Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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November 18

A home is like a piece of music where all essentials are in harmony. Every mind has its hidden light, and each member of the family brings its radiance to the breakfast table, where the keynote of the day is sounded. It may be a low growl on the bass notes, a shrill falsetto, or a sweet clear sound, but from it the strain of the day largely takes its tone. Home is a magnet which ever attracts the heart. It’s an oasis. A paradise – type of heaven on earth.

I am home at last and I cannot believe it!

After two months in America, we were able to go back to our lovable home, Korea. Well, I know that I’ll just stay here for a week but still, I feel so good because I’m gonna see all the wonderful people that this place has (except for Lauren of course).

“Mum! I’ll bring this for the Aunts and Uncles to see” DK said while showing me her achievement ribbons in school.

“OK…pack it nicely so that it won’t get messed up” I told her and she smiled at me.

“Mum! I’ll bring this for Tabitha” Gabby said while showing me a doll that she bought yesterday.

“Alright” I said with a wide smile on my face.

Jiyong and the kids went to the mall yesterday to buy gifts for the whole gang and I’m telling you, we’ve got boxes of them and up till now, we are still packing (well, THEY are packing).

“Mum! DK bought this for Uncle Tabi” Isabella said while showing me a colorful jacket.

“Wow baby girl! You’ve got great taste” I told DK and she giggled.

“Aigoo…I still cannot take it…. my daughter bought a gift for TOP hyung while she hasn’t even given me any gifts at all…to think that I’m her father” Jiyong teased, making all of us laugh.

“Dad!” DK protested and a smile appeared on my face because of their cuteness.

“DK noona really loves Uncle Tabi….but she has crushes in school…I even saw her with a boy yesterday in the cafeteria and she didn’t even greet me” Danny said and I looked at my daughter in disbelief.

“Is that true Daniella Klaire?” Jiyong asked seriously (this is the first time in a long time that I heard him call DK in her full name).

“Dad! That’s not true! We saw each other in the cafeteria yesterday and I even smiled at him…and…I’m with my friends…not just with a boy” DK countered and glared at Danny.

This is one problem when you have a dominant female at home. The boys cannot say anything anymore once their sisters glares at them because that’s the girls’ warning that things will go hell for the boys once they speak out (it’s actually a trait that the girls got from me I think).

“Girls…you should always look after your brothers…get me?” I said after a long silence and my girls sighed.

“But mum…the boys are just super annoying…did you know that they always follow us whenever they see us in school? The twins even waited for me outside my classroom just to introduce their friends to me” Isabella complained, making me giggle.

“Babies…your brothers just wants you to know the people that they’re with…there’s nothing wrong with that…actually…you should be thankful that they are being like this to you” I told her and she sighed.

“But it’s just too much! They always report everything to dad…last week…I was just having a conversation with a guy friend and next thing I know it…dad messaged me saying that I should not entertain suitors yet because I’m still young…I’m not even being courted by anyone mum” Gabby said and I looked at Jiyong with narrow eyes.

As usual, Jiyong is once again behind all the annoying and protective deeds of the boys. Gosh! My husband gets really paranoid when it comes to our girls being surrounded by boys. I mean, they are in a CoEd school which means it’s totally impossible for them to not meet boys and be friends with them. The two of us have been in this kind of situation as well (especially him who is so popular when it comes to girls when he was still in school).

“Jiyong” I called and he looked at me with his what-did-I-do-to-you look.

“You shouldn’t be over protective to the girls…it’s a bit annoying on their part” I told him and he sighed.

“But babe…I have to…they are being courted by boys already…I know that Isabella’s suitors freaked the hell out of you yesterday” he said and all I can do is sigh.

Yesterday, I got the biggest shock of my life when Isabella’s suitors dropped by in different times and they look like pros in courting already. There are three of them and it’s totally mind blowing because one boy even gave my daughter a dozen of roses (they are fresh and well wrapped). The second boy came an hour after with a box of chocolates in hand (he’s the cutest of all). Then the third boy came late in the evening with his mother just to give us they’re homemade cupcakes (in all fairness to them, their cupcakes are really a winner for it is so good). 

Actually, I cannot believe that this is happening. I know that sooner or later, the girls will have a line of suitors outside our house and the boys will court girls as well but this is just too early. I’m quite impressed with Isabella though, she told her suitors that she should be courted at home because that’s what my in-laws and even my parents told her.

“I know that this is not normal…but what can we do? Our girls are beautiful and their personalities are just so great…there wouldn’t be a man who wouldn’t fall for them” I told him and he sighed.

“I’m good with them being courted but not this early…our girls doesn’t even know what love is yet” he said and I can feel that he’s really affected by this whole thing.

“Babe…trust me…this is just puppy love…and do you think our daughters will enter a relationship already? They are smarter than we think and I know that they have engraved in their minds that boyfriends and romance is not yet for them…don’t over think…it’s not good for you…and…we shouldn’t be thinking of those things first coz we’re gonna leave for Korea in a few hours…we should be rejoicing as a matter of fact” I said and he hugged me.

“I know…I can’t wait already” he said while leaving soft kisses on my shoulder.

“At last…we will see everybody” I said and he nods in agreement.

This is such a sweet time for us. I’m so giddy and all I want is to get in that plane and leave. Mum told me that I shouldn’t be super excited for it can affect my health in any other way but I just can’t stop from being excited.

“I look so pregnant” I said when I saw myself in the mirror.

This is really a serious case. I swear! I don’t know why, but according to my mum, I look like a malnourished girl who is so thin with a big stomach (she’s so harsh, right?). Well, fine! I may look like a malnourished kid for I’m near skin and bones but I’m so sure that once we arrive in Korea and Omma sees me, she will make millions of super good dishes for me to eat. I promised Jiyong that I’ll bring my “healthy” body back and up till now, I’m still far behind it. Why? Because my appetite is not good at all, and my eating habit is so ed up.

“Babe…you are pregnant…of course…you’ll look like one” Jiyong said when he passed by me.

“But….just look at me!” I faced him and he scanned me from head to foot (I feel a bit awkward).

“I’m only what? Five months pregnant and my belly looks like I’m gonna give birth any time already….it’s just weird” I said and he pulled me closer to him.

“________.....in case you’ve forgotten…you are carrying two babies…and they are growing” he said and kissed my forehead.

I’ve expected my baby bump to be really big for when I was pregnant with Russelle and Gabrielle, my stomach got a lot bigger than usual, but my baby bump now is all new to me. I feel like I’m already eight months pregnant, going to nine months already. Not to mention, it’s heavy.

“You still look good…fresh and beautiful…that dress suits you and it doesn’t even have a feel of pregnancy in it…you look perfect!” Jiyong said and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Of course you’re just saying that to make your oh-so –preggy wife feel confident” I said and he chuckled.

“Yah! I’m serious!” he said and I hugged him tightly.

“If only I can wear high heels…this insecurity will be really gone” I said and he pulled out from the hug.

“Aigoo…you’re saying that for me to allow you to wear high heels…well Mrs. Kwon…I’m sorry to say but…I will not even let you try one high heeled shoes on” he said and I hissed.

OK. I know that I’m acting like a baby in complaining about my baby bump and how I look (I know that I am so thin as of the moment, but I’d be back in shape

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ