
Meant to Be?
"Oh, wait that condition is for someone else! I meant to say, how is your arm doing?"
Thank God. Someday I'll tell you Baekhyun... Someday...
"Heh, it's doing good! Thanks Dr. Huang!" 
"Your arm...?"
"Yeah, I've been having some pains in it lately." 
"That's right, and he came to me to get it fixed. I'm so glad that it's doing better. I'll catch you later Baekhyun, I see you have help if you need it now." 
"Alright Dr. Huang! I'll ring the bell if there's anything!" Dr. Huang walked out of the room and Chanyeol felt a sudden rush of relief. He let out a sigh, but Kyungsoo felt suspicious about something. 
"So... Can someone fill me in on what happened?"
"What do you mean?" Kyungsoo was confused since Baekhyun obviously saw what happened. 
"Oh that's right, Kyungsoo, you told me that Jongin brought me here? Why?"
"Well I guess he let his feelings overcome him and he brought you here. I mean, it's more company and more people you can trust to be there for you right?"
"What did he tell you exactly? About the whole incident." 
"Well he said that you guys were talking about me. He told me that you tried giving me another chance, but then felt really annoyed. When you grabbed his shoulder, he felt threatened and then I guess he lost control." 
"Did he tell you specifically what happened?"
"Not really... I guess he told me vaguely." Baekhyun's face turned angry and he turned to the sleeping Jongin. 
"I guess he didn't tell you what he thinks of you? The jerk. I don't know why you still hold on to him Kyungsoo."
"What? What're you talking about?" Baekhyun took in a deep breath. He put his hand on Kyungsoo's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. 
"Kyungsoo... I really don't want to tell you this, but I need to just let you hear it. I feel bad for keeping it from you. But when Jongin and I were talking, he didn't mention what he said about you. He said that you've become such an annoyance to him and that you should move on."
"W-what? Jongin would never..."
"He also told me that you should go find someone else's to kiss..." Kyungsoo was in complete shock to see that Jongin would actually say this about him. 
"No... No that can't be..." 
"Kyungsoo, he's not the same anymore." Kyungsoo looked to Jongin and started to shake. 
No... No... You can't... What's happened to you?! 
Kyungsoo looked around nervously and his breathing rate started to increase. 
"Hey, calm down, seriously. Don't bother with him. He's not even worth the t-"  Kyungsoo got up and ran out of the room. Baekhyun let out a sigh and looked to Chanyeol. "Did I do the right thing in telling him?" 
"Yeah... You did. It's better to find out now, then continue dragging on." Jongin woke up and rubbed his eyes. He looked around and didn't see Kyungsoo. 
"Where's Kyungsoo?" 
"He left..." Baekhyun watched Chanyeol get up. 
"I'll be back." Chanyeol was making his way to the door before Jongin stopped him. 
"I'll do it... I'll go after him, you guys stay her-" 
"You think I can trust you in trying to get my friend back? After everything you've done to him?! Forget it! And what you've done to Baekhyun?!" Chanyeol stormed out of the room and Jongin turned around to Baekhyun. Baekhyun returns Jongin's stare with a glare. 
"I-I don't know what to do..."
"What can you do? Honestly I don't know what to tell you myself. Your actions and words can't be easily forgiven and I hope you know that. It's all too serious to just let go and move on like nothing happened." Baekhyun pointed to the bandages around his head. "This won't be forgotten for a while, you know." 
"Yeah I know, but what can I do to make things better?" 
"I guess for now... Just leave us alone? I appreciate you staying the night, but if you could just please leave and don't bother with Kyungsoo... Or any of us anymore. I guess in time, it'll heal on its own. Kyungsoo is the forgiving type, so I'm sure he'll forgive you... Eventually... maybe." 
"Thanks Baekhyun... I guess I'll be taking my leave now." 
"No problem and goodbye." 
"Bye..." Jongin walked out of the room and let out a sigh. He checked his phone and smiled. He makes his way outside and acts like nothing has happened. His feelings are all gone from that incident. When he walks out of the hospital, he looks around and sees Kyungsoo standing on the ends of the platforms looking over the city. Jongin makes no effort to get Kyungsoo's attention and makes his way down the street back home. Chanyeol walks out a little bit after and searches for Kyungsoo. He looks down the street and sees Jongin walking in the distance. 
I'm surprised Jongin is gone already... Now where is Soo...
Chanyeol finally spots him and he hasn't moved since Jongin came out. He walks over to Kyungsoo. 
"Hey..." Kyungsoo turns to see who it is. He has watery eyes and looks like he's been crying for a while. 
"What're you doing here?"
"I don't know... I just need to clear my head... of him." Kyungsoo points to Jongin.
"Ah, Kyungsoo come on. You can use this moment to move on away from him and make things better for you! It's finally time you moved on and forget Jongin. He's just a jerk to you, I don't know why you keep going back to him." 
"I know Chanyeol, but I just don't know myself. My feelings are so confusing and I hate it."
"Just remember that he's not worth it anymore. Don't even give a care about him." Kyungsoo nods and hugs Chanyeol. He cries into Chanyeol's chest and all Chanyeol could do is hug him back. 
Poor kid... I really wish this goes by quickly. I hate seeing you like this.
Chanyeol's chest starts aching and his heart starts racing. 
Not... Again...
Chanyeol tightens the hug with Kyungsoo to ease the pain. 
Kyungsoo is walking around the park where he shared his first kiss with Jongin. He looked at the tree where Jongin put up the mistletoe. 
“I want the prize!”
“Wait! Geez, you cute impatient thing. Look up.” Kyungsoo looked up to see mistletoe. He looked back to Jongin smiling. They leaned in each other to kiss each other.
"It's all gone now..." Kyungsoo walked to the lake in the park and sat on a bench and looked out to the lake. "So much has happened since December. So much I want back. Why can't we be together Jongin?" Kyungsoo let out a sigh and looked at his reflection in the lake.
I think I'm going crazy now...
"Jongdae?" Kyungsoo rubbed his eyes and still saw Jongdae in the lake. Kyungsoo turned around, but didn't see anyone. 
"Hey Kyungsoo! How's it going? You seem so upset... What's wrong?" 
"I'm going crazy..." 
"No you're not, you're just really upset and this happens to you when you're upset." Kyungsoo gave up trying to convince himself he's seeing things. 
"Yeah... A lot has happened. Jongin and I aren't together anymore, Baekhyun is in the hospital, and Chanyeol has some type of sickness that he won't tell anyone... It Jongdae..."
"Hey, cheer up! Be strong for your hyung!" 
"I want to be strong... I just miss you and I can't ever be as strong as you." 
"Well you need to be strong Kyungsoo! Listen to these last few words of mine. Make sure they don't leave your mind you hear?" 
"Wait, where are you going?!"
"I'll be back don't worry. Ready?" Kyungsoo nervously nodded. "The reason why you need to be strong is because there is much more to come. Use this opportunity to become a stronger person and you can overcome the obstacles to come." There was a wave of some sort and when Kyungsoo looked into the lake, Jongdae was gone. He let out a sigh. 
"There's more to come, huh? Just great...." 
LATE UPDATES I KNOW! So much school stuff going on! I try my very best to get writing in here and there so that's why it takes a while! I'm sorry guys! My ideas aren't dying and neither am I so this will be ongoing for a good while! 
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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!