The Next Day

How It All Came To Be...

You awoke energized with the thought of getting your opportunity to actually ask him what was wrong. Throughout your almost sleepless night, you had thought of what to say. When you saw his slightly hurt expression and dejected stance coarse through your mind you couldn't help but feel an even more powerful burst of energy.  You quickly got into your uniform and got ready for school. You pace was quicker as you applied your make up and did your hair. Even though you were completely ready for school, when you went to knock on Mina's door to make sure she was ready, you froze.

"Should I really ask him? I mean is it really my place to ask about his life? What if it's too personal for me to know? Then all of this energy would be put to waste." You thought as you stood outside Mina's door, hand ready to knock.

Suddenly her door swung open and she jumped upon seeing her sister standing there with her fist raised.

"What the heck? Did you need something?" Mina placed a dramatic hand to her chest.

"Are you ready?" You mumbled, lowering your hand.

"Let me just go to the bathroom, I'll meet you downstairs, okay?" She sighed and brushed past you, going into the bathroom.

You nodded with furrowed brows and walked down into the kitchen with all your things ready, grabbing an apple to eat. As you finished your apple Mina came running downstairs and grabbed her things, grabbing a granola bar to eat on the way. You followed her to the door and quickly closed and locked it behind you as you hurried out. At the bus stop Mina turned to you.

"Why were you ready so early this morning?"

"Hmm?" You turned and looked at her in surprise, "I don't know... Just got up a little earlier than usual, why?"

"You were up late last night, I know because I went to the bathroom and checked on you on my way back and saw you sleeping sitting up in bed, just about to fall over. So I helped you lay down and covered you." She sighed.

"What were you doing up at that hour Mina?" You questioned her sternly.

"I woke up to pee. What were you doing up at two in the morning?" She questioned back even sterner.

"Thinking." You left it at that and climbed into the arrive bus.

Mina climbed in behind you and watched you oddly as you stuck your headphones in. Something was a little off in your yesterday and she noticed, but today you seemed thrilled and almost determined about something, she only wondered what?

The two of you rode the bus quietly and got off at the school, walking in and going your separate ways. Your muscles ached as you climbed the stairs and made you give a happy relieved sigh once you reached the top. You walked down the senior hall and stopped walking the moment you saw a small white card taped to your locker. You looked about you and saw several students glancing to you in wonder as they watched you take a few steps toward your locker. You stood in front of your locker, your thumbs looped behind your backpacks straps.

Removing one hand you reached forward and lightly untapped the card from your locker and undid the opening in order to read it. The card was a soft creamy white color with a gold trimmed edge and in the middle, in simple black ink was:

"Meet me on the roof at lunch.

Come alone.

- ♥"

You cocked your head to the side as you peered at the strange message.

"Who wants to see me on the roof?" You wondered as you stared at the strange heart signature.

To the many stares in the hall you pocketed the note and put your things away, pulling out your first hour things. You went to English and greeted your cousin as did everyone else when they walked in. You sat in your desk and unconsciously throughout the whole lesson, had a tight grip on the note in your pocket. The time ticked by slowly and you were silently cursing the clock to move faster. Each second felt like a lifetime and even though you loved your cousin, you just weren't interested in learning about the foundation of verbs.

You hurried out of that room as soon as the first bell tolled and it still felt like an eternity as you headed to the next class through the slow moving kids in the hall. You probably looked like that eager kid to get to class, when in reality you were eager to get out of your next class before you even made it there.

Throughout your next couple hours all you could think about was this mysterious heart person. You also were still trying to figure out what you were going to say to him in your fifth hour.

Lunch was suddenly your next place to head to and you quickly went to the cafeteria, seeing Mina and your friends already seated and chatting.

"Hey guys!" You approached the table and was greeted happily by everyone.

"Where have you been? Come on sit down, you look like weird standing there." Ken spoke around a mouthful of rice.

"I need to go do something during lunch, I just wanted to come warn you so you weren't worried." You sighed.

"Warn?" Mina looked at you strangely.

"Tell." I corrected my small mistake.

"But-" Kyungsoo started but you waved them off and dashed away.

You headed to the stairs and climbed them quickly, stopping to make sure no one was around and to make sure none of your friends had followed you. Once you knew the coast was clear you quickly climbed the stairs to the roof, you heart beating loudly against you chest. You were so anxious to know who this person was and it didn't help that your stomach was empty as well.

You placed a trembling hand on the cold metal handle of the roof door and pushed it open, stepping out into the sun. The slightly cold breeze took you by surprise and the harsh glare of the sun made you squint your eyes, trying to readjust to the brightness. You lifted a small hand up and covered you eyes in shade so you could see a little better. On the open roof was a single figure and your heart leapt. You timidly took several steps forward, wondering who this person was. Each step felt like you were dragging your feet in mud, your walk become more timid by the second.

"What did this person want?" You thought as you got closer.

The figure turned and you furrowed your brows slightly.

Standing before you was....








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Chapter 5: I'm so in love with this, but I wish these chapters were a bit longer.
Garrisonj #2
Chapter 139: Ugh I'm squelching can't wait for the next update....oooh what will the fans think....oh and uh first I chose hide in the croud but it didn't show on for yoongi. Have you not updated them yet orrr? But yeah I miss uuu
gabinello18 #3
Chapter 140: Unniiiee if you need help or motivation.. I am right here.
stanyou #4
Chapter 134: omg this is so good
update soooooon!!!
KpopLov772 #5
Chapter 134: Please Update my friend!!!!!! ASAP
Garrisonj #6
Chapter 134: Omg please update!!!!!
neottaemune78 #7
Chapter 131: Thanks for the update! I love the way you write this fanfic. Pls update soon ^^ i'll be waiting
Chapter 131: Sorry I mean Update ASAP