Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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It’s been a day since Anne and her son left Japan. Like any other foreigners, they are still adjusting with their environment. Yesterday, she was welcomed warmly and the people at YG Entertainment is so considerate for they  permitted her to bring Yuri during working hours up until she finds him a good school/ day care center who can take care of him while she’s at work.

“I’m Yang Hyun Suk…YG entertainment’s CEO” the man with a serious expression on his face introduced.

“I’m Anne Amori Sir…nice to meet you” Anne said and shook his hand.

“And this is your son?” he asked while looking at Yuri.

“Yes sir…his name is Yuri” she answered and her new boss smiled at the little boy.

Anne’s heart is pounding like there’s no tomorrow and her nerves are killing her already. She can’t speak normally coz she’s afraid that she might say something wrong.

“By the way…this is Teddy….he’s one of our senior producers here” her boss introduced a guy who looks so good and chic.

“Hi…welcome to YG” the man who is just so full of swag reached out his hand to her.

“Thank you…I’m Anne…nice meeting you” she said and shook his hand.

“So…Anne” President YG started “I’m pretty sure that you know what you’re going to do here…right?” he asked and she nods.

“Actually…we have eight foreign language teachers around…but…I’ve decided to add one more since we have a lot of trainees and I want them to learn different languages so well…YGEX have recommended you to us because according to them…you are really good in speaking both English and Japanese to think that you weren’t able to finish your studies…that alone amazed me…so I told them to talk to you and somewhat convince you to come here” he continued and was interrupted when Yuri stood up from his chair and started playing with the toys that was on display.

Anne knew that this will happen, for the whole office is so full of toys in different sizes. For Yuri, this room is heaven and no matter how his mother stop him, he will not even let her for it is the little boy’s first time to even touch big and beautiful toys.

“I’m really sorry” Anne said and went to her son who has a bear brick toy in his hand already.

“It’s fine…just let him play” her boss told her and all she can do is sigh.

“I’m really sorry sir…it’s his first time to see a lot of toys that’s why he got really excited” she explained nervously.

“Don’t worry about anything…my son always plays with those toys as well” he said and she’s just so thankful that her boss is kind.

Mr. YG, as Anne calls him, explained her work and the things that she needed to know. According to him, she will handle five students and will be teaching them for four hours a day. She doesn’t have to work on weekends to rest.

“One benefit of working in YG is you’re lodging expenses is already covered by us…I know that you have seen your apartment already for you were brought there first…before going here…right?” Mr. YG asked and she nods.

“Yes Sir…thank you for giving us a place to stay…it was really beautiful” she said and he just gave her a small smile.

The apartment that they’ll stay in is really big and just from the way it looks, you can say that it costs millions. Anne and Yuri will have different rooms for themselves and her son is just so happy for his room is overlooking a river. Both mother and son cannot believe that they’ll be living in such a beautiful place for it’s just so far from the small apartment that they’re renting in Japan.

“This is Mr. Baek…he’s going to be your supervisor” Mr. YG introduced a muscular guy who in her estimate is a lot older than her.

“Nice meeting you Sir” she greeted and the man just gave her a small smile.

“Are the people here really serious?” Anne thought to herself.

After their talk, Mr. Baek toured Anne around the building. All the new teacher can do is gasp with the beautiful things that she’s seeing. The whole building is just so perfect in her eyes and it’s making her more excited to work. Her supervisor toured her everywhere and she’s seeing a lot of Big Bang, but her eyes are just fixed with G-dragon.

“OTOSAN!” Yuri shouted while pointing at a big picture of G-dragon.

“OTOSAN!” he repeated, making Mr. Baek look at him weirdly.

“Your son is a big fan of Jiyong?” Mr. Baek asked and she just nods at him nervously.

“I’m sure…once Jiyong hears you calling him Otosan…he’ll flip out” Mr. Baek told Yuri in Japanese and the boy just smiled shyly at him.

“He will not only flip out” Anne thought to herself.

Anne has explained to Yuri who G-dragon really is. She has told him that the man that he mistakes as his dad is not really his father, but the kid is not even listening to her. The young mother is already ashamed of what her son is doing and she’s praying that he will get over it soon.

“And this is the YG RUNWAY MAGAZINE office…this whole floor is theirs and this is one of YG’s pride” Mr. Baek said and she peeked through the glass walls of the office.

It was a very chic and stylish place. There are people going in and out of it and they all looked so good. At one point, she thought that the employees are models.

“You wanna go in?” Mr. Baek asked and he opened the glass doors and walked in even before she agreed.

“WOW!” Anne’s jaw dropped the moment she saw the whole office.

The whole floor blew her away because of its wonderful interiors. It’s every girl’s dream to be in the fashion world and the people in this department are all living in it.

“Oh! Why are you here?” a girl who looks like a model asked Mr. Baek.

“I’m touring our new Japanese teacher around…by the way…this is Anne and her son…Yuri” Mr. Baek introduced “Anne…this is Cho hee…she’s the head secretary here for she’s working for THE BOSS” he continued and the beautiful girl chuckled and reached out her hand to Anne.

“Nice meeting you Anne…and welcome to YG Entertainment” she said cheerfully.

Cho hee and Mr. Baek toured Anne around the whole office, even in their big studios. All she can see are chic and beautiful things. Something caught her eye when they passed one of the studios. A huge picture of G-dragon’s wife is hanged on the wall and she’s looking so beautiful and really y.

“Is she a model?” Anne asked while pointing at the picture.

“Oh no dear! She’s the legendary senior editor of this magazine brand…she’s the one leading the whole team

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ