
Meant to Be?



“K-Kai… What’re you talking about? Heh, it’s me… Kyungsoo… you’re joking right?”

“I’m sorry… I wish I was, but I’ve never seen you before.”

“Jongin, please don’t do this to me! Please tell me you’re joking.” Kyungsoo’s tears were falling on Jongin’s face as he was hovering over him. Jongin wiped them away.

“How come you’re crying? Did I do something wrong?” Kyungsoo backed away slowly in complete shock. Baekhyun knew that there was no need to comfort Kyungsoo now as there was no way to.

“Umm… Sorry, but how much do you remember? What was the last thing you remember?”

“I remember… I was going into high school-no, I was already in high school… This doesn’t look like the nurse’s office…” He looked over to the calendar. “I think your calendar is wrong…” Baekhyun turned to it and then turned back while shaking his head.

“It’s not… what’s wrong with it?”

“It was April 12, 2011 yesterday… I think…” Baekhyun’s eyes widened and he realized that Jongin has seriously gone lost a chunk of memory from whatever happened two hours ago.

“Do you know where you live?” Jongin nodded and gave his address. Baekhyun put it into his phone and he realized that this was his old address before moving.

“You moved… I’m not sure, but sometime between 2011 and 2013, you moved… Your dad got a new job, I think that’s what it was.”

“Yeah… my dad usually gets moved around a lot, so I’m not surprised that I moved.”

“Do you remember anything else? Friends? Teachers? Favorite food?” Jongin nodded.

“But… I still don’t know who you guys are… Baekhyun… right?” Baekhyun nodded his head.

“Give me a second.” He walked over to Kyungsoo and got down to talk to the sitting Kyungsoo who was crying with his arms covering his face.

“We can’t tell him that you’re his boyfriend, he might not believe it at first… Let’s try to get it going after a while, hopefully his memory comes back by then…”

“No! I won’t let you lie like that to him.”

“Kyungsoo, it’s going to help you guys out in the future. He won’t believe it now, but his heart will still beat for you and he’ll realize it. If you tell him now and he’s creeped out, he’s not going to talk to you.”


“I’m sorry…” Baekhyun got up and walked over to Jongin again.

“He’s Kyungsoo… you’re a very close friend to him. You guys became very close and he’s upset now that… well you know…”

“I’m still a little confused, what happened to me?”

“You… umm… lost your memory… a good amount of it.”

“That’s kind of obvious... Oh, no sorry I didn’t mean to sound mean.”

“It’s alright… umm, I’ll be right back.” Baekhyun went over to Kyungsoo and bent down to talk to him again. “I’m going to get Jessica, use this time to talk to him and see if he has feelings for you.” Kyungsoo nodded and got up wiping his tears away. Baekhyun left and Kyungsoo walked over to Jongin.

“Hi… Kyungsoo…?”

“Yeah.” Kyungsoo couldn’t help, but cry.

“This sounds weird, but… come closer.” Kyungsoo leaned over to Jongin. Jongin took his hand and wiped away Kyungsoo’s tears and looked him in the eye.

“Whoever I was before, I really hope I can go back to that quickly. I don’t like seeing people cry, especially if it’s because of something I did. Come on, wipe away those tears and teach me of the person who I used to be.” Kyungsoo wiped his tears away and nodded.


“Tell me… do you know about Kai?”

“You told me on the first day I met you that I can call you Kai… Is there more to Kai?”

“Well since we were so close, I just thought I might’ve told you once…” Kyungsoo shook his head.

“Kai… he’s my alter-ego… He’s the dancer that’s inside me. When I’m on the stage, I become Kai…”

“So your dream is to become a famous dancer?”

“Yeah, that’d be the most awesome thing ever.”

“I wonder how come your old self never told me…”


Why didn’t Kai ever tell me about this…?


“Who knows, but now you know!”

“Yeah, you’re right….” Kyungsoo checked his phone and noticed something. “HEY!” Jongin jumped and seemed a little scared.


“It’s your birthday!”

“It is…?”

“January 14!”

“Oh wow, it is! How old am I…? Let’s see…”

“17… you’re 17 now.”

“Oh wow, thanks! Geez, I’ve grown up. When is your birthday?”

“It was 2 days ago… January 12.”

“That’s so awesome! We have birthdays that are so close! Did anything special happen on your birthday?” Kyungsoo thought back to his birthday and the fun he had with Jongin. He began tearing again.

“Hey, come on now, don’t cry. I’m sorry, we can forget about that question.”

“No, I’ll answer. It’s just that we had so much fun. You knew who I was and everything seemed so great.”

“I’m sorry… I’ll work on myself as much as I can to get back to my normal state.”

“Thanks…” Kyungsoo wiped away the tears and Jongin sat up.

“Woah, I feel taller…” He got up and almost fell down, but regained balance.

“Yeah, you grow in 3 years’ time.” Jongin chuckled and looked around.

“Where did Baekhyun go?”

“He went to go get someone… Do you want your mom to know that you’ve lost your memory…?”

“Oh yeah, I should do that.” While Jongin is calling his mother, Baekhyun comes back with Jessica and signals Kyungsoo to come outside. Kyungsoo gets outside and sees Tiffany and can’t help, but yell.


“Kyungsoo calm down! This wasn’t all her fault; she didn’t know herself that the powder would cause Jongin to lose his memory.” Jessica stood in front of Tiffany in order to protect her if Kyungsoo tried doing anything.

“I’m so sorry Kyungsoo! I will get him the best doctor and everything! I promise you I’ll get things back to-” Jongin walked out and he immediately looks at Tiffany and smiles.

“Hey baby!” Everyone’s eyes widened except for Jongin’s and Tiffany’s and she nervously turns the other way.



I’m so sorry if I broke the KaiSoo hearts out there! I had this idea in mind for a while, but didn’t know when to put it in. I also had planned Kyungsoo to get the amnesia. It’s hard writing these chapters because they’re so sad! T-T 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!