Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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Sometimes, the saying “First impression lasts” is not that true. Anne and ________ have a negative impression on each other when they first met, and they can prove that it can be changed. The two girls were once mortal enemies and they loathe each other so much that they have exchanged spicy and hurtful words as well. But now, after days of working together, they have seen each other’s good side.

Anne has been working as __________’s secretary/assistant for almost a week already and she’s been totally changed, inside and out. She actually thought that her first day in work is going to be hell because she knows that _________ will really squeeze the hell out of her, but what she’s been thinking is totally the opposite thing. Rather, her boss treated her kindly and even changed her life forever. When she brought Anne to the magazine’s fashion closet, the young mother can’t help but cry because she has been given a lot of clothes and some shoes that she has never thought of having. Just the sight of those expensive pieces amazes her, what more wearing it. ________ has given Anne a total make-over and she doesn’t even know how to thank her enough. The beauty that was kept hidden for a long time was unleashed and is ready to show the world what it got.

“They are really a beautiful couple” Anne told to herself upon seeing _________ and G-dragon kissing.

She has been hiding in her corner while watching the couple and even if she knows that it’s not right to watch them in their most intimate moment, she can’t help but look. Of course, there is a stab in her heart while watching the whole thing, simply because she’s in-love with the man that her boss is kissing and there’s even a feeling of wanting to be her.

“Oh!” she said when a paper weight fell on the floor.

“OH! OMO!” G-dragon said in shock upon seeing the girl that nearly broke his relationship.

“Great…really great” Anne thought to herself while looking straight into the guy’s eyes.

She can’t help it. His eyes are like a prison cell that once you entered in it, you will have a hard time getting out of it. It’s like her soul is being taken by him every time their eyes meet and it’s really a weird thing.

“uhmm…babe…Anne is replacing Cho hee for a while” _______ told her husband, his shocked reaction can still be seen on his face.

Anne’s heart was beating so fast when G-dragon decided to wait for his wife inside her office. She can’t stop from looking at him and there was even a time when she found herself staring for so long, it’s really a good thing that he’s so busy playing a game on his phone.

“I wonder if he can notice the new me” Anne thought to herself while looking at G-dragon.

She knows and she’s confident about her new look, but it looks like the man of her dreams didn’t even noticed it. He didn’t even look at her for so long, which made Anne a bit sad.

“Are you planning for the anniversary ball already babe?” G-dragon asked, breaking the silence.

“We are….but…things are a bit scattered all over the place as of the moment….I’m still in my liquid brain mode these past few days…why?” ________ answered, making her husband chuckle.

“Aigoo…your mind never goes liquid…what’s up with you? Anyway…the boys and I are always looking forward to that ball and you know that” he answered, earning a smirk from his wife.

“Anne” _________ called out, making the young mother jerk up.

“What is it ma’am?” she asked, then her eyes automatically shifted from her boss to her husband.

“You have to prepare a rocking outfit for the ball weeks from now…I’m telling you….it’s one big fashion event and I want you to stand out…I’m not putting pressure on you OK? I just want you to experience the whole event in full swing” her boss answered and it touched her because she’s really caring for her.

“I got it ma’am” she said shyly.

Her boss’s sudden change is a bit questionable to her but on the other hand, it looks like she’s sincere. After all, her kindness is really natural according to her staffs and she has seen it several times already.

“Babe” __________ called out to her husband.


“Can you give me a theme for the ball? I’ve been searching the net for a good one but I can’t decide on which is best” __________ said and G-dragon went to his wife.

“A masquerade is cool” he said, but ________ shook her head.

“We already did that during our second anniversary” she told him.

“Aigoo….this is so hard” G-dragon said, earning a nod of agreement from his wife.

Anne is once again awed by how the couple works together. It was like, they are really meant for each other because they agree to everything and listens to each other’s opinions and considers it. They even had the whole ball plan finished and polished in a matter of thirty minutes.

“Anne…I would like you to make a presentation about this plan” _________ handed her the papers.

“What do you think of it?” __________ asked all of a sudden, surprising Anne.

The young mother was shocked because her boss is asking for her opinion and it was not what she was expecting. She thought that she had no voice in this office at all, that’s why she froze when her boss asked if her plans for the ball are just fine.

“It is so good ma’am….I really love the theme” Anne answered, earning a satisfied smile from ________.

After hours of non-stop work, they finally wrapped up and called it a day. She was so happy to be bringing home a big bag of clothes and shoes. Her son, Yuri will surely be awed once he sees his mother’s new look.

“Okasan!” Yuri called out when she entered their apartment.

Anne was able to find a babysitter for her son who accompanies him after school. Now that she can afford a babysitter, she’s got no problems anymore. Well, she does have tons of problems brought by her family and she can’t do anything about it. She will have to pay for her brother’s debts and it was really difficult for her to even give such big amount of money when she knows that it’ll just go to some stranger. Thousands can already buy a lot of things that she and her son needs, but because she’s got no choice but to give it to her brother, all she can do is work her off once again and wait for her next salary.

“Wow!” the little boy said in awe upon seeing the contents of the big bag.

“Are they beautiful?” Anne asked and her son nods.

All the clothes that her boss has given her looks new and really expensive. From the accessories to the shoes, it seems like she really spent time in pairing all of them to make a wonderful outfit.

“This is my welcome gift to you. Welcome to our department. Have a nice experience – ___________ Kwon”

The young mother is now awed by her boss’s kindness. It’s really far from the first impression that she has given her. When they first met, all she can feel in her is angst and not

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ