
Meant to Be?



“Yeah, can I get these printed please?”

“Sure, how big do you want them?”

“4x6, please!”

“Alright, they’ll be done in about an hour. Please feel free to go around shopping while you wait.”

“Alright, thank you! How much will that be?”

“11,000 Won, please.” Kyungsoo handed the cashier the money.

“Thank you, see you in an hour!” Kyungsoo walked out the mall and went around shopping.

“What did he get?” Baekhyun thinks this is supposed to be a surprise so he lies to Jongin.

“I’m not sure, maybe just family photos.”

“Let’s ask the guy!”

“Are you crazy? These guys don’t let you see the pictures of others and plus, if he tells Kyungsoo that some kids were asking what pictures he printed out, wouldn’t he suspect it to be us?”

“Oh yeah…”

“We just need to stay low and not be spotted.” Jongin nodded.




“What is taking them so long?” Jessica swirled her frappe with the straw and just stared at it.

“I don’t know, why don’t you go walk around and shop?”

“There’s like nothing around. All these clothes look so last season.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“It means the clothes looks like… I know! For a guy, new games come out right with sequels and what not?” Chanyeol nodded.

“Uh huh…”

“So, these clothes are the game before the sequel and then it’s all old and not up to date… I’m not sure if that helped.”

“Nope.” Jessica sighed and slumped her shoulders.

“We’ll just wait here then…”

“Wait, can you help me shop?”


“Yeah… Baekhyun has such cool clothes and he looks so hot in them, I want to look hot like that.” Jessica faked a gag.

“I don’t see what YOU see in him.”

“He’s so attractive, I can’t help it!”

“Stop before I throw this frappe up.”

“So you’ll help me?” Chanyeol’s face lightened up with his huge smile.

“Yeah, sure. I’ll walk around and show you what’s hot and not.”

“Thank you so much Jess!” They got up and started walking around. They walked into Abercrombie & Fitch.

“Try on some of these!”

“Jess, these clothes are expensive!”

“It’s nothing you can’t afford!”

“But… but wow 45,000 Won for ONE shirt?!”

“There’s a sale! 2 for 1!”

“That doesn’t make things better!”

“Chanyeol, just try it on!”

“Alright, alright!” Chanyeol walked into the fitting room and walked out each time he tried on a different shirt.

“Niiiice. You’ve got some natural coolness to you.”

“Thanks.” They bought 4 shirts and walked out into a different store.

“Well… We’ve got you shirts, now let’s get you some jeans!” Jessica was going to walk into Hollister before being stopped by Chanyeol.

“Jess, wait. I have two things on my mind.”

“What is it?”

“Why are we only visiting American brands?”

“You want some our brands? I’ll take to you to some of their stores. What’s the other thing?”

“Thanks and is that Kyungsoo?” Chanyeol pointed to a boy walking alone looking at stores. Jessica gasped and realized it IS Kyungsoo.

“Who told him we were here?!”

“I don’t know!” Jessica looked at Chanyeol with a suspicious look.

“I swear, I didn’t! Why’re you freaking out? We could just tell him we’re shopping.”

“Right, but if Jongin and Baekhyun meets up with us unexpectedly…”

“He’ll see the gift!”

“Bingo, we need to get out of this area!” Jessica and Chanyeol ran away and ran into Colonize.

“Oh my gosh, that was close.”

“Did he see us?”

“I don’t think so…”

“Where are we?”

“Oh… Wow, we ran into Colonize. Let’s buy some clothes for you here.”

“Ooo, alright sure!” Chanyeol and Jessica walked around looking at the clothes. Jessica picked out some clothes while Chanyeol tried them on. They finished with another 5 shirts purchased.

“I don’t mean to sound picky, but I kind of need new pants…”

“Oh this, my friend is the easy part.” Jessica was about to walk into Bean Pole before being stopped by Chanyeol again.

“I have been buying clothes and I don’t mind the prices, but THIS is insane.”

“Alright, fine where do you plan to go? Where does Baekhyun get his jeans?”

“Um… some place called Amarani…?” Jessica’s mouth dropped and her eyes widened.

“You mean Armani?! That’s REALLY expensive. That’s an Italian brand Channie!”

“So what?”

“It’s known throughout the world!”

“Oh… Ah fine whatever, Bean Pole it is.”

“You won’t be disappointed.” Jessica and Chanyeol walked into Bean Pole and she picked out only skinny jeans for him.


“What is it?”

“I don’t think these are right for me… They’re a little tight.”

“Chanyeol, that’s the style nowadays.” Chanyeol walked out and Jessica smiled while nodding her head.

“Not bad… not bad at all.”

“I hate these.”

“Here, try a size bigger.” Chanyeol tried them on and he liked them. They weren’t too tight and he looked stylish. They bought 3 pairs of jeans and Chanyeol was excited to try on these clothes for Baekhyun.

“Chanyeol! Jessica!” Chanyeol and Jessica both turned around to Kyungsoo waving at them.

“Oh my God, run?” Chanyeol nodded. He took her arm and they ran away from Kyungsoo as fast as possible.

“You know… I can’t keep… up with… you! AHH!” Chanyeol picked her up and they resumed running. Kyungsoo didn’t bother chasing after them when he saw Chanyeol picked up Jessica.

“Might as well just go get my pictures and go home…” Kyungsoo sighed and walked back to the photo shop.




Chanyeol and Jessica quickly walked into the photo shop and met up with Baekhyun and Jongin.

“It’s still not done?!”

“I don’t think so, they haven’t called my name yet.”

“WAIT! You gave them your name?!” Baekhyun nodded and then realized what he’d done wrong.

“Uh oh…” Kyungsoo walked in and walked up to the counter without realized his friends were a little away from the door.

“Hi, are my pictures ready?”

“Yes they are, here you are Mr. Kyungsoo. Have a nice day!” Kyungsoo smiled and started making his way to the door when the announcer made an announcement in the shop.

“Byun Baekhyun, your photos are finished, Byun Baekhyun, your photos are finished.”


Byun Baekhyun…?


Kyungsoo turned around to see Jessica, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun nervously smiling and waving at him.



Well… did you guys enjoy the JessYeol moments? xD I didn’t mean to have that, but it just happened as I was writing and it seems kind of cute. :3 JK BaekYeol! <3 Haha. 

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ydiyana97 #1
Chapter 40: I cried so hard when i read "December 25 2013 - January 9 2014" .
Chapter 105: chapter105 i realy loved this chapter thank
Chapter 50: Chapter50: i love this chapter backyeol are so cute
so are kaisoo thank u author'nim:)
Chapter 172: I'm going to cry :'^ I caught up with this ff in two days and I'm in love with it. AHHH CHANYEOL NOO
kimluhanbaek #5
will there be an update soon? :( waiting...
Chapter 172: i hate you
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 172: Noooo chanyeol!
Chapter 172: Love it. Please update soon
Chapter 172: Authornim!!! Its been a year since I read this fic of yours.. I loved this, but it turned so angsty.. I can't help myself not to cry and I pity BaekYeol.. :( We're all on the high of it.. Please update soon..
babyzy #10
Chapter 172: Please update authornim!!!!!! Read it in 2 days!!!!!!!