
Meant to Be?



The roar of the ambulance could be heard from miles away. The cops, the paramedics, the shot, the witness. It seemed like a movie scene, a tragic movie scene that no one ever wanted to let happen in their lives. It did happen to Jongin. As much as he wished he were having a nightmare, he couldn’t accept it was reality.


This HAS to be a nightmare. No, it’s not happening!


Jongin couldn’t tell how long he was crying for. It seemed like hours upon hours, even days, had gone by, but in reality it was only 3 hours. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were also in the hospital waiting to hear the news on their friend. No one had dry eyes and a dry face that was for sure. They couldn’t believe it themselves.




*3 Hours Ago*

“KYUNGSOO, NO! KYUNGSOO!” Jongin caught a glimpse of someone running away from the scene. He was filled with anger and couldn’t control himself. He had to run after him. While he was running after him, he dialed the emergency phone number and told them what happened.

“Alright son, we’ll be right over.” Jongin hung up the phone and was so very close to catching the victim. When he finally got caught up to him, he jumped on him and turned him over.

“Suho?! SUHO?! WHY DID YOU SHOOT HIM?!” Suho is the older brother of Tiffany.


“YOU’RE GOING TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO KYUNGSOO!” Jongin couldn’t control his rage, he kept punching Suho without any thoughts, without any count, without any end.

“Son, you’re going to kill him!” A police officer took hold of Jongin and held him back.

“Jong…in… You’re not… getting… away with this… Tiffany… I… We… will come… back.” Another officer took hold of Suho and locked him up in handcuffs.

“I DARE you to go near him again. You will forever regret it if it happens again.” The officer took Suho away in a car and rode off into the distance.

“Son, you need to tell us what happened.” Jongin started gathering his thoughts and finally organized it all. He told them exactly what happened, but covered up the kiss as a handshake.

“Thank you son, we’ll start our investigation now. Follow me to the crime scene, please.” Jongin walked with the officer and there was Kyungsoo’s father. A father seeing his son like this was not a pretty sight. Who would ever think that such a charming boy would be hated so much by someone. Jongin called Baekhyun and told him to come to the back of the library. As soon as they arrived, they could clearly see what had happened. Their eyes were met with tears immediately. Kyungsoo’s body was being brought aboard an ambulance and the three of them ran up to the ambulance asking if they could join along. Mr. Do told the paramedics to allow them and the paramedics listened.


I can think of no other group of people that Kyungsoo can be with right not except them.


Jongin told them what happened as they were making their way to the hospital and who was responsible for it all. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were completely shocked to find out it was Tiffany’s older brother who committed the crime. They kept silent. What could they say, what CAN they say?




The doctor walked out of the room and the three boys’ faces jumped right at him.

“Is he going to be okay?”

“How’s his condition?”

“He’s going to make it right?” Questions were being brought up left and right.

“I’m not sure myself… The bullet is in pretty deep. We’re operating on him now. We’ll let you know when the operation is complete. Only hope for the best.” The three boys looked at each other and just slumped in the waiting chairs.

“Poor Kyungsoo… He’s such a charming child, he’s such a wonderful person. But, WHY?! WHY IS HE THE ONE HURT ALL THE TIME?!” Jongin punched the wall and caused a crack in it. Baekhyun went up to pat him on the back.

“Jongin, calm down. If anything, all the wonderful things that he’s done in his life will pay him back at this moment. He’ll make it through, just stay strong.” Jongin knew Baekhyun was right. It was so hard to stay strong when the one you love the most in your life just got shot and you don’t know if he’ll live or die.

“Alright… Alright…”


*2 Hours Later*

Another doctor walked out the operating room.

“Are you guys Kim Jongin, Park Chanyeol, and Byun Baekhyun?” They nodded and the doctor showed him to where Kyungsoo was resting. He looked completely fine and he was breathing. They all smiled to see their friend alive and breathing.

“We’re not sure if he’ll make it though…” They all turned to face the doctor.

“It had seriously hurt his back and if the muscles and tissues around that area can’t recover… Then, I’m sorry.”

“SORRY?! IS THAT ALL YOU CAN SAY?! YOU’RE A DOCTOR-” Jongin turned to Baekhyun.

“Jongin, stop it. Just relax, will you? Being mad to a doctor and going berserk isn’t going to help this situation.”

“Sorry… Sorry Doctor.” Jongin bowed and the doctor took his leave.

“I wish there was something we can do other than just stand here. I want to help him.” Chanyeol felt really bad that all they can do was stare at the somewhat lifeless Kyungsoo.

“Let’s pray for Kyungsoo then… Together.” Baekhyun knew Kyungsoo didn’t like it when people just stood around and did nothing. He knew how religious Kyungsoo was and this was the best way to help him. They all took each others’ hands and grabbed Kyungsoo’s. Baekhyun led the prayer hoping for Kyungsoo to recover quickly and be back to his normal self as soon as possible.

“Don’t take him away yet, he’s got a lot to do here… He’s my best friend and I can’t afford to lose him… Please, well all need him here…” It was hard to Baekhyun to speak as the tears rolled down his cheeks.

“He’s the best person in the world with the nicest smile and biggest heart. Why would You take someone so beautiful and so great away from us? Do You want us to be hurt? Not yet, don’t take him yet. Let him live… please!” They all stayed quiet for a minute before looking to Kyungsoo. It was as if he heard every word they all spoke just now. They could feel a grip tightening from his hands and a tear stream down from his eye. Everything, again, felt like a dream. They couldn’t tell if it was their blurry visions or not, but Kyungsoo could be seen cracking a very small smile.



I honestly was ready to hear when I writing the last few paragraphs. T-T Poor Kyungsoo! He’s got the best friends in the world though! :,) 


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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!