B#1 | Paparazzi Next Door | forgottensnow68

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Paparazzi Next Door by forgottensnow68 

Title: Paparazzi Next Door
Author: forgottensnow68
Characters: EXO and OC
Genre: fluff, romance, drama, comedy
Rating: /
Status: On-Going (3 Chap)
Description: Text.

Title (10/10):
The title "Paparazzi next Door" screamed creativity and drama and I couldn’t wait to start reading it! It was a great play of words and it definitely caught my interest and attention. Well done.

Description & Foreword (9/10):
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE (see what I did there XP) you're description! It was really smooth and it had this sophisticated and mature vibe that made me wanna read it. It also didn’t give away the full story plot which was excellent because I hate it when writer reveal the whole plot in just one paragraph. You did a pro job my dear! ^^ Moving on to le description, it was really intriguing and it totally brought life into the foreword.

Graphics (9.5/10): 
You're poster was so freakin' cute and adorable! I could see all of the elements that was being used in the story and it was definitely eye catching and went well with the storyline! You're graphic artist did a great job!

Character Development (10/10):
The characters were portrayed in a realistic way, they weren't all portrayed in a clichéd manner and I found a strong connection with them. I was especially impressed our you portrayed Kim Nae Rim, her reason for plotting revenge wasn't what I expected and she setted up the spark that was needed to develop the story. In summary, you did an excellent job with you're character development and I can't wait to see more! :)

Appearance (10/10):
The font that was used was excellent! It was very easy to read and wasn't too freakishly large or tiny that would frustrate the hell out of the reader to not bother continue reading it. The story was also well structured and the chapter lengths were great, neither too long or short. In short, you're story structure's appearance meant at the top satisfactory standard. Well done!

Originality & Plot (10/10):
Your plot for "Paparazzi Next Door" is definitely an original. I've read and reviewed some fics that had a pap as the main character but this one really stood out because it was different! You own this story gull! I absolutely loved the ideas you came up with and can’t wait for the next chap!

Flow (10/10):
Your flow was spot on it flowed beautifully from the beginning to the last chapter! It was like I was in a movie watching scene after scene. Full marks for this one!

Writing (10/10):
Your ideas were well conveyed in this story and it's also rather clear how you want the story to go on. All the chapters were smooth and exciting to read and it was flowing into me like it was some movie in my head. This story is definitely Kdrama or movie material! You should be writing scripts or something! ^^

Grammar & Spelling (10/10):
You're grammar and spelling was great! NO ERRORSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!*Throws confetti* This is a first for me because every single time I always pick up one or two minor errors, so great job!

General Enjoyment (9/10):
This story was constructed to magnificently well! From the way you portrayed and wrote about you're characters to the plot… I'm really enjoying your story so far! Anticipating the next chapter!


Total score: 97.5/100
Reviewer: BestFriend4eva
Reviewed on: 23/08/2014
Comments and thoughts: You totally served every mark you got! I couldn’t really write much as this story only has a few chapters but I can't wait to see how the story develops and un-folds! Totally subscribing and upvoting!
Keep writing and best wishes!
XOXO Aera (BF4E)

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Credits to BestFriend4eva (BF4E) @ Steph's BookClub Review Shop (SBC)©

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Chapter 100: Omg I don't even remember having requested this and never credited either. I'm so sorry and I'll do it as soon as I have access to a laptop omgomg