B#1 | Chasing Shadow | shinningtiara

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Chasing Your Shadow by shinningtiara 

Title: Chasing Your Shadow
Author: shinningtiara
Characters: Kim Jaejoong, Jung Yunho
Genre: Romance, angst,
Rating: /
Status: Completed (18 Chap)
Description:Yunho and Jaejoong love each other, they even got married then something happened and Yunho left Jaejoong behind, alone with his son but Jaejoong believes in his true love that if he keep waiting for him one day... maybe one day he will meet him again.

Title (9/10):
It’s a unique title, and it suits the story well.

Description & Foreword (9/10):
I like the description and the foreword; they fit the story well. You could maybe change the style of the description to a question.

Graphics (9/10): 
It’s a nice poster and it fits the story well!

Character Development (8/10):
The characters are developed well, especially Jaejoong’s. He seems to be growing emotionally through the chapters so props to you!

Appearance (9/10):
The font is perfect. When you end a flashback, the story seems like it’s still a flashback. That’s the only problem I found.

Originality & Plot (8/10):
It’s a wonderful idea. I’ve seen another fic like this but it was a Kaisoo fic

Flow (6/10):
It’s a wonderful idea. I’ve seen another fic like this but it was a Kaisoo fic

Writing (7/10):
I like your writing style! It’s really nice, and I almost cried in the last 2 chapters and that’s saying something because I rarely cry

Grammar & Spelling (6/10):
This is where you tripped up a bit, because you used commas incorrectly. Commas are used to list things and are used for extra information. You didn’t use commas when you had extra info in the sentence.

General Enjoyment (8/10):
I liked it! It was a really good fic with an equally good idea!


Total score: 79/100
Reviewer: kimchispaGHEItti
Reviewed on: 22/08/2014
Comments and thoughts: It was a cute but sad fic that I enjoyed a lot! You should keep churning out stories like these!

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Credits to kimchispaGHEItti (KS) @ Steph's BookClub Review Shop (SBC)©

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Chapter 100: Omg I don't even remember having requested this and never credited either. I'm so sorry and I'll do it as soon as I have access to a laptop omgomg