B#2 | Offside | roughivge

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Offside by roughivge 

Title:  Offside
Author: roughivge
Characters: Eunjung (T-ara), Jiyeon (T-ara)
Genre: Romance, Drama
Category:Yuri / Genderswitch/
Status: Completed
Description: He didn't want to love anyone, she wanted to find, 'Mr. Perfect.'

Title (9/10):
I like the title name, it somewhat fit with the story at some points, other times not so much, but it was interesting and got you thinking. ^^

Description & Foreword (9/10):
I loved your description to the book, it was well written, well planned out, the only problem was that, when you wrote the characters, I thought you gave too much away, other than that, great job!

Graphics (./10):  (Points will not count)
If you want a poster made for your story we suggest our sistershop writerFairy Graphics.
Click here.  Or go look through our affliates you find great graphic shops there too.

Character Development (9/10):
I really really loved how the characters were in this book, I think they are slowly changing thought ;), I love how Eunjung is so stubborn, it makes me laugh xD, and I love how funny Jiyeon makes me. You did a really nice job!

Appearance (10/10):
Everything here was perfect, I love how you just left it the same, like me ;), making it easy to read and see.

Originality & Plot (8/10):
The plot seemed really nice and I thought it was coming in, though I only read 15 chapters ;), but to be honest, I've read a lot of stories like this, guy doesn't want to fall in love, but the girl does. Yeah, but good job!

Flow (9/10):
I thought the flow was really really nice and good, the only thing was, I think, you should add a little bit more cliff hanger xD. I'm a fan of cliff hangers.

Writing (10/10):
I really liked the way you wrote this story out, sometimes I even had to go and find out some words, but overall it was really nice.

Grammar & Spelling (9/10):
Well I saw absolutely no spelling mistakes except a couple tips are: when you write time, you tend to put periods in between, I don't know if its really 'wrong' but you just have to put like, 'am' or 'pm' instead of, 'a.m.' and 'p.m.' Also when you write when someone is stumbling, I've noticed you put two dashes, once again, not really 'wrong' but you only need one. So when you write something like, 'I--I-- never mind' you just need one, 'I-I- never mind.' But those are just tips, I'm also guessing that your first language is English, because you're amazing at it. Lol

General Enjoyment (9/10):
I thought this story was really interesting the way the characters acted was quite amazing. I like how


Total score: 83/100
Reviewer: nataliechengg
Reviewed on: 09/09/2014
Comments and thoughts: I really like this story and hope you'll write more! Maybe I'll even read more ;) good luck writing and come back! ^^ Also, I realized you don't have a poster, If you need one, you can PM me for really great graphic shops. ^^

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Credits to nataliechengg (NC) @ Steph's BookClub Review Shop (SBC)©

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Chapter 100: Omg I don't even remember having requested this and never credited either. I'm so sorry and I'll do it as soon as I have access to a laptop omgomg