Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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“You know what? For once….don’t listen to Daryl…please” Railey begged, making Daryl looked at her, offended.

At that point, I know that the girls are having this secret fight in their heads and it’s making me feel bad coz they are clashing because of me. The three of us rarely fight and this is the first time that the two doesn’t have the same opinion in a matter.

“Sis…just think about this…once Jiyong learns this…he will go wild and he might kill Brady…it’ll just bring him to hell and he will cause a lot of trouble….and I’m telling you…this whole thing will not only shatter him or your marriage…this will shatter your whole family” Daryl explained herself and I sighed.

“But sis….if she will not tell the truth to Jiyong…it’s like doing what he did to her…she will hide this sin to him and what? After some time….her husband will know it too…and if that time comes….I’m going to bet my whole life in this….you will be forced to kiss your perfect life goodbye” Railey said and stared at me.

I’m totally torn! I don’t know what to do and whom to listen to anymore. What I know is that, whether I tell the truth to him or not, I’ll be burdened by this deed for life and it’s enough to make me pay for it.

“Sis…remember this…your future isn’t written…no one is….you can make it whatever you want…so make it a good one…and I swear! Telling your husband the truth will surely bring you to that future that you want” Railey added and I nod because she has a point.

“I don’t know what to think anymore…half of me is saying…go! Tell him the truth…and half of me is saying….no! Do not tell him the truth because it’ll just ruin everything” I told them and they gave out a sigh.

“Either way…it’ll ruin you….I cannot even imagine how hard it is for you to sleep and wake up beside your husband….I don’t even know how you can take kissing him when you are hiding this big secret to him” Railey said and I looked at Daryl who is in deep thoughts.

“What are you thinking?” I asked her and she looked at Railey and me, then gave out a sigh.

“I still think that telling the truth is not important anymore…I mean…what’s done is done…after all…no one saw it….and if ever Brady have plans of telling Jiyong what happened….he will surely do it earlier…but up until now…he’s not doing anything…so it’s clear that he didn’t do that to ruin you….sis…you have to consider lying sometimes….you get me? Because it’s better to keep it in especially when you know that the consequence of what you’ve done will really make your life a living hell” Daryl said and Railey smirked.

“Look around you sis” Railey told Daryl and she obeyed.

“If you have forgotten…there are three CCTV cameras around this office….and there are five personnel who are watching everything in their monitors….it’s not only the two of you who knows about this stupid deed….there are five more and once they speak out…you are dead” Railey said with a blank face and I began feeling nervous.

I have never thought about the cameras at all. The moment everything sinks in, my mind is just so ed up already that I just want to go to Jiyong and tell him my stupid act. Now, I’m not the angel that everybody in this building thought I was, I am now a cheating wife and it’s really devastating.

“What are you doing?” I asked Daryl, who is calling someone.

“I’m contacting the security personnel…I want to ask for the original copy of your office tapes” she answered and I looked at her in disbelief.

I can really feel that Daryl is so eager to hide this whole thing to Jiyong, and I get her point. I know that she doesn’t want dramas anymore and all she wants is for us to continue life like nothing happened because after all, it’s already done and we cannot do anything to bring it back.

“I’ll get the copies now...I’ll be there in a minute” Daryl said while talking to a security staff.

“You’re one lucky ” she said after hanging up.

“Why?” I asked curiously.

“It looks like no one saw what you and Brady did….the head of the security told me that they don’t have people monitoring …so it just means that your ing kiss with the enemy was just recorded and I’m going there now to get the original tapes from them” she said and stood up.

“Sis…I’ll just ask Cho hee to get it” I told her and she just shook her head and head to the door.

“No need…I need some fresh air anyway….coz it’s really ing tensed and suffocating here” she said and I just gave her a forced smile.

In my opinion, hiding the truth from my husband won’t be a big deal. Yes, this will be the first time that I will lie to him, but I’m just doing this to save him from the pain that this whole thing may cause.

“Sis…listen to me “Railey said when Daryl is already out of sight.

“Tell Jiyong the truth…don’t do the same mistakes that he did…just think of what you felt when you learned that he has hid his kissing moment with Anne to you…you went wild…you got so mad at him that you can almost kill somebody…you were hurt….but after talking and compromising…you’re back again….trust me…telling him the truth will surely bring him pain…but it’s not going to be for long….while hiding the truth from him will surely bug you forever and once he learns about that…..there will be no you and him better say it now than waste time hiding it” she continued and I just stared at her with my tears flowing down my cheeks like waterfalls.

“But it will   make him hate me….sis…I didn’t see that coming…I’m not even aware of what I did until I came back to my senses….I didn’t intend to cheat on him….I don’t even know if that’s cheating…you know me…cheating on Jiyong is the last thing that I’ll do…I am really faithful to him and that will be forever” I breakdown and she hugged me for comfort.

“Sis…just take this as another challenge…yes…I do believe in you…I know so well that you will not even think of cheating on Jiyong even if he keeps on playing around...the right thing to do now is be honest with him…in that way…things will be much easier to take and the wound will not be that deep” she said and I just cry hard.

And my decision is final. Railey convinced me to just tell Jiyong the truth instead of hiding everything to him. Yes, I’m taking risks and I know that this will bring us to another round of hate but I know my husband, he will understand me like what I always do to him. Our relationship is stronger than metal and not a simple kiss with some guy can break it.

“It’s up to you…after all…it’s your life….just always remember that you have us….things will surely after your confession…but it will go back to normal after some time” Daryl said when I told her about my decision.

“Thank you sis…I know that this is really the most stupid thing that I’ve done in my whole life….but you’re still beside me to support” I told them and they hugged me.

“This is what sisters are for….we have promised to not leave each other thru thick or thin” Daryl said. “Thru richer or for poorer…in sickness and in health….till all our stupid things...insanity…and death bring us apart” we recited all together and laughed.

“Now…all you have to do is plan for your biggest confession” Railey said, now with a wide smile on her face.

This is really the hardest part of all. How will I be able to make things light for him? I mean, yes, after my confession, I know that everything will be black for the both of us but I just have to make this confession easier.

“We had a bet awhile ago about our daughters and he won….his prize would be a hot night and I promised him that I’ll do it” I told the girls while we’re having lunch.

“Well then…DO IT!” Daryl said and Railey shook her head in protest.

“How the hell can she say it after a good time? I mean…c’mon! You are in heaven after and it’ll be so traumatic if after that you’ll go way down to hell in just a snap” Railey pointed out and I sighed.

This will be another round of debate and clashes (this is how we are whenever we don’t agree with each other, WHAT’S NEW?).

“It’s better to make him feel loved first before saying the truth…trust me…it’ll lessen the hate…..the pain…and all the horror” Daryl said and Railey seems to give up.

“We haven’t done it for a week already….and I know that he’s wanting it so bad” I said and they nod at me.

“Fine…bring him happiness and satisfaction first then give him the bang of his life…which is your stupid deed…sweet! Tell me if that thing works…so that I’ll be able to do it to Seunghyun as well” Railey said, causing us laughter.

“You’ll be playing with his emotions tonight and be ready for some heavy action….and DRAMA” Daryl said and I sighed.

Just by thinking of telling my husband the truth after making him happy is enough to bring me to the world of insanity. I know that this is torture for him, but this is the only way that I can think of.

“Cho hee?”  I called and she turned to look at me.

“Where is Ms. Amori? I haven’t seen her for days already…is she on leave or something?” I asked curiously.

Well, Anne is nowhere to be seen and I’m really getting annoyed with her. She’s got lot of things

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ