
Meant to Be?



“Well you like…”


Kyungsoo’s heart was racing and he took in a deep breath.

“Don’t get creeped out by what I will tell you.. alright?”

“I promise I won’t, please tell me already.”

“Alright… You like… Do Kyungsoo…”

“Do Kyungsoo… Wait… your name is Kyungsoo… What’s your last name…?”

“Uh… Do…” Jongin’s eyes widened and he backed away a little.


“I’m sorry if that ruined your night…”

“I-I don’t… what?”

“Yeah… I even have some stuff that you gave me… We went out… well still are…”

“W-what?!” Kyungsoo nervously nodded and he felt some tears in his eyes.

“Mmhmm… and… you broke up with Tiffany, probably because you liked me… I never really asked you, but I think that was the case. Not to sound conceited…” Jongin let out a deep breath.

“I promised not to get creeped out… but wow… I never thought that would happen…”

“What do you think of it all…?”

“Well… I think… Kyungsoo! Kyungsoo!” Kyungsoo snapped back to realization and looked around.

“Huh? What?”

“You were saying?”

“Oh…” Kyungsoo had imagined the whole situation in his head.


What do I really tell Jongin…


“Well you like-”

“Wait… don’t tell me…” Kyungsoo felt a big rush of relief go through him.

“How come?”

“I just… I feel like I want to figure it out on my own whether or not I like this person. It’s like cheating in life.”

“I understand… I guess you’re right. I still would tell you if you want to know.”

“I do really want to know, but I need to find out and work on it. I’m sure it’ll come really quickly. I have this feeling that it will.”

“What makes you so sure?” Jongin shrugged.

“You ever got those feelings where you know you’re absolutely right about something? That’s me right now… I just think I can’t go wrong on this.”

“Well I’m glad you’re not going crazy over it and trying to figure out the truth.”

“Well… I can always get the answer from you, right?” Kyungsoo felt like Jongin had something up his sleeve when he leaned in really closely.

“Do you have something in mind?” Jongin quickly leaned back.

“Nope… Not that you know of.”

“You can just ask me! I would tell you without you having to do your mischievous tricks!”

“It’s nothing bad! It’d be more fun to use my method.”

“Just don’t do it tonight…” Kyungsoo looked at the time and saw it was 11:50PM. He knew he had school tomorrow and would never wake up in time. He was about to get ready to sleep when he realized Jongin had no idea what he had been learning and what classes he’s in.


Maybe just a day off wouldn’t hurt…


“What were you doing just now?”

“Oh… I was getting ready for bed.”

“Right… we have school tomorrow.”

“I think we should stay home… because of everything that’s happened. I can get you to stay home for a little bit and then we can work on your work together.”

“Sure, that sounds like a plan. I won’t be so lost. Thanks Kyungsoo!”

“No problem!”

“You can sleep if you want…”

“No, it’s fine. I’m not tired at all, I usually don’t get tired naturally until very late at night. Are YOU tired?”

“Are you kidding me?! I’m not 12!” Kyungsoo chuckled and Jongin smiled from the fact that he made Kyungsoo kind of laugh.




The two didn’t really talk about anything much. They just blabbered on about nonsense until one of them went unconscious and the other followed. Kyungsoo fell asleep first and Jongin tried falling asleep, but was unable to. He kept thinking about everything that happened today and trying to take it all in.


Who was I before all of this? Was I a good person? Well… I must’ve been a good person because if not, would I have Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and that girl to help me out?


He looks over to the sleeping Kyungsoo. He smiles at Kyungsoo’s sleeping face and imagined him when he was awake.


Honestly… I don’t think I care if I fall for you anymore. Love is love, right? You don’t really know true love until you meet that one person… I want to try it with you… if I haven’t already…


Jongin smiles at Kyungsoo’s face. Kyungsoo slowly opens his eyes and Jongin’s smile slowly fades away.

“K-Kai… Why’re you still awake?”

“Sorry Kyungsoo, I can’t sleep…”

“I’ll stay up with you…”

“No, it’s alright get your sleep.” Kyungsoo shook his head and sat up.

“Sorry for waking you up.”

“It’s not… a problem.” Kyungsoo got up.

“Where you going?”

“Follow me…” Kyungsoo walked over to the balcony, but didn’t open it like last time. Instead, he opened up the blinds and revealed the clear sky and his backyard. “We can just sit here and gaze out at the stars until you can fall asleep. It sounds boring, but you and I did it once… for a short while…”

“I do like looking at the stars…” Jongin got up and walked over to one of the seats. He sat down and Kyungsoo sat down as well.

“Well… What’s on your mind?”

“Just everything pretty much… Ever since I woke up, I’ve been wanting to know who I really am…”

“Oh… Is there any way for me to help?”

“You can just keep telling me how I used to be and maybe I can adapt to it for now… I just really want my memory back… maybe I’ll remember this conversation with you…”

“Honestly… whether you’re this Kai or the old Kai… I like you just as much as before.”

“Um… thanks.” Jongin smiled.

“Oh, no I didn’t mean anything like that…”

“No it’s alright, I know what you meant.”


I wish I did…




This time Jongin fell asleep first and Kyungsoo was the one to stay awake. He kept thinking where their relationship would go from here.


Where would be… if he doesn’t get his memory back…? Are we going to last…? I just want one last thing… If nothing changes…


Kyungsoo looked to Jongin and wanted to make sure he fell asleep for good. He knew that Jongin wasn’t a light sleeper so his next move wouldn’t really wake him up. He put his hand close to Jongin’s face and there was no reaction to it. This was the only way Kyungsoo could tell if Jongin was sleeping. Kyungsoo leaned into Jongin’s lips and made their lips connect. He did it quickly to not wake up the younger one.

“I love you… Kim Jongin…” He whispered as he crawled back into bed. Jongin rubbed his lips together.



I meant to have this up a lot earlier, but I got caught in something. Hope the beginning wasn’t too much for you! ;D  

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!