walkway and then the two started walking. Jongin felt a heavy awkward feeling floating around the two of them, but didn't want to say anything. He was afraid to say too much and have them argue again. Kyungsoo stopped and then turned to look at Jongin. 
"I'm sorry," Jongin was not expecting this so he looked surprised.
"No, you know it yourself. I've been such a jerk to you, and I'm sorry. Chanyeol and Baekhyun's condition have been bothering me so much and I just can't keep myself sane... I'm sorry." Jongin smiled and then hugged Kyungsoo. 
"It's alright, I forgive you." Kyungsoo began crying and Jongin wiped away his tears, "Don't cry, it's fine. I was afraid it would end up in us breaking up, but I'm glad it's not like that." Jongin smiled and then kissed Kyungsoo's lips. He pulled back to see Kyungsoo's lips slowly mold into a smile. 
"I love you, Kyungsoo." He smiled even greater now. 
"I love you too, Kai." Kyungsoo took Jongin's hand and held it strongly. He inched himself closer to his boyfriend where Jongin took his hand out of Kyungsoo's grip and placed it around the smaller boy. 
"There, now you can lay your head on my shoulder." Kyungsoo smiled and they continued making their way to the hospital. 


Kyungsoo opened the door to Chanyeol's room where he also saw Baekhyun in his bed. Neither of the two boys woke up and he sighed. Jongin followed him into the room and then saw the two boys just laying there. 
"Guess this is just like yesterday..." Jongin put his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder and turned his head to make eye contact. 
"Have hope, he'll be awake soon." 


Two hours had passed and the boys have already went home, when suddenly Kyungsoo gets a phone call.  
"What? Okay, we'll be right there!" Kyungsoo hung up and his eyes were wide. Jongin furrowed his eyebrows and wondered what set Kyungsoo off. 
"What's wrong?" 
"We have to go the hospital now, the doctor said he has something to tell us." 
"Is it good, or bad news?" 
"He said it's an emergency and we have to come quick." 
"Oh my God..." Jongin and Kyungsoo swiftly headed towards the hospital. 


For the past two days, it has been a dark and dreamy world for Baekhyun. He, of course, doesn't know how long it has been, but everyone else around him does. Slowly his senses start coming back to him, he begins to hear himself think and then believe he's waking up in his room. But then he wonders why there are people's voices. Baekhyun makes the assumption that he had been drinking again and has passed out. 

But when was the last time I went to get a drink? 

Baekhyun can slowly feel his fingers touching something soft as try to move them, but all they do is just twitch a little bit. One hand seems to be more elevated than the other. The one that is more elevated seems to be touching that is different from what the other hand is feeling. The two objects are both soft. 

What am I touching? 

Baekhyun notices his breathing and tries to make out the smell of his environment. What he has noticed is that the room has a clean smell to it. 

At least I'm safe...? 

He then tries speaking, but doesn't seem to be able to do so. 

Have I lost my ability to speak? Maybe it's time to open my eyes...

Now it is time for his final sense to come back to him. This is more challenging than speaking, but he pushes further and then eventually starts noticing white breaking through the darkness that has engulfed him for the past two days. The boy then pushes harder and gets his eyes to crack open just a bit more. The white is starting to blind him since it's so bright. 

I'm in a bright room... Just a little further. 

He opens his eyes just enough to see the ceiling. At first, what he sees is blurry, but eventually it clears up and he can see that it's the ceiling of the hospital. He can feel that he can move his hands more now, so he grips the object in his left hand. The young boy makes a soft noise and looks to his left in order to figure out what he was holding. The figure in front of him seemed very recognizable. Then he realized why he's seen this figure before.
"Good morning," the deep voiced person says. Baekhyun cannot believe it himself and smiles with all he could. 

This is a BIG chapter, I know. But I wanted this to be a big chapter because it's the one year anniversary for my story!!! This is such an amazing date for me because I remember just a year ago, I began reading on AFF and it was today 365 days ago that I began writing. I started at around midnight and then finished the first ten (I think) chapters in about four hours. It was my first time writing, so I didn't write that fast. Then eventually it just keep on going and going. I can say that I'm really happy writing and I will continue to write. I can also say that I didn't think this story would go on for so long. I never thought about the end to this story for the first few months I was writing this. Thank you to all the subscribers, readers, commenters, voters, friends!!! You guys are the best! Thank you for always keeping me motivated by the comments and keeping up with my constant hiatuses! I wanted to treat you guys with a chapter away from the drama. Thank you so much guys! Happy Birthday "Meant to Be"!!!!! =D 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!