
Meant to Be?



It’s been almost three days since Chanyeol had arrived home from the hospital. For the past three days, everyone has been hanging out together and just enjoying the time left before school starts up again. It’s only the middle of July, so the group has got a lot of time to do so many wonderful things together and make more memories. After the second day of hanging out, Baekhyun tells Chanyeol that he’s tired of being in Seoul. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know where they can go which means unless Baekhyun thinks of something, they’re staying in Seoul for a while. 

“Your dad has access to airplane tickets, right?”

“Yeah?” Chanyeol put his clothes in his closet before shutting the door and turning around. 

“Well maybe he can get us tickets somewhere.”

“Hm… but where? I don’t want to push my luck and for him to try to get us to go somewhere like Germany.”

“No, not Germany, but somewhere in Korea.”

“Busan? Why don’t we just drive there?” Chanyeol shook his head again and clicked his tongue. 

“No! Somewhere like one of the islands.” Baekhyun paused for a moment before speaking and thought about hanging out together at an island. Sure, the first few days would be fun, but what would they do afterwards?

“How long do you plan to stay?”

“Uh… A week?” 

“What’re we going to do at the islands for a week?” Chanyeol sighed and then took out his phone, “What’re you doing?”

“Looking for popular islands we can go to.”

"Alright well, when you find one, let me know so I can call up my dad." Chanyeol and Baekhyun spent the night searching up islands and where they could go. It was a lot of planning to do for this one vacation because it's so sudden. After agreeing on the islands and what they wanted to do, Baekhyun called his dad and asked for tickets to Moonlight Island. The name was elegant and caught Chanyeol's eyes. He read into it and really loved what the island had to offer. Nice hotels by the beach, white sanded beaches, many food destinations. It sounded so wonderful to Chanyeol and he immediately brought it up to Baekhyun. The smaller boy was hesitant at first because he wanted to check out other islands, but because Chanyeol is so persistent, Baekhyun agreed. After Baekhyun was done talking on the phone with his dad, he needed to tell the rest of the group.

"You didn't tell me yet!" 

"Oh yeah, we leave in two days. Pack now." 

"Two days?!" 




The next two days were spent by going out shopping for needed items for traveling. It seemed useless to buy the items now, but Kyungsoo and Jessica wanted to have many supplies just in case there is an emergency during a time when stores aren't open. The night before was hectic only because everyone was given such a short notice. Usually it would take Kyungsoo and Jessica a couple weeks to get ready to pack. They liked the idea of going on vacation, but not this early. 

"Oh well, when this is all over, you'll be happy it happened I guess." 

"Yeah that's true." Jongin was already done packing and he watched as Kyungsoo and Jessica stuffed their suitcases with so many items. 

"Are you moving, or something? Geez you guys should take the house while you're at it." 

"You want to help?" Kyungsoo raised his eyebrow and paused for a moment. Jongin smirked and crossed his arms. 

"You can get your buddy Jessica to help you." And with that, he walked away. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and continued filling up his suitcase. 

"Is he always like that?" 

"Like what?" 

"You know... Jealous..." 

"Not really... I don't know why he gets jealous of you though. He knows I'm gay." Jessica laughed and shook it off. Whatever the reason, Jongin should know Kyungsoo isn't going to give up Jongin. 




The plane ride to Moonlight Island was anything but lonely, except for Jessica. Jessica felt extremely fifth wheeled as the couples around her all cuddled with one another and all she could do was try to ignore it. She decided to get up to use the bathroom to avoid the lonely feeling, but also to actually use the bathroom. Unfortunately, someone was using the bathroom so she had to wait until they were done. The door eventually clicked and the red signal switched to a green signal. As it slid open, the plane shook a little bit sending Jessica off her feet and towards the bathroom. Luckily, the guy inside the room was still there to catch her. 

"Are you alright?" The clumsy girl looked up to see a handsome boy holding onto her. If the light wasn't so dim, she would've clearly seen a lot more. 

"Yeah, I'm so sorry." Jessica quickly got off and turned away with hot cheeks due to embarrassment. The guy left right away and she made her way into the bathroom.




The ride from the airport to the hotel was a quiet one, but this time everyone was asleep besides Jessica who enjoyed the view of the passing scenery. The ride didn't take long and what felt like 10 minutes, the car stopped and the boys slowly starting waking up. Jessica thanked their driver and got out to start unloading. The hotel was a very beautiful one that Mr. Byun was able to grab a hold of due to his connections. As she opened the trunk, she realized how much luggage there was to unload. 

"What the... Did Soo and I really pack that much...?" One by one, suitcases were being pulled out of the trunk and onto the ground right next to it. "Where are these hotel people when you need with your luggage. Some fancy hotel this is. Aish, and the boys aren't even getting up yet. YAH! LAZY BUMS, WAKE UP!" As she was ready to pull out another suitcase, Jessica felt an grab her and she looked to see who it was. 

"Do you need help?" The boy asked with a nice smile. 

"Uh, sure... Say..."  The boy raised his eyebrows. 


"Aren't you the boy from the bathroom incident on the plane...?" 



While I was writing this chapter, I realized I can do so much with the next chapters. ^.^ I hope you guys liked this chapter!! 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!