B#5 | Hot Young Bloods | fairiesjpg

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Hot Young Bloods




Comedy, Friendship

OG (8 Chapt)


A story about a group of girls and their hilarious journey in High School.



The title definitely draws readers in. It's unique and it's only been used twice including you using it. It makes me wonder, and think about their personalities.


It's short and straight to the point. It does make me think. The way you describe it makes me want to know why specific characters are labeled this-and-this. It would be just a little bit better if you added more depth to it. Maybe a conversation, but overall a pretty interesting start.


The poster is really cute. It fits the vibe that your going for. Their expressions are perfect for the vibe of your story. Props to the designer.

Char. Dev.

The characters aren't really all that cliche. I like that you went away from the usual characteristics that most people give Apink in stories. It's much more realistic... But, throughout the story sometimes they feel dull and repetitive. They seem to be really close minded, so maybe adding some background to them so readers can understand their situations better (Ex. Hayoung's situation, I'm wondering what's happening)



It's easily readable and it's not too choppy to the point I want to stop reading. Sometimes though, you do tend to rush scenes. One of the most important things in writing is making it seem natural and realistic. Don't make them fight out of the blue, stretch it out a bit and let things come naturally. Imagine how things would go in the real world.



To be honest, your plot is bit unclear and seems to be just the regular lives of high school teenagers going through those phases. It's also a pretty over-used kind of setting. But what makes up for it is the new fresh air of the Apink you bring. New personalities. You can definitely improve though. Find plot twists and give the story a kind of goal to reach. Make the characters go through struggles to reach something they want/need. It won't be the greatest story if there is no complications. I f you can find the conflicts and work with them, then you can make a great story.



Overall the story is flowing so-so. I just don't see where it's going. Develop the story more. Give background to make the characters dynamic and complex. Like I've said before, don't rush scenes. Don't be afraid to drag out some scenes. Knowing more details to something is better than not knowing enough and keeping readers in the dark.


The story is pretty understandable and I could generally keep up with it. You can describe the characters actions really well. Just work on describing the setting more.


There are some tiny grammar mistakes. I recommend you go back. It's usually just forgetting your s's and sometimes you do switch from past tense to present tense. If this is troublesome for you, beta-readers are a great choice.


Overall it's a very interesting story that I can relate to and laugh along to. I absolutely love the character interactions and I think it's what is keeping me reading this. The biggest thing that I noticed though is the lack of a "real" plot. That's what really stands out... And you need a plot for a story. All in all, from my personal perspective, if you can find an average plot for each character, then you can make a very dynamic story that will keep every reader interested! I know you do it! You're way of expressing characters is amazing ^^


Title : 9/10

Description & Foreword: 8/10

Graphics: 10/10

Character Development: 7/10

Appearance : 9/10

Originality & Plot: 7/10

Flow: 8/10

Writing: 9/10

Grammar & Spelling: 8/10

General Enjoyment: 8/10

83 / 100

© writerFairy Layouts 2015
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Chapter 100: Omg I don't even remember having requested this and never credited either. I'm so sorry and I'll do it as soon as I have access to a laptop omgomg