
Meant to Be?



Shindong was walking in to work his morning shift at the bar when he saw a body knocked out by the trash can. There were the usuals who would get drunk and just pass out by the bar, but this looked like a young boy. He slowly walked up and examined the lifeless body. His eyes grew when he noticed the face of a young, but handsome boy. Shindong knew exactly who this was: Baekhyun. 




Kyungsoo woke up and got ready to go visit Chanyeol and Baekhyun at the hospital. When he finished, he called Jongin and was wondering if the other boy was ready to go. In just a few seconds, he heard a doorbell ring throughout his house. He hung up and walked over to open the door and saw a handsome figure behind it. They both hopped in his mom's car and drove down to the hospital where unexpected news would surface. 




"Good morning Chanyeol! Good morning Baekhyun!" Kyungsoo exclaimed as he smiled and walked through the door. He was confused and looked around. "Where's Baekhyun?"

"He left..." 

"To go home? When's he coming back?" 

"No... He left and ran away..." The two boys were stunned and wondered what had happened. 

"What? What happened between you guys?" 

"I got angry... I don't know why, but something took over and then I just became mad with him. I didn't want him by my side, so I told him. I didn't mean to." Kyungsoo quickly dials Baekhyun's phone, but no response. When he looked again, he noticed he had 2 voicemails from Shindong and a lot of text messages. They were all in the form of "Your friend is in trouble come quick!" Right away Kyungsoo knew Baekhyun had gotten into a fight. He called Shindong and had someone finally answer him. 

"Yeah, where are you?" 

"He's at home with me. Just come quick." 

"Alright." Kyungsoo hung up and played everything off cool. He smiled at the two boys and turned to Jongin. 

"Okay, so you have to keep Chanyeol busy. Baekhyun is going to surprise him with something." 

"Got it!" The two finished whispering and Kyungsoo walked over to hug Chanyeol goodbye. 

"I just need to go pick up Baekhyun from his house. He's fine." 

"Oh... Thank goodness." Jongin sat next to Chanyeol and they began conversing about random topics. Kyungsoo closed the door and then immediately sprinted off to exit the hospital. Shindong's house wasn't far from the hospital and he ran as fast as he could to go meet him. Kyungsoo's heart was racing a mile a minute. 

"Curse me for not being able to run fast." He stopped and caught his breath by a traffic light. Kyungsoo would regret not being physically active at situations like this. 




Shindong heard a knocking on his door and walked over. He opened it and saw a sweaty Kyungsoo who was also out of breath. 

"You look great." 

"Shut up, where is he?" 

"Living room." Kyungsoo quickly took off his shoes and went straight to Baekhyun. Shindong closed the door and shook his head. He then entered to see Kyungsoo sitting next to Baekhyun and rubbing his head. 

"What happened?" Kyungsoo wondered as he examined the bruises. 

"The bartender told me Baekhyun started a fight with another guy by trying to throw punches. Ultimately Baekhyun just lost and got knocked out cold outside. I arrived only 20 minutes after this all happened." 

"And no one called the police? Why didn't you take him to a hospital?" 

"You wanted him to get arrested for entering a bar illegally? He's drunk and he would've gotten taken into prison." 

"Sorry... Thank you Shindong." 

"You're welcome. Just... Can you stay here and watch him? I need to go help my mom out with so much stuff today." 

"Sure, no problem. I'll lock the house if I ever leave." 

"Thanks." Shindong left the boys and went off to go run his errands. Kyungsoo turned to Baekhyun who was still unconscious. He caressed Baekhyun's hair and face and shook his head. 

"You idiot," he spoke softly, "why do you have to do this all the time? You know how worried you make me feel when these things happen?" Kyungsoo's eyes began to get watery. He held back the tears as best he could. "Jongin is my boyfriend and I love him, but you're my best friend from when I was young. What if something even more terrible had happened to you? How would I go on knowing my best friend had just died. Do you know how much you mean to me?" Kyungsoo's tears rolled down his face endlessly and dropped into Baekhyun's face. He wiped his tears away and hugged Baekhyun. He smelled like strong alcohol and a bit of trash, but it didn't matter to Kyungsoo. What mattered was that he was alive and breathing. 

"Kyung...soo..." Kyungsoo quickly let go and sat up to look at his best friend. "I'm.... So... Sorry..." 

"It's fine... I'm just glad you're alive." Kyungsoo said with tears still flowing from his eyes. 




About 10 minutes later Baekhyun gained a lot more strength and was able to sit up. But the glass in his back didn't help so he told Kyungsoo about the fight. Kyungsoo turned his over and uncovered his back. He was very shocked to see the damage to be so severe. 

"You're lucky. I think this could've hit your spine." Kyungsoo pulled out all the pieces he saw and then checked for the smaller ones. Baekhyun cringed in pain as Kyungsoo took out each piece. 

"Why didn't Shindong do this when I was asleep? This hurts so much!" He said with tears of pain flowing from his eyes. 

"I guess this is your punishment..." 

"I'm glad this is. I'm so sorry!" Kyungsoo was finished and noticed some spots starting to bleed. 

"Nope, I don't think it's over." 

"Why?" Baekhyun turned to look at Kyungsoo, but the latter had left. "Kyungsoo where are you?" 

"Calm down, I'm here." He came back and Baekhyun was relieved for a split second before panicking again.

"Is that... Rubbing alcohol." 


"No please, it stings!" Baekhyun tried getting up, but his sore arms failed to carry him up. "Kyungsoo, no!" 

"You gotta pay up Baekhyun. Don't worry it's not going to sting for that long." Kyungsoo drench a cotton pad in rubbing alcohol and began wiping it on Baekhyun's back. The latter immediately began to scream in pain and cringe as well. Kyungsoo found it funny. 


"It's not done yet!" 

"OH MY GOD!!" 




After cleaning the wounds and finally settling down, Kyungsoo sat Baekhyun up and told him to tell the story of what had happened. Baekhyun told Kyungsoo what went on in the hospital and he wasn't surprised. Chanyeol had already told him what happened and he just needed to hear it from Baekhyun. 

"But Kyungsoo..." 


"Do you think he'll want to see me again?" 

"He misses you."

"I'm going to miss him..." 

"What do you mean?" 

"When... When I was unconscious... I had this vision that... Chanyeol died... And all these events are leading up to his death now." 



Sorry guys, I was sick these past few days. Feeling better now so more writing! =D Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!